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My Animal Farm 1.3.0

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Gay Sparkly T-Rex


Is it possible to change the addon fron giving a fixed amount of an item to a min/max set up? I dont want players to get 100 wood every time but rather between 50 and 200.

Gay Sparkly T-Rex


Also now you need to place the skinned boxes down for them to work as tossing the animals on the ground no longer pairs them to the trough



12 hours ago, Gay Sparkly T-Rex said:

Also now you need to place the skinned boxes down for them to work as tossing the animals on the ground no longer pairs them to the trough

This was changed in one of the updates, due to the influence of other plugins on the work of this function, many buyers

Gay Sparkly T-Rex


may want to update the video then as it confused us for a bit


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Gay Sparkly T-Rex

Posted (edited)

Anything about having a min/max of an item instead of just static amounts?

Edited by Gay Sparkly T-Rex


1 hour ago, Gay Sparkly T-Rex said:

Anything about having a min/max of an item instead of just static amounts?

Only fixed amount 



Hey i am having an issue. After a restart animals are disappearing. Our server restarts 2 times a day. please let me know if there is something i need to change 



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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, BenThereResinThat said:

Hey i am having an issue. After a restart animals are disappearing. Our server restarts 2 times a day. please let me know if there is something i need to change 



All animals saving and then respawn on loading plugin. Maybe you have cleaning plugins, or some plugin delete it. 

Edited by Qbis

Posted (edited)

Anyway to add horses so it will collect their poo as well?   Can't use the farming mod and this one at same time it breaks them . Also how about polar bears?



Edited by XianSeho


21 hours ago, XianSeho said:

Anyway to add horses so it will collect their poo as well?   Can't use the farming mod and this one at same time it breaks them . Also how about polar bears?



There are no plans for such functionality with horses and their poop. You can add polar bears yourself, you need to add everything the same in the config, as with other animals



what would the skin id of the polar bear be?   or do i just need to add the farm and not worry about the trap section? like what would i add in this section to make the trap work for polar bears?

 "Trap's skinID": 2700876388,
      "Trap's name": "Wolf/Bear Trap",
      "Bait's ShortName": "meat.boar",
      "Trap's radius": 30.0,
      "Who can be caught": [
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700880093,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "bear",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/bear/bear.prefab"
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700884049,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "wolf",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab"
      "Can be crafted": true,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/sZyLCgP.png",
      "List of necessary items for crafting": [
          "Item Shortname": "meat.boar",
          "Item Amount": 1
          "Item Shortname": "trap.bear",
          "Item Amount": 1




tried to add this to the config but did not work

added this to the top section

  "General settings": {
    "Maximum farms per player": 4,
    "Link to pictures of animals": {
      "bear": "https://i.imgur.com/rwNKrbQ.png",
      "polarbear": "https://i.imgur.com/rwNKrbQ.png",      
      "wolf": "https://i.imgur.com/AHpf3pf.png",
      "stag": "https://i.imgur.com/WmIKIFG.png",
      "boar": "https://i.imgur.com/GehMURO.png"

and added this int he farm section

      "Permission to be able to create a farm": "myanimalfarm.polarbear",
      "Animal name": "polarbear",
      "Interval between receiving items": 200,
      "How much to take away HP from animals for 1 tick of rewards (0 - off)": 0,
      "Maximum farm animals": 10,
      "Farm radius": 10,
      "The amount of food eaten per 1 animal per 1 tick (0 - off)": 1,
      "Food ShortName": "deermeat.raw",
      "Rewards": [
          "Item ShortName": "horsedung",
          "Item amount": 3,
          "Item skinID": 0,
          "Item name (if custom)": "Wild Animal Poo",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 100
          "Item ShortName": "lowgradefuel",
          "Item amount": 3,
          "Item skinID": 2664651800,
          "Item name (if custom)": "Fuel 98% Octane",
          "Drop chances (1 - 100)": 10



the above does not work can you point me to where i went wrong with adding the polar bear to the config?





13 hours ago, XianSeho said:

the above does not work can you point me to where i went wrong with adding the polar bear to the config?



