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0g.Ghost.7373's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Better Teams"


    Better Teams

    Enhances team gameplay by offering features like a team HUD, automatic authorization, team-specific skins, easy markers, and a dedicated team voice chat, with customizable permissions for monetization and performance optimization.

    This plugin will give your players a better experience when playing in a team. Team Hud - shows the health, condition(wounded, sleep, offline, etc), active item and square (player location on the map) of your allies Automatic authorization - adds automatic authorization in turrets, tc's, code locks and sam sites. The team leader can enable/disable authorization for each allie, so that the team can safely accept new players! Team skins - ability to choose skins for the team, when an item goes into inventory, it is automatically reskin into the team skin Easy team marker - allow players to use the marker without binoculars Team voice chat - allows players to switch voice chat to team voice chat. When enabled, the player will only be heard by his allies, works on any distance. A good way to playe with new allies that you don't want to add in discord. Any function in the plugin can be disabled in the config, so you will not lose performance from unnecessary functions. Any of the listed functions can be bound to permission in the config, so you can easily monitize, for example, skins.



    /bt - open better team menu
    Click open team menu button in team Hud

    { "Team Setting Command": "bt", "Enabled functions": { "Enable Team Hud": true, "Enable global team voice chat": true, "Enable team skins": true, "Enable easy team markers": true, "Enable team auto authorization": { "TC Authorization": true, "Codelocks authorization": true, "AutoTurrets authorization": true, "SAMSite authorization": true }, "Easy team markers": { "Max distance": 50.0, "Search radius": 1.0, "Duration [seconds]": 5, "Cooldown [seconds]": 10 } }, "Permissions": { "Need permission for Team Hud?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team Voice?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team Skins?(Need at least one player with this permission in team to set skins in menu)(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team marker?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Team hud using permission": "betterteams.hud", "Team Voice using permission": "betterteams.voice", "Team Skins using permission(only for setting skins. it's mean that only team leader will need this permission)": "betterteams.skins", "Team marker using permission": "betterteams.marker" }, "Hud Settings": { "UI Scale": 1.0, "Left Offset": 5, "Top Offset": 200, "Player grid refresh rate": 5, "Lines margin": 5, "Collums margin": 5, "Max amount of player displays in line": 8 } } 📗Lang File:
    { "UI_CHANGE": "Change", "UI_CHOOSE": "Select", "UI_BETTERTEAMS": "BETTER TEAMS", "UI_BETTERTEAMSDESCRIPTION": "This modification will allow you to get a better experience playing with friends. Some things have been changed, and new ones have been added, so that you get the better experience playing with your friends!", "UI_CHANGES": "CHANGES:", "UI_CHANGEHUD": "• Team Hud - allows you to see status of your mates", "UI_CHANGETeamVoice": "• Team Voice - allows you to use in-game voice chat to communicate only with your mates(works at any distance). Other players will not hear you. Can be enable in settings", "UI_CHANGESkins": "• Team Skins - allows you to choose skins for your team. Items you pick up will automatically receive your team's skin", "UI_CHANGEEasyTeamMabrkers": "• Easy Team Marker - allows you to use fast marker to your team without using binoculars", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthTC": "• AutoAuthorization TC - adds automatic authorization of allies in TC", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthCodeLocks": "• AutoAuthorization CodeLocks - adds automatic authorization of allies in Code Locks", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthTurrets": "• AutoAuthorization Auto Turrets - adds automatic authorization of allies in Auto Turrets", "UI_CHANGESamSiteAuthorization": "• AutoAuthorization SamSite - adds automatic authorization of allies in Sam Sites", "UI_CHANGEAuthorizationManager": "• Team Managment - allows the team leader to manage auto authorization for allies.", "UI_SETTINGSNAME": "PERSONAL SETTINGS", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_VOICE": "USE TEAM VOICE CHAT ", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_VOICE_DES": "Yes - Replace vanilla voice to to team chat. Only your allies will hear you. Works at any distance (on the entire map)", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_SKINS": "USE TEAM SKINS", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_SKIN_DES": "Yes - all items you pick up will automatically receive your team's skin.", "UI_S_ENABLE_MARKERS": "USE EASY TEAM MARKERS", "UI_S_ENABLE_MARKERS_DES": "Yes - will give you the ability to place quick time markers in the world at the location you are looking at. Markers are placed using a key combination and do not require binoculars.", "UI_S_MARKER_BUTTON": "EASY TEAM MARKER BIND", "UI_S_MARKER_BUTTON_DES": "Bind your easy team marker command. Just copy command, replace BUTTON to the button you need and enter in console!\nExample: bind BUTTON ftmark -> binb v ftmark", "UI_S_YES": "YES", "UI_S_NO": "NO", "UI_M_MEMBERS": "TEAM MANAGMENT", "UI_M_ONLY_LEADER": "Available only to the team leader", "UI_M_AA_H1": "AUTO AUTHORIZATION", "UI_M_AA_INFO_DES": "All authorization places (tcs, codelocks, auto turrets, etc) add up to a single authorization list for the entire team. If you block any ally from accessing the authorization list, he will lose access to all authorization places, except for those that he installed personally (set codelock or tc himself), while your team will not lose access to his authorization places. Good if you accept new random player in your team.", "UI_M_SELECT_MATE": "Select one of your allies", "UI_M_AA_TC": "Tool Cupboard Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_CL": "CodeLocks Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_AT": "Auto Turrets Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_SAMSITE": "Sam Sites Auto Authorization", "UI_M_KICK": "Kick from team", "UI_M_KICK_B": "KICK", "UI_S_TEAM_SKINS": "TEAM SKINS", "CM_MARKER_COOLDOWN": "Your team ping is on cooldown: {0} seconds left", "UI_H_INFO_TEXT": "OPEN TEAM MENU", "UI_S_PERM": "Your team must have at least 1 player with privilege that have access to skins", "CM_DONT_HAVE_PERM": "You do not have permission to use this command", "UI_IS_DISABLED": "This function is disabled by admin" }  
  2. More information about "The Ferry"


