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Hi Goblox

I'm just trying to figure out where this differs from Dynamic PVP and ZMAutoZones? How did you decide your price point on this? As it relies on free addons and doesn't appear to do much different (I hope I'm wrong!) 🙂

I use a lot of zones on my PVE server, I'm interested if you can convince me why this is better than what I've got, 





Originally I set out to manage PVP zones around player Tool Cupboards. I didn't become aware of DynamicPVP until I was looking to release AgileZones and after I had already added moving zones. It appears that Dynamic PVP exclusively handles "events" -- and not TCs? -- which I wasn't aware of when I decided to build out that feature. I suspect the unique selling point AgileZones brings beyond TC Zones is dependability: All zone types are reconciled on server as well as plugin restarts so there should be no orphaned or missing zones even after a crash.

The pricing is pretty much based on a trip to McDonalds.


Posted (edited)

hmmm im looking something but oposite... i dont want use any related plugins for pve like true pve or others...

Im looking a good plugin that when player place his tc, zone will get created and that zone become pve!!!!!! everything rest is just regular full raid pvp...

Those pve plugins pain in the ass.... Want something good and more simple to use... Like zone manager has all flags to create perfect pve server, but missing some functions... for example i want make whole island main as pve and only monuments pvp.... But for it i have to use plenty other plugins... thats... and for example ture pve or nextgen pve way long cfg to edit... 


Edited by Robis


  On 2/17/2023 at 9:25 PM, Robis said:

when player place his tc, zone will get created and that zone become pve!!!!!! 


I think I could add support for that under TruePVE without too much effort.

  On 2/17/2023 at 9:25 PM, Robis said:

for example i want make whole island main as pve and only monuments pvp.... 



This is sort of the opposite of the ask above. You could do it with default configs for ZoneManager, ZoneManagerAutoZones, and TruePVE. .... there will be config files present but you wouldn't have to change anything. Unfortunately AutoZones doesn't currently support a few of the newer monuments.



  On 2/18/2023 at 2:05 PM, Goblox said:

I think I could add support for that under TruePVE without too much effort.

This is sort of the opposite of the ask above. You could do it with default configs for ZoneManager, ZoneManagerAutoZones, and TruePVE. .... there will be config files present but you wouldn't have to change anything. Unfortunately AutoZones doesn't currently support a few of the newer monuments.


thats a main key i dont want use truepve or next gen pve plugins, they are to large in editing stuff... want more simple ways, and this plugin looks good enought to do it... so i still counting before i buy it



  On 2/18/2023 at 2:40 PM, Robis said:

thats a main key i dont want use truepve or next gen pve plugins, they are to large in editing stuff... want more simple ways, and this plugin looks good enought to do it... so i still counting before i buy it


I wouldn't be intimidated by config files. To make the whole island PVE, and monuments PVP, you could drop ZoneManager, ZoneManagerAutoZones, and TruePVE onto the server and you're done. It doesn't matter how big the config files are because you don't have to open them or config anything.

But my plugin won't do what you want without TruePVE or NextGenPVE. Without a PVE plugin, It will just make ZoneManager Zones.

I did add support for ZoneFlags and PVE RuleSets this morning -- if I'm not mistaken, you could get your first idea (pvp everywhere except around player bases) by setting the "TC RuleSet" to "default" instead of "exclude", and then setting the TruePVE "Default RuleSet" to "exclude" instead of default.

Sounds like you just need to get with someone to setup your config files... Or dive in and start editing. I think you'll be surprised by how easy it is. Edit the file, run "oxide.reload *" on RCON to reload your plugins, see if you got the result you want.


Good luck.


Posted (edited)

i would buy this if it worked for the following :


Player places a TC a zone is auto created over whatever the range the tc covers.

No one can enter unless they added to the tc by way of friends or added to the team using built in team function

No Outside damage can be done to anything in the zone from external players 


If you can pull this off i will buy it instantly

Edited by TomHud


  On 2/18/2023 at 4:51 PM, TomHud said:

If you can pull this off i will buy it instantly


It could be done, but I think it would require branching and adding features to ZoneManager.

I don't have time at the moment.



I will say this is my top watched plugin. Once you release that zone around monuments feature, thats automatic and changes for the map wipe, I will 100% be adding this to my server. Hopefully this update comes soon, because i've been looking for a replacement for autozones for MONTHS.



  On 2/19/2023 at 12:51 AM, Goblox said:

It could be done, but I think it would require branching and adding features to ZoneManager.

I don't have time at the moment.


no idea how they do it but its the same feature they use on Build Servers to stop players from coming into your build.


