About Horse Breeds
Allows players to change the breed of the horse they are currently riding.
-- Allows players to use chat command /horse <breed type>
-- Allows players to use the commands for free
Chat Commands
/horse {breed type}
Console Commands
horse {player} {breed type}
Breed Types
(can use either number or name with commands)
0 - Appalosa
1 - Bay
2 - Buckskin
3 - Chestnut
4 - Dapple Grey
5 - Piebald
6 - Pinto
7 - Red Roan
8 - White Thoroughbred
9 - Black Thoroughbred
For more information about Breed Statistics, visit this page at Rust Labs: https://rustlabs.com/entity/horse#tab=breeds;sort=0,0,1
{ "Use ServerRewards": false, "Use Economics": false, "Use Item as Currency": false, "Item Short Name": "scrap", "Horse Breed Costs": { "Dapple Grey": 20.0, "Red Roan": 20.0, "Appalosa": 30.0, "Bay": 30.0, "Buckskin": 30.0, "Pinto": 30.0, "Chestnut": 40.0, "Piebald": 40.0, "White Thoroughbred": 50.0, "Black Thoroughbred": 50.0 } }
Setting up for use with a Server store (i.e. ServerRewards /s store)
It is recommended to set the command price in the store settings as 0, and change the pricing in the HorseBreeds.json config. This way it will not charge a player for purchasing a command when not mounted on a horse. If both settings for ServerRewards and Economics are set to false, then the commands will be free to use.
Examples of Commands
Player Chat Commands
/horse 8 -- changes current horse to a White Thoroughbred
/horse pinto -- changes current horse to a Pinto
/horse red -- changes current horse to a Red Roan
Console Commands
horse ilakskil black -- changes ilakskil's horse to a Black Thoroughbred and charges the corresponding amount if ilakskil does not have horsebreeds.bypass
horse ilak 4 -- changes ilakskil's horse to a Dapple Grey and charges the corresponding amount if ilakskil does not have horsebreeds.bypass