    The Ferry

    Spawn in the Nexus ferry and let players ride it around the map.
    The ferry by default will make a stop at Ferry Terminal monument. You can add more stops to the map using the commands listed below.

    You can add parented items to the ferry. By default there is some items in the config to see how its done.
    It is recommended you create your own path for the ferry to follow. This is as easy as driving a boat around with the pathing tool this way you are sure there is a path point close to your docks turnaround point..

    When creating a path make sure you mark on the map where you started so you can end your path close to where you started to continue the path loop. Also make sure to create your path in the direction cargoship drives.

    /ferry <killall, dock, path, dockpoint>

    killall - Kills your ferry on the map.
    dock - Spawns a dock in front of where your standing and looking for the ferry to dock at.
    path - Pathing tool to create a path for the ferry to follow so you can get it close to there your docks are.
    dockpoint - Tool used to create a dock point with out it spawning the dock useful for custom built docks.
    { "General Settings": { "Custom Path FileName": "CargoPath", "Custom Path Reverse/ Use if paths not in direction of cargoship": false, "How long to stay at dock in seconds": 300.0, "Ui OffsetMin": "380.8 325.0", "Ui OffsetMax": "680 350.0", "Use SafeZone": true, "SafeZone Radius": 75.0, "SafeZone Turret Scan Range": 20.0 }, "Radio Settings": { "Custom Path FileName": null, "Custom Path Reverse/ Use if paths not in direction of cargoship": false, "How long to stay at dock in seconds": 0.0, "Radio Enabled": true, "Radio Stations": { "Triple J": "http://live-radio01.mediahubaustralia.com/2TJW/mp3/", "Double J": "http://live-radio01.mediahubaustralia.com/DJDW/mp3/", "NPR": "https://npr-ice.streamguys1.com/live.mp3", "98.7 The Shark": "http://17643.live.streamtheworld.com/WPBBFM.mp3", "Magic Oldies Florida": "http://ais-edge07-live365-dal02.cdnstream.com/a46209", "Smooth Jazz Florida": "http://server.webnetradio.net:5120/", "Salsa Radio": "http://radio.domiplay.net:2002/;", "Radio Central": "http://philae.shoutca.st:8459/stream", "J Pop Project Radio - Global Edition": "http://bluford.torontocast.com:8085/stream", "Heart FM": "http://media-ice.musicradio.com/HeartLondonMP3", "Heart 80s": "https://media-ice.musicradio.com/Heart80sMP3", "Heart 90s": "https://media-ice.musicradio.com/Heart90sMP3", "Heart Dance": "https://icecast.thisisdax.com/HeartDanceMP3", "Heart 00s": "https://ice-sov.musicradio.com/Heart00sMP3", "Classical California KUSC": "http://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/api/livestream-redirect/KUSCMP32.mp3", "KEXP": "http://kexp-mp3-128.streamguys1.com/kexp128.mp3", "Sensimedia": " http://equinox.shoutca.st:9878/stream", "Rude FM": " http://sh-uk.audio-stream.com:8042/;", "WEFUNK": "http://s-00.wefunkradio.com:81/wefunk64.mp3", "Metal Rock": "http://listen.djcmedia.com/metalrockradiohigh", "Smooth