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57 minutes ago, nivex said:

@GamingHQinteresting idea. i wouldnt be able to use holograms, I dont think thats a thing. i could draw boxes on their screen to indicate where the damage is. but that would be difficult to see when its visible through walls. i suppose i could do a range check to help mitigate that. 

you would have to explain the restrictions of the repair command more. for example.. when would it be useable? and for how long? 

hmm, i think it would be best if we would be able to interact with the tool cupboard itself and make it so it wont take any damage at all, yet the raider has to reach the TC in order to have a "success" in the raid.

I would say, lets see it a bit like a base defender game, where the raider has to reach the flag ( in case the TC ) in order to complete the raid. ( mabye possible with a foundation check when the foundation with TC gets exposed somehow or a button they have to press that's automatically placed on the TC? ) 

For the house owner that sees his base being raided, he/she should go towards the TC itself to interact with it. A GUI pops up with a message "o deer, you have been raided" With the message on what the amount of damage is and what the repair costs would be. ( possible of a deer image with a base that's being raided as main logo on top? ) 

The costs of repairing the base can be defined by the server owner to choose if he/she wants to use economics, RP or any sort of item. I think that, a repair cost of the use of economics or RP would be more friendlier as building up a whole base again with the usual resources, as it could take some time on the more harder servers.

This system only works for the first 48H after the raid happened. If the user is later online then the 48H, then his base gets fully purged within the next serverboot or after 24H when the 48H are over. ( this could be changed in config if it would be possible )


i could draw boxes on their screen to indicate where the damage is.

Hmm, this could be purrfect as well indeed instead of the holograms. something like with the dangerous treasures event when willing to know where the event is taking place i assume? but instead of coords, its where the raiders came inside and where the dmg will be.


What else also could be an idea is, to limit the damages by only allowing to destroy the doors, garage doors, other certain doors, storage chests etc but leaving walls, door frames and such alone? like an actual burgling instead of seeing the whole base being wiped? that would be perfect for RP related servers as well. They would be able to simulate a thief going bonkers on someone else his base. 

Edited by GamingHQ
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17 hours ago, GamingHQ said:

hmm, i think it would

all good ideas. ill keep them in mind. the last idea is the easiest 😃

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Good day! I don't know if anyone has already suggested this, I'm sorry in advance if I duplicate it. Is it possible to make a setup so that only 1 person / team could raid, and the dome repelled others as on raid bases.

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7 hours ago, Voltur said:

Good day! I don't know if anyone has already suggested this, I'm sorry in advance if I duplicate it. Is it possible to make a setup so that only 1 person / team could raid, and the dome repelled others as on raid bases.

this would need to be added. i will consider it in a future update 🙂

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Would it be possible to Have a UI like raidableBases that tells players how many boxes are left and when all boxes are destroyed the timer changes to 5min so the player can choose to claim or not before being destroyed?

Edited by Jayson
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hi regarding the current config, does it allow players to select a tc and turn it into an "abandoned base" ? basically, what i want to do is for players to be able to turn any tc they own, one or multiple into a pvp zone, without the surrounding tc's of other players being affected. I want people to be able to build their pvp bases, select the tc (one or more) and make it into a pvp zone so others can raid them. 
Sorry if this is confusing.

Edited by TheRiddledNote
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ya they can use /sar convert

they need abandonedbases.convert perm to use the command

you need to set Despawn Timer to 0 if you dont want the base to despawn afterwards

they can use /sar cancel to cancel the raid

there is a cooldown before they can cancel, and you can require the raid be completed before canceling too. it requires abandonedbases.convert.cancel

you need to configure everything.


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sorry I meant to say disable Do Not Destroy Manually Converted Base When Despawn Timer Expires to prevent base despawning for /sar convert bases

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So i was wondering if when the base is converted into a raidable base, does it spawn its own boxes with loot, or is the old loot left in the boxes?

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it makes the base raidable after its inactive for the configured time. no loot is spawned. it uses whatever loot the players had in their base, and whatever loot is on the players. it does not spawn loot.

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my players and I can convert one base per day. how do i make it so that i can convert 10 bases per day and the players still have one base per day?

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bases dont become abandoned startus.

i restart my server each night.

if i shoot 1 base i get a fresh message wirh fresh stats:  abandoned 3 days.

my timer is set to 3 days.  maybe something is wrong?




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you have to enable Run Once On Server Startup, or set Run Every X Seconds to 3600 or higher

if the time resets then someone is active on the base. it is going to print in chat who that is, too.

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ok i try "Run Once On Server Startup": true,

now i restart my server and base timer restart again 😞






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yes, the base timer resets if you do not use the plugin for at least 24 hours, and it resets when the server wipes. it does not reset at any other time unless the player is active or has someone active

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Apologies if this has been asked in the past, I did have a look but didn't see anything.

I really want to use this plugin on our server but there is one line in the description that is putting me off and I'd love to know if it's possible to adjust it.

"Bases become inactive when all players authorized on the tool cupboard have been offline for the configured amount of days."

To use this plugin we would need it so that it only counts the player that placed the TC, not everyone authed on it.

Would this be possible? Thanks

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Posted (edited)


that would be very very bad for any servers that accidentally enabled that option. not only that, imagine being an active player and your base despawns because the TC owner was inactive. I'd be very mad. it would cause more problems than it would solve.

Edited by nivex
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7 hours ago, nivex said:


that would be very very bad for any servers that accidentally enabled that option. not only that, imagine being an active player and your base despawns because the TC owner was inactive. I'd be very mad. it would cause more problems than it would solve.

That's a shame, I'll keep looking for a solution, thanks for the reply.

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i have a problem.

i tryed the commands Purge:

/sar purge (so scan each base)

/sab (to activate it)

after  that commands all bases was locked.

the owner from his own base cant open his own doors 😞

maybe something is wrong inb my config?

is that the problem:

  "Remove Ownership From Bases": true,?

i thought thats the command if a raid is done and player can get the ownership.

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this plugin can't prevent players from opening doors. that would be another plugin. do you use any plugins that handle auto auth? do you get a message?

remove ownership does not give ownership. it removes it. using /sar claim will give it. the only issue with removal is auth turrets are deauthed which is addressed in the next update. this option does not prevent them from using their base otherwise. this simply sets the owner to 0 in order to bypass PreventLooting plugin

though this option isn't required. you can disable it and players can still destroy any boxes in order to loot them. most boxes would be locked so they'd have to destroy them anyway.

players with the abandonedbases.convert.claim permission can use the /sar claim command to take over a base.

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