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  1. Cursed


    Changed Fixed In to 2.0.0
  2. Cursed


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  3. Cursed


    Hello, yeah this config inflicts only the loot table (not npc,quarry etc.)
  4. Yeah... no worries.. i had no time at that moment and just copied useful info ( how to insert config) . Just fixed and ty for that .
  5. Oh... no mate ... i just copied his info from his files.. i mean description that's it... and to be honest .. didn't event read...
  6. I don't know why u think so . My friend did these configs ( at least he says that he did them). I don't think he bought them and told me to sell them to scam me or buyers...
  7. What you mean? It can't be the same. But if you are really sure that it's same , i need to talk with my co-author of this config.
  8. Cursed


    Con questo.
  9. Cursed

    Quarrys aren't 2x

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Only boxes loot. ( bradley crate, oil rig, etc)
  11. No , sorry , my bad , only that 3 files you need.
  12. Cursed

    HP increasing

    Noone still helped me with it..
  13. Cursed

    Custom Portals

    It's not working? Sheeshhhh... i wanted to buy it... but after i read your message i noticed that dev was last time online 3 month ago....
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is 5X Loot Table For AlphaLoot! Removed All Junk Items Multiplied All Items 5X Increased Loot Rates Installation Guide: Inside the downloaded zip file, locate the 'config' folder. Copy the 'AlphaLoot.json' file from this folder to the following directory: /home/rustserver/serverfiles/oxide/config If Rust is installed in a different directory, adjust accordingly. Customizing Your Config: If you need to modify the current config or adjust any settings, you can download the AlphaLoot Profile Editor from the following link: https://chaoscode.io/resources/alphaloot-profile-editor.183/ Editing the config may require some experience, but you can easily make simple adjustments. Feel free to use this tool to tailor your config to your preferences.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This is 3X Loot Table For AlphaLoot! Removed All Junk Items Multiplied All Items 3X Increased Loot Rates Installation Guide: Inside the downloaded zip file, locate the 'config' folder. Copy the 'AlphaLoot.json' file from this folder to the following directory: /home/rustserver/serverfiles/oxide/config If Rust is installed in a different directory, adjust accordingly. Customizing Your Config: If you need to modify the current config or adjust any settings, you can download the AlphaLoot Profile Editor from the following link: https://chaoscode.io/resources/alphaloot-profile-editor.183/ Editing the config may require some experience, but you can easily make simple adjustments. Feel free to use this tool to tailor your config to your preferences.


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