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Version 1.2.1
Better Statistics is a advanced statistic plugin which offers a beautiful in-game UI and self hosted responsive website. Steam login for easy profile access Support for multiple servers Search any player by their name View players profiles with a ton of cool stats How does it work? The plugin is setup with two tables via MySQL, one for the wipe and one for the overall stats. When the server wipes, all data is automatically moved over to and added to the overall table and the wipe table is then cleared. When do the stats save for each player? There is a automatic timer that you can set to have every players stats sync to the database. By default the players data is synced when they leave the server, and the automatic timer just in-case of a server crash. There is also a command that can be used from the server console to save a players stats or all players stats. What stats does it track? Name Steam ID Connection Count Playtime Kills Deaths (Deaths to players) Kill Death Ratio Overall Accuracy Suicides Times Wounded Satchels Thrown C4 Thrown Rockets Fired TC's Destroyed NPC Kills Chickens Boars Stags Horses Wolves Bears Scientists Helicopters Bradley's 16. Weapon Kills Assault Rifle LR-300 M39 L96 BOLT M249 HMLMG MP5 Thompson Custom SMG Pump Shotgun Double Barrel Spaz-12 M92 Python Semi Auto Pistol Revolver Waterpipe Eoka Pistol Compound Bow Crossbow Hunting Bow 17. Body Hits Head Torso Left Arm Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg Left Foot Right Foot Requirements: A MySQL Server that the stats can be saved to Config: { "MySQL Database Connection Info": { "Host IP": "localhost", "Port": 3306, "Database name": "betterstatistics", "Username": "root", "Password": "" }, "Server Prefix (For tables Ex: main_stats_wipe, main_stats_overall)": "main", "Save Interval (Mins) (0 = Disabled)": 10 } Player Commands: /stats - Opens up local players stats /stats {playerid} - Opens up stats of the given player id Server Commands: - Saves every players stats that are connected to the server {playerid} - Saves the given player id's stats as long as they are on the server Requirements: A web server to be able to host the PHP Site. Config: <?php return array( 'ServerName' => 'TEST SERVER', 'SiteDescription' => 'Stats Website Template developed by Billy Joe', 'SteamAPIKey' => '', 'backgroundImage' => '', 'servers' => array( 'server1' => array( 'serverIcon' => '', 'ipAddress' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'databaseName' => 'betterstatistics', 'wipe' => 'main_stats_wipe', 'overall' => 'main_stats_overall' ), 'server2' => array( 'serverIcon' => '', 'ipAddress' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'databaseName' => 'betterstatistics', 'wipe' => 'main_stats_wipe', 'overall' => 'main_stats_wipe' ), 'server3' => array( 'serverIcon' => '', 'ipAddress' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'databaseName' => 'betterstatistics', 'wipe' => 'main_stats_wipe', 'overall' => 'main_stats_overall' ), ) ); ?>$49.99- 81 comments
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Version 0.1.1
Energize Interactions in Rust with Custom Messages! Unlock the potential of Rust's in-game chat with PlayerEventChatMessages-a plugin that elevates player interaction to an art form. Craft a vibrant community by enabling players to express themselves uniquely following in-game events, and in doing so, discreetly open up a new channel for economic opportunity on your server Key Features: Message Customization: Give your players the ability to purchase and select their chat messages to celebrate or announce specific actions. Flexible Monetization: Use the currency of your choice (Economics, Server Rewards, or your own plugin.) to enable players to acquire these distinctive messages. VIP Exclusivity: Control the ability to make certain messages exclusive to your VIP players, increasing the appeal for premium status. Configurable User Interface: A fully adaptable window, allowing you to change colors, size, and more, for a unique and personalized display. Integrated Localization: Tailor messages to the players' language, with a default configuration including forty messages already translated into English and French. Events Handled: Player Death Player Kill Player Connect Player Disconnect Dedicated