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  1. Malmø

    Plugin Broken

    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  2. Malmø

    Plugin Broken

    Hi, sorry for late reply. I'm unable to reproduce the problems you're experiencing. I have tried on my local server with 20x stacksizes (2000 dung) and it comes out like on your second image. Im thinking there might be a conflict with some other plugin. If you could deactivate one plugin at a time until ComposterSplitter works and maybe send me what plugin did conflict with mine and i can see if there's a way for me to make it work with my plugin? Thanks!
  3. glad you like it! thats a great suggestion and totally possible to do. will make some time for this today or tomorrow and let you know when it's added.
  4. Version 1.0.1


    The long awaited... This is the perfect QoL feature to add to your VIP package (or for free of course) for your players. The plugin not only splits the inserted compostable items, it also splits the content for the best possible yield per tick. (For instance: If you put in 10 horse dung, which each produce 10 fertz, and 20 pumpkins, which produces 0.2 fertz, the plugin will put the pumpkins into a single stack and split the dung for the best possible yield.) And every time new fertilizers are produced, the plugin recalculates the content and splits it if needed. There's only one permission to use the plugin: compostersplitter.use NOTE: This only works if the items are added from a players inventory (by right clicking or hover looting the items into it). Should the items be added by another plugin or different mechanics it will use the ownerID (the player who deployed it) of the composter to check for permission. In vanilla, if there is no room for more fertilizers in the composter when new fertilizers are produced it will drop the new fertilizers onto the ground. This plugin will prevent that from happening by simply cancel out the production of new fertilizers if the composter is "full". Support is provided on this site as well as on Discord (malm0).
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.0.0
  6. Hi, thanks. Im aware that several plugins sometimes conflicts with this one and it's a limitation in some Umod hooks. Best advice is to disable the "hostile" protection if it crates any issues with, in this case, Guardian.
  7. Hi, could it be that you added also gave yourself the "bypass" perms? you should only give them if you wish not to be protected. So if you want the FULL protection you should only have "betteradmin.active" perm on yourself.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    We all been there, where we accidentally got kicked or killed with some wierd admin loot on us. Or teleported to the wrong coordinates and got ourselves kicked from InsideTerrainViolation broadcasted to the whole server. This simple plugin gives admins an extra layer of protection against accidental bad interactions in rust game play by: Disable Anti-Hack Violations for admins (flyhack, inside terrain hack etc.) Disable player corpse for admins Automatically kill admins on disconnect. Disable admins from (mostly accidentally) inviting other players to their team Disable admins from dropping loot (when you drop loot it will simply dissapear instead) Disabled turrets/npc/bradley/patrol heli from targeting admins Disabled hostile status for admins (safezone sentries and scientists wont see you as hostile) All of the above features can be disabled in config as well as via the permission system. Missing something? If i've missed some valuable protection feel free to leave a comment or contact me on Discord at: malm0
  9. Malmø

    Skin Button

    Version 1.0.0


    About Skin Button This plugin adds two more buttons to the lockers: "Save" and "Skin", a perfect QoL feature to put behind VIP passes. With the save button you allow players to save the current skinned "kit" to their preferences, next time they press "Skin" the plugin will skin the items in that locker to the saved skins. This is a very loved plugin among clans and larger groups that prefer to roam in their team color. Permissions skinbutton.use Everybody with this permission will be able to use the plugin. Configuration The config file allows you to change the colors of the buttons. { "Button: Save": { "Color": "0.3 0.7 1 0.5", "Text Color": "0.6 0.8 1 1" }, "Button: Skin": { "Color": "1 0.7 0.3 0.5", "Text Color": "1 0.8 0.3 1" } } Language file To change the button text, simply edit your language files. { "SkinButton": "Skin", "SaveButton": "Save" } Support I'm available on CodeFling and on Discord as "Malmø#0001".


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