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Message added by ZEODE,

PLEASE NOTE: Since Facepunch removed the usual Parachute prefab, the Bradley will not parachute down from the plane currently. Instead it will fall without, but the plugin will still work normally otherwise. I am working at ways to try and fix this for the new parachute prefab, which eludes me at the moment. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

Message added by ZEODE,

Thank you for looking at my plugin, if you have any questions or if you need help, please open a Support Thread or reach out to me on my Discord at https://discord.gg/jnyg3FvDnc

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Is it possible for me to throw the signal in a PVP zone? TC creates a PVP zone with this plugin "AgileZone"
You have to leave this PVP zone, only in the PVE zone can you throw the signal.
was thrown inside and was refunded

Heli signal no Problems .... Just Bradley Signal 😞

was thrown too close to a players base and was refunded ...... thats my base


Edited by RR_Tappi
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1 hour ago, RR_Tappi said:

Is it possible for me to throw the signal in a PVP zone? TC creates a PVP zone with this plugin "AgileZone"
You have to leave this PVP zone, only in the PVE zone can you throw the signal.
was thrown inside and was refunded

Heli signal no Problems .... Just Bradley Signal 😞

was thrown too close to a players base and was refunded ...... thats my base


To prevent a bradley dropping on a base this is a function of the plugin. Move away from your base and call it. Check the config for ways to change the distance etc to your needs.

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On another server, we were also able to throw directly from the base.

And the tank did not land on the base

This is my actually Config

    "Min Distance From Building Privilege To Use Signals (Important: Greater or Equal To Proximity Check Radius)": 5.0,
    "Strict Proximity Check (Checks for objects close to signal, prevents APC landing on objects)": true,
    "Strict Proximity Check Radius": 20.0,
    "Remove Entities In Landing Zone Radius (Requires Strict Proximity Check Enabled)": true,


Ok I got it 🙂

Edited by RR_Tappi
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Anyone get this to work with GUIShop or the ServerRewards shop? 

Both tell me the skinID is too big or too small.


Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (JSON integer 2905355269 is too large or small for an Int32. Path '['Shop - Shop List'].BradleyDropEasy.ItemId', line 568, position 26.)

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3 hours ago, 0g.Ghost.7373 said:

Anyone get this to work with GUIShop or the ServerRewards shop? 

Both tell me the skinID is too big or too small.


Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (JSON integer 2905355269 is too large or small for an Int32. Path '['Shop - Shop List'].BradleyDropEasy.ItemId', line 568, position 26.)

It looks like you might be mixing up Item ID and Skin ID. If the config is asking for item ID, this is not skin ID. Check the help documentation on the page for your shop plugin.

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FYI all: Work on the next Bradley Drops update is at the stage where it is nearly ready for testing after adding most of the same features as is in Heli Signals. Once this is done and working as it should, the harder job of re-writing the AI code will be next. This will also need testing before release as the next update. A list of things already completed:

  • Added: SkillTree support
  • Added: XPerience support
  • Added: Custom reward item option
  • Added: New drop method using Hot Air Balloon instead of the now missing parachute prefab (this is fun, wait and see!)
  • Added: Better control over where the signal is thrown, monument support etc.
  • Fixed: OnEntityTakeDamage NRE console spam


  • Add: Option to target players who hide in vehicles
  • Add: Additional Signal skins for Multi drops, wave drops, Expert and Nightmare etc
  • Add: Configurable options for Bradley Scientists
  • Add: Better config options to handle Bradley going into water (depth before destroyed etc)
  • Add: Multi and Wave support (started)
  • Fix: Compatibility with Deployable Nature placed entities
  • Re-Write AI to (hopefully) make Bradley re-path if stuck, hunt players who hide/damage it etc (if possible)


Edited by ZEODE
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hi. I have a problem with betting. how to s olve it? I have some items that stack up and others that don't

plug-in for machines from Khan


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1 minute ago, duvvskaja2 said:

hi. I have a problem with betting. how to s olve it? I have some items that stack up and others that don't

plug-in for machines from Khan


This is fixed on the coming update

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Thank you. The same problem is with the helicopter checker challenge plugin. Should I duplicate it there?

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