Support: Rapid Assistance: Your seamless gaming experience is my priority. I'm readily available for support inquiries. Feel free to contact me on Codefling or join my Discord for swift and personalized assistance: Easy Configuration: Configuration File: 'Config/PlayerEventChatMessages.json' - Modify or add fields as needed. Message Management: The key defines the unique identifier of your message for translations. Accessibility: Enable or disable specific messages, making some inaccessible without completely deleting them. Triggering: Configure the sending time of messages according to the related event: "PlayerDead, PlayerKill, PlayerConnect, PlayerDisconnect". Message Customization: Language File: Lang/<language>/PlayerEventChatMessages.json - Associate the configuration ID with the desired message value. Dynamic Insertion: Use keywords such as `<owner_name>` and `<victim_name>` to integrate the players names into the messages. Adding Color: Beautify your messages with color tags for added visibility. Intuitive User Interface: With a multitude of customization options, create a user interface that perfectly matches the aesthetic of your server. Easy to configure and manage, our interface ensures a seamless integration with the game. Command & Control: - Commands: Set the stage for interaction with a customizable command for opening the chat window, defaulting to '/pevent'. - Permissions: Manage how players interact with the economy and the plugin with granular permissions: PlayerEventChatMessages.VIP for VIP content PlayerEventChatMessages.Default for standard plugin access PlayerEventChatMessages.UnlimitedCooldown for cooldown-free message usage Json Example : { "(By player) Message Cooldown for any types (seconds)": 1800.0, "(By player) Message Cooldown for each types (seconds)": 5.0, "Commands for show UI": [ "pevent_show", "pevent" ], "Money": { "Money Plugin Type ('Economics' | 'ServerRewards' | 'Custom')": "Economics", "(Custom) Plugin Name": "", "(Custom) Plugin Hook => int/double/float Hook(string id)": "", "(Custom) Plugin Hook => bool Hook(string id, int val)": "" }, "UI": { "Rects": { "Window Rect": { "X Size Min": -250.0, "Y Size Min": -210.0, "X Size Max": 250.0, "Y Size Max": 210.0, "Position X": 0.5, "Position Y": 0.5, "Width": 500.0, "Height": 420.0 }, "Top Rect": { "X Size Min": 0.0, "Y Size Min": -25.0, "X Size Max": 500.0, "Y Size Max": 0.0, "Position X": 0.0, "Position Y": 1.0, "Width": 500.0, "Height": 25.0 }, "Close Rect": { "X Size Min": -25.0, "Y Size Min": -25.0, "X Size Max": 0.0, "Y Size Max": 0.0, "Position X": 1.0, "Position Y": 1.0, "Width": 25.0, "Height": 25.0 }, "Categories Rect": { "X Size Min": 0.0, "Y Size Min": 0.0, "X Size Max": 75.0, "Y Size Max": 395.0, "Position X": 0.0, "Position Y": 0.0, "Width": 75.0, "Height": 395.0 }, "Content Rect": { "X Size Min": 80.0, "Y Size Min": 0.0, "X Size Max": 485.0, "Y Size Max": 385.0, "Position X": 0.0, "Position Y": 0.0, "Width": 405.0, "Height": 385.0 } }, "Title": { "Title Font Size": 12, "Title Font Color": "1 1 1 1", "Title Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf" }, "Money Top": { "Money Icon Ratio": 0.8, "Money Text Size": 10 }, "Categories": { "Category Height": 25.0, "Category Width": 75.0, "Category Font Size": 12, "Is Vertical": true }, "Icons": { "Money Icon Url": "", "New Icon Url": "", "Vip Icon Url": "" }, "Messages": { "Message Item Height": 30.0, "Max Message Per Line": 5.0, "Message Margin Height": 5.0, "Message Margin Width": 5.0, "Message Font Size": 12, "Icon Ratio (VIP, New, Money)": 0.8 }, "Theme": { "Colors": { "Surface": "0.133 0.133 0.133 1", "Background": "0.094 0.094 0.094 1", "TextPrimary": "1 1 1 1", "TextOnSelected": "1 1 1 1", "Primary": "1 1 1 1", "Selected": "0.77 0.26 0.171 1", "CloseButton": "0.8 0 0 1" } } }, "Messages (go to lang directory for values)": { "1": { "Enabled": true, "Trigger Type ('PlayerDead' | 'PlayerKill' | 'PlayerConnect' | 'PlayerDisconnect')":"PlayerDead", "Obtention": { "Price (0 => free)":150 } }, "2": { "Enabled": true, "Trigger Type ('PlayerDead' | 'PlayerKill' | 'PlayerConnect' | 'PlayerDisconnect')":"PlayerConnect", "Obtention": { "Price (0 => free)":150 } }, "3": { "Enabled": true, "Trigger Type ('PlayerDead' | 'PlayerKill' | 'PlayerConnect' | 'PlayerDisconnect')":"PlayerKill", "Obtention": { "Price (0 => free)":150 } } } }$8.99