Country": "https://media-ice.musicradio.com/SmoothCountryMP3", "Real Punk Radio": "http://s2.nexuscast.com:8080/stream", "World Music Radio": "http://stream.wlmm.dk:8010/wmrmp3", "Jazz FM": "" } }, "Parent Entitys": { "Parents Entitys": { "SirenLight1": { "prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/lights/sirenlight/electric.sirenlight.deployed.prefab", "localPosition": "0.0, 10.38, 9", "rotation": "0, 0, 0" }, "cardtable": { "prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/cardtable.caboose_static.prefab", "localPosition": "-5.3, 3.5, -7.0", "rotation": "0, 90, 0" }, "blackjackmachine": { "prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/blackjackmachine/blackjackmachine.static.prefab", "localPosition": "5.8, 3.5, -11.0", "rotation": "0, 90, 0" }, "slotmachine": { "prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/slotmachine.caboose_static.prefab", "localPosition": "5.0, 3.9, -8.9", "rotation": "0, -90, 0" }, "slotmachine1": { "prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/slotmachine.caboose_static.prefab", "localPosition": "5.0, 3.9, -7.7", "rotation": "0, -90, 0" }, "slotmachine2": { "prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/slotmachine.caboose_static.prefab", "localPosition": "5.0, 3.9, -1.0", "rotation": "0, -90, 0" }, "slotmachine3": { "prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/slotmachine.caboose_static.prefab", "localPosition": "-5.0, 3.9, -0.3", "rotation": "0, 90, 0" }, "slotmachine4": { "prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/slotmachine.caboose_static.prefab", "localPosition": "-5.0, 3.9, 0.8", "rotation": "0, 90, 0" }, "bigwheelbettingterminal1": { "prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/casino/bigwheel/bigwheelbettingterminal.prefab", "localPosition": "1.4, 3.49, -4.69", "rotation": "0, 165, 0" }, "bigwheelbettingterminal2": { "prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/casino/bigwheel/bigwheelbettingterminal.prefab", "localPosition": "1.9, 3.49, -6.5", "rotation": "0, -15, 0" }, "bigwheelbettingterminal3": { "prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/casino/bigwheel/bigwheelbettingterminal.prefab", "localPosition": "1.4, 3.49, -4.15", "rotation": "0, 15, 0" }, "bigwheelbettingterminal4": { "prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/casino/bigwheel/bigwheelbettingterminal.prefab", "localPosition": "1.9, 3.49, -2.25", "rotation": "0, 195, 0" }, "bigwheel": { "prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/casino/bigwheel/big_wheel.prefab", "localPosition": "4.522, 5.1, -4.3", "rotation": "180, 0, 90" }, "sofa_pattern1": { "prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/sofa_pattern.static.prefab", "localPosition": "1.0, 3.49, -3.0", "rotation": "0, 105, 0" }, "sofa_pattern2": { "prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/sofa_pattern.static.prefab", "localPosition": "1.0, 3.49, -5.8", "rotation": "0, 75, 0" } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 7 } }  

