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About GPerms

Advanced graphical permissions manager to easily manage player and group permissions.



  • Assign/Revoke player permissions
  • Assign/Revoke player groups
  • Assign/Revoke group permissions
  • Create, rename, clear and delete groups
  • Convenient overview of given permissions per plugin
  • Hierarchical wildcard permissions
  • Back button for quick navigation
  • Search/Filter function
  • Intuitive UI
  • No plugin dependencies

Commands (Chat and Console)

  • gperms - Opens/Closes the UI


  • Administrators don't need any permission
  • Players can be given access with the provided permissions:
    • 'gperms.use' - Open the GUI (readonly, but needed for any action in GPerms)
    • 'gperms.players' - Grant/Revoke player permissions
    • 'gperms.playergroups' - Assign/Remove players from groups
    • 'gperms.groups' - Grant/Revoke group permissions
    • 'gperms.modifygroups' - Create, edit and delete groups


  • Directly granted permissions will be checked as green
  • Inherited group permissions will be checked as blue
  • To revoke all permissions of a plugin click the 1 level wildcard permission twice (grant all -> revoke all)


  • perms.hidepluginprefix (true/false) - if set to false, the full permission names will be shown

  • plugins.showwithoutpermissions (true/false) - If set to false, plugins without permissions wil be hidden

  • players.showoriginalnames (true/false) - If set to true, the original playername will also be shown

  • uicolor.primary (rgba) - The primary accent color

  • uicolor.disabled (rgba) -  The disabled buttons color

  • uicolor.activetab (rgba) -  The active tab color

  • Like 2
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ZockiRR's Collection

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