About Gib Remover
This plugin allows you to remove the gibs from almost everything in the game whenever it gets destroyed. It is also fully customizable for the best server/user experience.
Note: I personally recommend just using default config unless you want certain things to have gibs while not wanting certain other things to have gibs.
Default Config:
{ "Remove ALL gibs from destroying/removing everything. (Including decaying things)": true, "Remove gibs from exploded entities.": false, "Remove gibs from ent killed entities.": false, "Remove gibs from entities killed by cargo driving through base.": false, "Remove gibs from modular car being killed.": false, "Remove gibs from modular car being hurt.": false, "Remove gibs from mountable things (chairs, couches, vehicles, slot machines, etc).": false, "Remove gibs from loot containers after being looted fully by a player.": false, "Remove gibs from loot containers killed by Patrol Heli/Bradley.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when using a hammer to demolish them.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when not enough Stability.": false, "Remove gibs from tool-cupboard when placing in another building privilege zone.": false, "Remove gibs from entities when their ground is missing.": false, "Remove gibs from traincars when they die.": false, "Remove gibs from barricades blocking the train (EX: the blockades in tunnels underground).": false, "Remove gibs from boats when the pool they are in get destroyed.": false }
Video Demo: