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  1. More information about "Mystery Loot Bags"


    Mystery Loot Bags

    The Mystery Loot Bags plugin is a dynamic and engaging addition designed to enhance the gameplay experience by introducing random loot bags that players can find while exploring, fishing, or using a metal detector. This plugin adds an element of surprise and excitement, making resource gathering more rewarding and unpredictable. It aims to keep players engaged by providing various ways to obtain valuable items or execute special commands through randomly awarded loot bags.
    Random Loot Bags:
    Players have a chance to find loot bags when performing certain actions such as fishing, using a metal detector, or looting crates. The chance to receive a loot bag is configurable, providing server admins with the flexibility to adjust the plugin's impact on gameplay. Configurable Loot and Commands:
    Loot bags can contain items from a predefined loot table or trigger commands that reward players with specific items. Each loot bag can be configured with different rarities (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary), each with its own set of rewards and associated probabilities. Server admins can configure both the items and commands that can be awarded, ensuring that the plugin can be tailored to fit the unique needs and balance of any server. Activity-Based Rewards:
    Fishing: Players have a configurable chance to receive a loot bag when catching fish. Metal Detecting: Players using metal detectors have a chance to find loot bags upon successfully locating items. World Loot: Loot bags can be configured to spawn in specific loot containers found in the game world, such as crates and barrels. Broadcast and Player Messages:
    Rewards can be accompanied by customizable messages that notify the player of their reward. A server-wide broadcast can be enabled for higher rarity items, allowing other players to see when someone receives a significant reward. Admin Commands:
    /mlgive: Admins can use this command to manually give players a specified number of loot bags of a certain rarity. (Usage: /mlgive <useridORname> <rarity> <quantity>) Console Commands: Similar functionality is available through server console commands, allowing admins to manage rewards without in-game presence. (Usage: mlgiveconsole <userid> <rarity> <quantity>) Auto Bag Upgrade:
    Automatically upgrades lower rarity loot bags to higher rarity ones when a player collects 10 of the lower rarity bags, promoting continuous engagement and reward accumulation. Skin Customization:
    Loot bags can have customized skins, making them visually distinct and adding an extra layer of personalization to the server. Flexible Configuration:
    All features and probabilities are highly configurable, allowing server admins to adjust the plugin to their preferred balance and gameplay style. Summary
    The Mystery Loot Bag plugin  offers a versatile and customizable way to introduce random rewards into the game. By providing multiple methods to acquire loot bags and a wide range of possible rewards, it keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting. Server admins have extensive control over the configuration, enabling them to tailor the experience to their specific community. Whether through fishing, metal detecting, or looting, players will enjoy the thrill of discovering valuable items and special rewards as they explore the world of Rust.

    Example Config Attached
  2. More information about "Personal Wipe Plugin"


    Personal Wipe Plugin

    SelfWipe is a plugin with a simple GUI
    Discussions whether 1 weekly, 2 weekly or monthly are a thing of the past.
    That means every player can decide for himself when he wants to wipe.
    I play 10 hours a day for two weeks and have everything after 2 weeks, then it gets boring on the server).
    But now I can decide for myself whether I want a wipe or not on a server that runs for 4 weeks.
    With the command /wipe I have the following options:
    -Wipe All
    -Wipe Blueprints
    -Wipe Inventory
    -Wipe Backpack
    -Wipe Building
    This means that each player makes this decision himself and no one else suffers from it.

    If you have any questions or problems, join my discord

    The plugin was created by ☆☆☆ M&B Studios ☆☆☆
    Thanks to @CASHR and Shaigann for the help
  3. More information about "Junkpile NPC"


    Junkpile NPC

    Brings back the Junkpile scientists and the possibility to add Scarecrows.
    Video : Spawned junkpiles in to see the spawns in action (cfg was set to 10% which is/was the vanilla rate)