Posted (edited)

how does the plugin react with multi tc bases? possible that the players launch a command on the tc select instead of doing it automatically?
in order to create only one zone by selecting their tc

Edited by Shoyqn


  On 2/20/2023 at 1:08 PM, Shoyqn said:

how does the plugin react with multi tc bases? possible that the players launch a command on the tc select instead of doing it automatically?
in order to create only one zone by selecting their tc


It just creates another zone. This works out pretty well because, if you are going to have external TCs or generally expand your base, the zone needs to expand. If you enable Domes then you'll see multiple domes. My biggest problem with that is that currently ZoneManager will notify you for each zone you leave. Which is why the default message is "Leaving a PVP Zone". For me, visible TC domes are a problem on a competitive server; you've got large beacons in the air pointing to a player's base. I'm probably going to turn visible domes off in the default config for Airdrops for the same reason; it makes them pretty easy to find. ...but they do look cool.



so i am interested in making a monument only pvp and everything else pve server, or actually what you have suggested but I want to know how to do both as an option using your plug in. So to make monuments only pvp, I just replace dynamic pvp with this plug in and still download zone manager, ZoneManagerAutoZones, and TruePVE? 
another question, without going into extreme details, is this more resource intensive that dynamic pvp?



  On 3/28/2023 at 4:10 AM, TheRiddledNote said:

So to make monuments only pvp, I just replace dynamic pvp with this plug in and still download zone manager, ZoneManagerAutoZones, and TruePVE? 
another question, without going into extreme details, is this more resource intensive that dynamic pvp?


If you are only looking for "monuments" -- the ones that don't go anywhere -- you don't need AgileZones. ZoneManagerAutoZones will get you those (not counting the newest monuments like train tunnels and labs). Agile Zones would add pvp zones for Cargo Ship, Heli crashsite, and Air Drops if you want those.

My implementation for moving zones is extremely performant. My main concern would be related to ZoneManager save performance on servers with many hundreds of Tool Cupboards-- I haven't tested it but I'm nervous saves could be slow with large numbers of zones for the way ZoneManager currently saves data.

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Posted (edited)

  On 3/28/2023 at 7:38 PM, Goblox said:

If you are only looking for "monuments" -- the ones that don't go anywhere -- you don't need AgileZones. ZoneManagerAutoZones will get you those (not counting the newest monuments like train tunnels and labs). Agile Zones would add pvp zones for Cargo Ship, Heli crashsite, and Air Drops if you want those.

My implementation for moving zones is extremely performant. My main concern would be related to ZoneManager save performance on servers with many hundreds of Tool Cupboards-- I haven't tested it but I'm nervous saves could be slow with large numbers of zones for the way ZoneManager currently saves data.


i see, so I think I would still take this as I would like every event to be a "pvp" zone. My plan really is to make any event and monument a "pvp zone". One important thing I have to know as I do not understand the config listed on the page, is it possible to disable creating zones for pl.ayer tc's? I just need the pvp zones for moving events. Another question is, will you put support on r event plug ins such as sputnik etc? Apologies for such long winded questions

Edited by TheRiddledNote


  On 3/28/2023 at 7:50 PM, TheRiddledNote said:

i see, so I think I would still take this as I would like every event to be a "pvp" zone. My plan really is to make any event and monument a "pvp zone". One important thing I have to know as I do not understand the config listed on the page, is it possible to disable creating zones for pl.ayer tc's? I just need the pvp zones for moving events. Another question is, will you put support on r event plug ins such as sputnik etc? Apologies for such long winded questions


Yes, you can disable TC zones; use the line that says "TC Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable". If you set that to zero, TC zones are disabled.

In fact, I believe this is a (clunky) path to get AgileZones to rebuild TC zones. If you set it to Zero and restart the plugin, I expect it to remove all TC zones, then you could reconfigure your TC zone parameters, set a non-zero TC Radius, restart the plugin, and it should rebuild all TC zones with the changes. ...not that this matters to you; it's just amusing that it only just occurred to me.

I may be able to give users a path to be able to specify objects they want zones to be created for -- then, if sputnik creates an entity, we could use that name to generate a zone without setting up an entire integration. Unfortunately, by the time you count reconciliation to clean up possible orphaned zones, this might be slightly more involved than you would guess.


Posted (edited)

  On 3/28/2023 at 8:39 PM, Goblox said:

Yes, you can disable TC zones; use the line that says "TC Zone Radius in meters - set zero to disable". If you set that to zero, TC zones are disabled.

In fact, I believe this is a (clunky) path to get AgileZones to rebuild TC zones. If you set it to Zero and restart the plugin, I expect it to remove all TC zones, then you could reconfigure your TC zone parameters, set a non-zero TC Radius, restart the plugin, and it should rebuild all TC zones with the changes. ...not that this matters to you; it's just amusing that it only just occurred to me.

