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Eden Falls Custom Map by Niko B7 060124aLF

$39.95 $29.96
   (6 reviews)

78 Screenshots

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splendid map is it installed on a server to go have a look before buying it ^^

Edited by Maxtor
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It maybe, just do a search for eden, if you cannot find it DM in discord and i will upload to the test server for you to look at

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OK I had searched with the name Eden Falls.

I'm going to watch with just Eden

I'm already on your discord in case of need I mp thank you


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If you are having problems contact me through discord and i will be happy to assist

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Hi Niko,

i never used custom maps, can you tell me if the new stuff from FP Updates is in this map?

Like the drones from the last update? Or the new stuff from the next update?


im just wondering if the „vanilla-monuments“ gets generated everytime, or you manually need to update them..


also what you mean with: „Please note that the Bandit Town featured in the video has been removed as FP
have since modified Bandit Town“ 
so there is no Banidit Town?


sorry for the questions




best regards

Edited by Iceksull
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11 hours ago, Iceksull said:

Salut Niko,

Je n'ai jamais utilisé de cartes personnalisées, pouvez-vous me dire si les nouveautés de FP Updates se trouvent dans cette carte?

Comme les drones de la dernière mise à jour? Ou les nouveautés de la prochaine mise à jour?


Je me demande juste si les «monuments vanille» sont générés à chaque fois, ou si vous devez les mettre à jour manuellement.


aussi ce que vous voulez dire par: «Veuillez noter que la ville de Bandit présentée dans la vidéo a été supprimée car FP
a depuis modifié Bandit Town» 
donc il n'y a pas de ville de Banidit?


désolé pour les questions




meilleures salutations




the drones are present because the monuments of rust are updated automatically.

it is the monuments made by niko which are not updated automatically.

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What he said 😉 if you have any questions hit me up in discord. Always happy to chat and help

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hello.tell me when the next discount on the card will be, just did not have time to buy it yet?


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Not sure, I tend to discount when death places it on featured

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Перевод конечно тот ещё не чего не понял простои что написали.

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много ошибок

rt in the air, in some places players fall under the map

Edited by energi_505
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Contact me on Discord, link is in the readme file and tell me where so i can fix


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Perfect timing for an update. Wipe today and gonna run it for few weeks. Thank you.

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nice map to have, but 1 problem. It gives some maps using MAPLOCK so i cant have them all in my oxide/plugin folder, is it possible to rename the file °?

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Sorry not understanding the problem, contact me via Discord and I will assist

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la maps ne fonctionne toujours pas Eden Falls 5122 0414 depuis deja quelque mois a 37€ la maps c'est exagéré je trouve

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Hello. I just installed your map after wiping for the monthly update. Everything was working fine, but once I restarted my server, I and other players were getting assetbundle errors. I removed your map and when back to a procedural map and the errors were gone. Do you know what's going on? Do I need to wait for the map to be updated for the new Rust update?

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On 11/4/2022 at 3:26 AM, Niko said:

Contact me on discord. Link in the readme to chat on this.

I DM'd you. I think I resolved the issue, though. Also, are there no NPC shops built into the map? And it seems some vanilla monuments have no recycler. Is this intentional?

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