    Features :
    Complete configuration options. Support for kits or out of the box NPC's. Simple setup. No permissions needed the config sets up the randomization for their spawns and uses the vanilla spawned junkpiles (land types). No language files. No loot options. Configuration :
    example pre generated config below use "kit1","kit2" like in all my plugins for multiple kits
    { "Scarecrow Settings": { "Spawn chance (0-100)": 100, "Min NPC Spawn Amount": 2, "Max NPC Spawn Amount": 4, "Max Roam Distance": 15, "Scarecrow Normal": { "Prefix (Title)": "Scarecrow", "Health (HP)": 250 }, "Scarecrow Chainsaw": { "Prefix (Title)": "Scarecrow", "Health (HP)": 250 }, "Scarecrow Jackhammer": { "Prefix (Title)": "Scarecrow", "Health (HP)": 250 }, "Life Duration (minutes)": 15.0, "Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Use kit (clothing)": true, "Kit ID": [] }, "Scientist Settings": { "Spawn chance (0-100)": 100, "Min NPC Spawn Amount": 1, "Max NPC Spawn Amount": 3, "Max Roam Distance": 15, "Prefix (Title)": "Scientist", "Health (HP)": 250, "Life Duration (minutes)": 15.0, "Damage multiplier": 1.5, "Use kit (clothing)": true, "Kit ID": [ "npc-heavy1" ] } }
  4. More information about "Guess Number"


    Guess Number

    Arrange an event for guessing numbers in the chat You can configure the time after which the event will be launched You can specify the time that is given to guess the number You can change the numbers between which the number for the event will be selected You can change the numbers between which the number for the event will be selected The notification of the start and the winnings come in the chat and in the game notifications You can turn on or off automatic rewards You can use items and commands in rewards

    { "Only command start event": false, "How often will the event be launched(Seconds)": 90, "How many minimum people should there be to launch?": 3, "Duration of the event(Seconds)": 60, "Notification of the start of the event": "<color=orange>GIVEAWAY!</color> The event \"Guess the number\" begins, write it first in the chat.", "Notification of who won": "<color=orange>{0}</color> HAS WON GIVEAWAY WITH THE WINNING NUMBER {1}!\n! THE WINNER WILL RECEIVE <color=yellow>{2}</color>", "Minimum number": 1, "Maximum number": 2500, "Enable automatic rewards(true = yes": true, "Rewards": [ { "ShortName(Item)": "rifle.ak", "Amount(Item)": 1, "Custom Name(Item)": "", "SkinID(Item)": 0, "Set true if you want to use the command as a reward": false, "Display name(For message and GameTip)": "Rifle - AK", "Command(steamId={0}, playerName={1})": "" }, { "ShortName(Item)": "", "Amount(Item)": 0, "Custom Name(Item)": "", "SkinID(Item)": 0, "Set true if you want to use the command as a reward": true, "Display name(For message and GameTip)": "HOME RECYCLER", "Command(steamId={0}, playerName={1})": "giverecycler {0}" } ] }  
    Winner LAGZYA [76561198167177796] [01/01/1999 00.00]  
    /numberstart - guessnumber.admin /numberstart 200 500 - guessnumber.admin  
  5. More information about "Smart Base"


    Smart Base

    This plugin give access to remote storage Box ( Large Wooden Box, Small Wooden Box, Coffin, Electric Furnace And Cupboard) then player can take and send item from storage boxes.

    smartbase.use smartbase.limit.1 smartbase.limit.2 smartbase.limit.3 smartbase.limit.4 smartbase.limit.5 smartbase.limit.6 smartbase.limit.7 smartbase.limit.8 if player has "smartbase.use" permission so player can use this plugin features.
    All Plugin Settings
    { "Plugin Icon Id": 0, "Small Wooden Box Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/box.wooden.png", "Large Wooden Box Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/box.wooden.large.png", "Coffin Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/coffin.storage.png", "TC Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/cupboard.tool.png", "Gui Button Enabled": true, "Gui Button Image": "https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/1507/1507052.png", "Button Cordinate AnchorMin": "0.295 0.026", "Button Cordinate AnchorMax": "0.340 0.107", "Dont Open Container If Player In Building Blocked": false, "Dont Open container If Player has not Building Privilege": false, "Check Player in Raid Block": true, "Check Player in Combat Block": true } Player Commands 
    /smartbase ->show smartbase menu /markbox -> while looking box /removemarkbox -> while looking box Language Settings:
    You can modify the notification messages in different languages under the 'Language' folder.
    If you find any bugs, need assistance, or have suggestions related to the plugin, you can reach out on Discord. Discord pisagor0104


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