  3. More information about "Exclusion Island Custom Map"


    Exclusion Island Custom Map

    This 3500 map offers a unique layout with vast possibilities for your gameplay experience. At its core is a central island where building is permitted, featuring two ferry terminals, subway access, and an entrance monument bridge. Surrounding this central island is a ring island that houses all of Facepunch's monuments along with additional space for future monuments.
    The map is designed to support a variety of gameplay scenarios, allowing you to tailor the experience to your preferences. Here are a few example scenarios:
    1. Zombie Outbreak: Zombies are confined to the monument ring island, creating a dangerous perimeter around the central island and risk when looting monuments. (Suggested Plugin Zombie Horde)
    2. Virus Outbreak: Introduce a virus scenario that players must navigate and survive. (Suggested Plugin Injuries And Diseases)
    3. Radiation Fallout: The ring island can be constantly radiated, or you can implement a roaming radiation zone that travels around the ring island. (Suggested Plugin Freak Radiation)
    4. Mixed PVP/PVE Server: Designate the central island as a PVE safe zone for player living areas, while the ring monument island remains a PVP zone for intense battles. (Suggested Plugin Zone Manager)
    These are just a few ideas to get you started. The true potential of this map lies in your creativity and the variety of plug-ins you choose to use. Customize it to fit your vision and create a truly unique server experience.
    Fully custom terrain that brings a unique look to your server.
    Two Versions Of The Map Included.
    To let you play the map the way you prefer, I've included two versions: one that allows building only on the central core island, and another that permits building across the entire map.
    Included Plugin
    The plugin is an all-in-one mix comprising three custom plugins specifically designed for use exclusively on this map. It offers a range of features, from custom signs and blood to graffiti textures all made by me. Additionally, it prevents the cargo ship from sailing through the island if it’s located within the ring when it intends to depart. Moreover, it powers the swing bridge for seamless functionality.
    This map features a large railway that has a one line running around the map with full compatibility with cargo train event as well as a link from the surface to the underground railway
    Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc.
    Custom NPC @ Custom Monuments
    Normal RustEdit Scientist’s have been replaced with my own set of NPC’S from the various factions from the rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller and Underwater Dweller) if you do not like my NPC’s simply don’t install the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you want.
    Airfield Arctic Research Base Bandit Camp Dome Gas Station Giant Excavator Pit Harbor Junkyard Large Oil Rig Launch Site Lighthouse Military Tunnels Outpost Power Plant Quarry (Sulfur, Stone, HQM) Satellite Dish Sewer Branch Small Oil Rig Supermarket Train Yard Underwater Labs Water Treatment Plant Fishing Village Abandoned Supermarket Oxum’s Gas Station Nuclear Silo (Missile Silo) Abandoned Desert Base Gateway Entrance (Custom Monument) Early Warning Satellites (Custom Monument) Soft Drinks Factory (Custom Monument) Help And Contact
    If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553

    For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMapsByRobJ Discord
  4. More information about "SkyFall (custom map)"


    SkyFall (custom map)

    The once great city was buried under layers of sand... A civilization that almost reached the sky is now forced to crawl on the ground again...but the remains of the stone jungle remind us of the past.
    The central island is located in the middle of the lake and is encircled by a railway on piles.
    There is an oasis hidden in the mountain, and even though it is in a winter biome, due to its special location, it has excellent living conditions and everything you need.
    When the tunnel was dug, the builders came across an unknown room and all the workers disappeared there without a trace, as did the expedition to rescue them.
    The zipline helps you move faster; it goes around the entire island.
    There is a lot of ore on rocks and stones sticking out of the ground, including in the desert biome, although less.

