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  1. Monster


    Version 1.0.6


    XPrison - prison for your server. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XPrison - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Ability to create a prison using the CopyPaste plugin or a custom prefab created in RustEdit. [ To use a prefab as a prison, you need to specify its coordinates in the config ] [ The prison is protected from any kind of damage. ] - Adjustment of attires for the prisoner. - Setting nicknames for prisoners. [ Random prefix with nickname in chat ] - Setting allowed console and chat commands. [ The rest will be blocked ] - Radio tuning for prisoners. [Detailed settings in the spoiler] - The ability to send the player to life or temporary imprisonment. - Two options for serving a temporary sentence: Online. [ The player needs to spend his entire term online in prison ] By date (offline). [ The player will be released after the specified time. He can go offline and wait offline for the end of the term ] - The ability to add prisoners even if they have never been on the server or on the date. [ A file with the prisoner's data will be automatically created ] - The ability to block slots with clothes. [ To prevent the prisoner from taking off his uniform ] - Automatic release of prisoners at the end of the term. - Block damage to prisoners. - As spawners for prisoners, the - "Tesla Coil" is used. [ If there are no spawners, then the prisoners will spawn around the map, but will not be able to farm and deal damage. There will be appropriate warnings in the server console ] - As a spawner for admins is used - "Press Plate". - "Igniter" is used as spawners for visitors. - Various chat notifications. [ Sending to the prisonand release. The duration of the term. ] - An admin or a player with a permit is not subject to various prison restrictions. - The ability to teleport a prisoner to prison (clear his inventory). [ Or kill the prisoner and he will respawn in prison ] - Ability to teleport prisoner from prison to Outpost or Bandit Camp (clear his inventory) [ Or kill the prisoner and he will respawn on the beach ] - If a prisoner is teleported to and from prison, without clearing his inventory, then you can arrange a quest for them: If you survive in prison, you can save your loot, as well as the loot that you got from other prisoners in prison. - Mini game. The prisoner can press buttons and reduce his time of detention. [ Useful for prisoners who are serving time online ] - Mini game 2. The prisoner can recycle items inside the zone and reduce his time of imprisonment. - Ability to automatically spawn entities(stone, barrels, etc.) inside the prison. [ When the player breaks them, they will appear automatically after N seconds. ] - Ability to link a prison to a monument. [ Just set it up once and it's automatic from there! ] Important! There must already be a building on the monument! And also all elements of the prison OwnerID must be 100001. You can spawn buildings on monuments with the plugin - MonumentAddons You can get the prison file for the CopyPaste plugin from the developer after purchase. -> Overview - YouTube <- Permissions xprison.admin - access to admin functionality. [ Not required for admin player ] xprison.visitor - access to visiting the prison for ordinary players. Commands /zonaloc - find out your coordinates and the coordinates of the prison. /zonaloc1 - get coordinates relative to the monument. [ To link the prison to the monument. ] /tpzona - teleport to the prison. [ For Administrators/Visitors ] /zona - check the length of the term. /zonamenu - open the prisoner management menu. /entspawn cfg-key sec - spawn an entity inside the prison with an appearance interval. /entkill - delete a custom entity. [ You have to look at it. ] cmd_prisoner add <SteamID [ 76561100000000000 ]> <Life imprisonment [ True / False ]> <Term duration [ 3600 ]> <Option to serve time [ True - online / False - by date (possibly offline.) ]> - send to the player's zone. ( Regardless of online player or offline ) cmd_prisoner remove <SteamID [ 76561100000000000 ]> false 0 - release the prisoner. ( Regardless of online player or offline ) [ You can, for example, give the opportunity to redeem yourself through the store ] API bool API_IsOnlinePrisoner(ulong userID) - return TRUE/FALSE if the online player is a prisoner. void API_AddOnlinePrisoner(BasePlayer prisoner, bool life - Life imprisonment [ True / False ], int duration - Term duration [ 3600 ]) - send an online player to the zone. void API_RemoveOnlinePrisoner(BasePlayer prisoner) - free online prisoner. bool API_IsOfflinePrisoner(ulong userID) - return TRUE/FALSE if the offline player is a prisoner. void API_AddOfflinePrisoner(BasePlayer prisoner, bool life - Life imprisonment [ True / False ], int duration - Term duration [ 3600 ]) - send an offline player to the zone. void API_RemoveOfflinePrisoner(ulong userID) - free offline prisoner. string API_GetOnlinePrisonerPrefix(BasePlayer player) - return the prisoner's online prefix. Config { "General settings": { "Profile SteamID for custom avatar": 0, "List of allowed console commands on the prison": [ "global.respawn" ], "List of allowed chat commands in the prison": [ "zona" ] }, "Settings prison": { "Prison location coordinates": { "x": 1000.0, "y": 700.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Prison file name for the CopyPaste plugin": "zona606", "Diameter from the point you specify to search for prison structures, spawners, and more": 35.0, "Automatically turn on the boombox after the prison spawns": true, "Use the CopyPaste plugin for the prison [ True - CopyPaste | False - the prison location point you specified, you can use a custom prefab or build the prison manually ]": true, "Allow regular players to visit the prison": false, "Allow ordinary players to visit the prison only with an empty inventory": true }, "Prisoner settings": { "Lock the clothing slots": true, "Lock the slots on the belt": false, "Lock inventory slots": false, "Lock clothing items - [ Player will not be able to discard them ]": true, "Use a nickname prefix for the prisoner - [ Set to False if the prefix should be disabled or the prefix is used by a third party chat plugin ]": true, "Link to prisoner lock screen image": "https://i.imgur.com/SZoYTLt.png", "Layer UI lock screen image - [ Overlay | Hud ]": "Hud", "Use screen lock": false, "Do not kill the prisoner when he enters the prison, but simply teleporting": false, "When a prisoner is teleported to prison, clear his inventory": false, "Do not kill the prisoner when he is released from prison, but simply teleporting to the Outpost or Bandit Camp": false, "When a prisoner teleports out of prison, clear his inventory": false, "[ Mini-game ] Allow prisoners to shorten their time by pressing buttons inside the prison": true, "[ Mini-game ] For pressing one button, how many seconds to reduce the term of imprisonment": 1, "[ Mini-game 2 ] Allow inmates to reduce their incarceration time by recycling items inside the prison": true, "[ Mini-game 2 ] List of items and number of seconds": { "rock": 1 }, "List of prisoner's attires [ Shortname - SkinID ]": { "burlap.headwrap": 2655848185, "burlap.shirt": 2655843517, "burlap.trousers": 2655838948 }, "List of prisoner nicknames": [ "Schellen", "Schilten", "Espadas", "Bastos", "Oros", "Denari", "Rosen", "Copas", "Herz", "Eichel", "Kule", "Laub", "Zelený", "Grün" ] } }
  2. Version 1.2.14