You need add  "Trap settings" yet, use standart trap with meat 


      "Trap's skinID": 2700876388,
      "Trap's name": "Wolf/Bear Trap",
      "Bait's ShortName": "meat.boar",
      "Trap's radius": 30.0,
      "Who can be caught": [
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700880093,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "bear",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/bear/bear.prefab"
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700884049,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "wolf",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab"
      "Can be crafted": true,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/sZyLCgP.png",
      "List of necessary items for crafting": [
          "Item Shortname": "meat.boar",
          "Item Amount": 1
          "Item Shortname": "trap.bear",
          "Item Amount": 1


      "Trap's skinID": 2700876388,
      "Trap's name": "Wolf/Bear Trap",
      "Bait's ShortName": "meat.boar",
      "Trap's radius": 30.0,
      "Who can be caught": [
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700880093,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "bear",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/bear/bear.prefab"
          "SkinID of item after capture": 2700884049,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "wolf",
          "Animal prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab"
          "SkinID of item after capture": SKIN ID OF POLARBEAR,
          "Animal name (ShortPrefabName)": "SHORT NAME",
          "Animal prefab": "POLARBEAR's PREFAB"
      "Can be crafted": true,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/sZyLCgP.png",
      "List of necessary items for crafting": [
          "Item Shortname": "meat.boar",
          "Item Amount": 1
          "Item Shortname": "trap.bear",
          "Item Amount": 1




thanks for the info.  2 more questions.  can you think about how come my animals keep disappearing i have then set to 0 on the hp on animals set to 0.  also, any idea where to get the skin id of the polar bear?  i found the asset but am having trouble finding the skin after capture id?




Hi, I just bought this plugin today and I just can't seem to place the animals in font of the feeders - only behind where they always face backwards.   I showed a photo from the air to show what I mean.  I'd really like to use this and am hoping I am doing something wrong?  Thanks!




8 hours ago, Evil_Orko said:

Hi, I just bought this plugin today and I just can't seem to place the animals in font of the feeders - only behind where they always face backwards.   I showed a photo from the air to show what I mean.  I'd really like to use this and am hoping I am doing something wrong?  Thanks!


You can’t place something in front of feeders, it’s option of the game. Animals see on you,  when you place him 



change the settings :

"Farm radius": 100,

and you can put the animals where you like in base 


Posted (edited)


Edited by carlness


On 4/19/2023 at 4:18 AM, Gay Sparkly T-Rex said:

may want to update the video then as it confused us for a bit


yeah im not happy about this 



1 minute ago, carlness said:

yeah im not happy about this 

also i put the animals down and nothing happens they dont take anythnig from box or trough



First, you must make sure it is connected to the box. Second, you must put a picture of the animal you want him to eat from and put the special food for him.

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Posted (edited)

can u make a salmon and corn trap image ive tried myself but dont know how to get my own skinid, also is 1 tick the 300 seconds? im trying to work out the food to reward ratios for my players, thanks great plug in btw

Edited by carlness


Images must be compatible with [ Image Library Plugin ]

this is my settings :

"Permission to be able to create a farm": "myanimalfarm.boar",
      "Animal name": "boar",
      "Interval between receiving items": 60,   >>>>        Here you set the time to eat food, for me 1 minute is enough
      "How much to take away HP from animals for 1 tick of rewards (0 - off)": 0,       >>       0 = no die
      "Maximum farm animals": 2,        
      "Farm radius": 50,    >>>     Here helps players place animals wherever they wants in the base.  = 50m the zone
      "The amount of food eaten per 1 animal per 1 tick (0 - off)": 1,     >>>  Here you can play with the amount of food you eat
      "Food ShortName": "black.berry",   >>> here you can change the food


After you finish this, you must set a percentage for all resources

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Posted (edited)

On 3/23/2024 at 4:36 AM, carlness said:

can u make a salmon and corn trap image ive tried myself but dont know how to get my own skinid, also is 1 tick the 300 seconds? im trying to work out the food to reward ratios for my players, thanks great plug in btw

You can load u skins with special program, write me to pm, I give you link. You need load img 512x512 to your steam account (with program). Or you can give me img. I'll upload it myself and give you skinID. 
If you want do img with trap + salmon, do the following.
1. Take png trap and salmon (in google).
2.Create in photoshop png 512x512

3.Place the trap on the 1st layer, and salmon on the second layer on top of the trap. Save the picture

"Interval between receiving items" - its seconds between tick

Edited by Qbis

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