    Size: 4500 Prefab: ~24k All locations are connected with the road Ring railway Ring road Unique custom locations Magnificent and realistic landscape Lot of  places to explore Subway and train are connected by tunnel Advanced subway network  
    Custom Monuments:
    Abandoned city Paradise Beach Hidden Oasis Hidden Pillars Shrine Zipline Point Railway on piles Other small places  
    Monument Rust:
    Harbor 1 and 2 Ferry Terminal Trainyard Abandoned MIlitary Base Launch Site Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost Giant Excavator Pit Junkyard Military Tunnel The Dome Lighthouse Ranch Large Barn Water Treatment Fishing Village 1,2,3 Underwater Lab Oil rig and Large Oil Rig Railway Sewer Branch HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry  Roadside Monument  Mining Outpost  Supermarket Gas Station  
    Please rate ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  the map. Thank you!
    The map is password protected, if you want to make changes or you have any questions please write to me on discord.
    Litum on - 
  5. More information about "Velora: City Takeover"


    Velora: City Takeover

    This map takes place in the long, distant future where most of the island's population has been exterminated or forced into hiding in the extensive caves below the surface. The Cobalt Corporation has grown exponentially, taking over the entire island with an iron fist.
    The Cobalt Corporation's presence is marked by multiple road checkpoints, manned by armed scientists who shoot anything in sight, ensuring complete control and instilling fear among the island's survivors. The corporation has developed several fortified cities across the island, serving as heavily guarded headquarters.
    Venture into the unknown as you explore and scavenge the remnants of old vanilla monuments: These iconic structures have either crumbled with time or sunk to the bottom of the sea due to devastating earthquakes.
    Face the challenge of the ruthless Cobalt Corporation: For those bold enough to confront this powerful entity, the opportunity to seize control of entire cities awaits. Be warned, as these cities are strategically designed, and infiltrating these strongholds would require not only unparalleled skill but also anticipating the movements of its armed scientists.
    Size: 3750
    Prefab count: ∼14k

    > Emberwaste city
    - Level of difficulty: Easy -- Layout
    > Dusthaven city
    - Level of difficulty: Medium -- Layout
    > Sandstone city
    - Level of difficulty: Hard -- Layout
    > Green city
    - Level of difficulty: Hard -- Layout

    > Trainyard Ruins
    > Launch Site Ruins
    > Road Checkpoints
    > Bank
    > Office Buildings
    > Sunken Power Plant (underground tunnels and sewers are closed)
    > Sunken Quarrys
    > 3 Unknown Sunken Monuments - Marked with custom "?" icons on the map to encourage players to explore each one on their own
    > Lighthouse Ruin
    > Grand Waterfall
    > Bridges


    > The mountain is surrounded by a unique rocky - forest biome, and is covered by fumes, giving it a cold look and preventing players from roof camping at the same time.
    > Ring road
    > Ring rail in the tier 2 area of the map, dedicated for Armored Train (the plugin is not included)
    > Bandit Fishing Village contains the best from both outpost and bandit camp
    > Recyclers and marketplaces at all fishing villages
    > Buildable bus stops
    > Large Rock formations that players can build inside, or on top
    > Sunken monuments for players to explore & loot with submarines / diving tanks
    > Sunken monuments are fully functional (loot, puzzles, recyclers)
    > Optimized Prefabs
    > Harbor (2/2)
    > Ferry Terminal
    > Oxum's Gas Station
    > Supermarket
    > Airfield
    >  Satelite Dish
    > Fishing Villages
    > Lighthouse
    > Small & Large Oil Rig
    > Underwater Lab

    – Need help? You can always contact me on my discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge
    – The password for the editor is included with the map.


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