I may be able to give users a path to be able to specify objects they want zones to be created for -- then, if sputnik creates an entity, we could use that name to generate a zone without setting up an entire integration. Unfortunately, by the time you count reconciliation to clean up possible orphaned zones, this might be slightly more involved than you would guess.


it's ok if it doesnt apply to me or if i do not understand it fully at the moment. Knowledge is always very useful as I might use it later on and such. And it would really be wonderful to see this plug in have such feature. It would really be a game changer over dyanmic pvp hands down. I will wait for it for sure! Thank you so much for responding and I will definitely snag this today or tomorrow once I am ready to set up another server. It is a pain looking for a provider 

Edited by TheRiddledNote


I dont know why I didnt mention this but along with custom events, custom monuments support but I assume it works similar? I feell ike this would make this plug in even better


Posted (edited)

I've been keeping my eye on this plugin for a bit and am considering adding it to our fully PVE! What I'm wondering is if there would be a way for you to implement a command that my players could run, to turn the TC they're closest to and own, or X amount in proximity of due to multi-TC Bases into a PVP/Raid zone? I've got players who would love to have folk try raiding their bases, and then we have the others who are 2500% against it. If this kind of functionality could be added to the plugin, I'd love to purchase it! 🙂 

Edited by Shark-A-Holic


  On 3/31/2023 at 1:51 AM, Shark-A-Holic said:

I've been keeping my eye on this plugin for a bit and am considering adding it to our fully PVE! What I'm wondering is if there would be a way for you to implement a command that my players could run, to turn the TC they're closest to and own, or X amount in proximity of due to multi-TC Bases into a PVP/Raid zone? I've got players who would love to have folk try raiding their bases, and then we have the others who are 2500% against it. If this kind of functionality could be added to the plugin, I'd love to purchase it! 🙂 


so basically, that tc range becomes pvp on their own. that would be pretty sick replacement for radiable bases honestly. I'm def with this.... this can potentially create better experience than raidable base



  On 3/31/2023 at 2:34 PM, TheRiddledNote said:

so basically, that tc range becomes pvp on their own. that would be pretty sick replacement for radiable bases honestly. I'm def with this.... this can potentially create better experience than raidable base


It would be an exceptionally useful addition to the plugin, for sure! It gives people a way to actually test their base builds out on full PVEs 🙂

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  On 4/1/2023 at 3:00 AM, Shark-A-Holic said:

It would be an exceptionally useful addition to the plugin, for sure! It gives people a way to actually test their base builds out on full PVEs 🙂


agreed. I really think it's would be such a game changer. the amount of possibilities you can do with that option is amazing. IMHO, that creates a great balance between a pvp and pve as it will completely depend upon the players to take the initiative themselves. 



Yeah, seems reasonable. I'd love to avoid user commands or permissions. I could imagine tying it to a deployable, like a a red flashing light or something but that presents some other problems, e.g., people cheaply creating pvp zones or creating lots of them in the same place...


Posted (edited)

  On 5/3/2023 at 9:19 PM, Goblox said:

Yeah, seems reasonable. I'd love to avoid user commands or permissions. I could imagine tying it to a deployable, like a a red flashing light or something but that presents some other problems, e.g., people cheaply creating pvp zones or creating lots of them in the same place...


time limits/cooldown might help with this. So no one can spam. Abandoned base has that feature where once you turn your base into an "abandoned base" there is a cooldown until you can do it again or turn it back to a normal base.

I'm patiently waiting for these features as I want to use abandoned base as intended and have agile zones take care of my pvp worries in our pve server.

Edited by TheRiddledNote


My suggestion is that it would work best if you can click a CUI button in your TC to enable a PVP/Raid zone around your base.

That way you're already guaranteed to be auth'ed on build priv (since you have TC access), and cant use the zones to grief. If it was tied to a deployable, it might get confusing and less fluent for some players (some players dont understand anything we try to add). If it worked via CUI button, it would be simple to add functionality for costs to set the zone (which will stop spam) with plugins like economics, server rewards, and scrap. Then you could possibly even add an invert option to the plugin where players pay to protect their base instead of pay to make it raidable (which i know exists itself in some iffy plugins, but would fit better in this one).

If the PVP/Raid zone was the size of the TC radius, it wouldn't be big enough for PVP or work on large multi-TC builds. If the zone allows you to raid structures besides the one with a raid zone set, people will use it to raid PVE bases that shouldn't be raidable. If the zone prevents you from raiding structures besides the main TC, then multi TC builds will be more or less unraidable.

There would probably have to be a way link TCs or add them to a list for the raid zone

just wanted to share some things to consider and hopefully save some time

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