    Lock Up the nasty players! Admins or players with permissions will have the ability to spawn handcuffs and use them to lock up victims or npc's while also giving them the ability to escort or loot their target. This system was heavily inspired by the Rustoria/OTV developers. Usage Equip the handcuff item in your belt and make sure it's selected, go near a player/npc and hold E button. Current Futures Include (check the config bellow as well) Support for permissions Handcuff item type, skin & stack are changeble Handcuffed player can be looted Handcuffed player can be escorted - By Foot - In Vehicle Ground/Air/Water - Dragged behind the Vehicle with adjustable distance NPCs can be handcuffed as well (all the above apply) Adjustable on handcuff time Option to cancel on spotted Option to escort the player floating or stick to ground Inventory slots can be locked on handcuffed Handcuff message changable Adjustable access to locked player Adjustable lock/cuff protection Configurable blocked Chat & Console commands for handcuffed players Handcuff item stack can be made unlimited Option to unlock player on warden death Option to keep victim locked on death Option to change victim clothes on handcuff More futures may be taken in consideration after they are suggested and discussed. Commands [Chat & Console] cuff _all|PlayerName|SteamID - Lock the target through a Server Console or F1 Console command (Admin Only) (Chat: /hcuffs | Console hcuffs) ~ ~ /hcuffs _self Amount - Give yourself handcuffs (Chat only) ~ /hcuffs PlayerName|SteamID Amount - Give the target player handcuffs ~ /hcuffs _all Amount - Give everyone in the server handcuffs (Admin Only) /lock - Lock|Unlock yourself :: Example Command for Server Rewards: hcuffs $player.id 1 API Check if target is Restrained Restrain Player - For self-restrain use player as attacker Unrestrain Player - save = Saves the player into the data, usually used when player disconnect - ride = Additional checks for players inside a vehicle Default Config Config is pretty much self explementary.


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