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  1. Version 1.2.0


    The problem: Let's be honest: each of us found himself in a situation with too much storage containers and without any knowledge on where to find which item. Sure, you could just add some storage adaptors and pipes to your boxes but then you'll need to configurate each conveyor and care about splitting, routing and combining multiple pipes with multiple conveyors. Finally set up, the items - configured in the conveyor filters - will just be thrown into the next free slot and it will still be a big mess. Chest slot config gets you rid of this problem by sorting each item into the slot it belongs in, either by using an industrial conveyor system or by manually moving items into boxes. Save your (vip) players a ton of work and time they otherwise would waste on searching for items in boxes. Features: - Assign an item definition for each slot in small and large wooden boxes - Automatic sorting when attached to an industrial conveyor system - Manual sorting when right clicking, drag'n'dropping or hover looting items from your inventory - Display an overlay for the assigned item definition on each slot - Open the configuration by holding a configurable item or hold the secondary fire button while opening a chest - Quick select item definitions from categories - Search for item definitions by name - Removing and overwriting assigned item definitions - View-Only mode for players that should not be able to change the configuration Attention: Items will be sorted into the first slot with a matching item definition assigned OR with no item definition assigned. Since an unconfigured slot will accept every item, the inserted items will be dropped into it even if there's a slot with the correct item definition assigned AFTER the unconfigured slot. This logic does apply when storing items manually AND using a conveyor system. Permissions: ChestSlotConfig.use Player can open and use the full slot configuration. ChestSlotConfig.viewOnly Player can only view the assigned item definitions but not change them. Roadmap / Planned features: - Full UI rewrite: Yes I know the UI is flickering and looks awful. I'm a developer, not a designer - "Clear all" button: Removes all assigned item definitions. - "Move box" feature: Destroy a box and place it somewhere else without loosing the slot configuration. Just use the plugin "Telekinesis by WhiteThunder", move the box and reattach the storage adaptor. He did a great work with this plugin. - "Block slot" feature: Blocks a slot entirely so that no item will be sorted into. Useful for later assignment. - "Copy and paste" feature: Let's you copy and paste the configuration for a whole box (of the same type). - "Assign slot range" feature: Let's you assign a range of slot instead of having to click every single slot when assigning the same item definition. - Adding more storage containers: Tool cupboards, lockers etc. - "Favourite" feature: Let's you mark item definitions as favourite to let you find/access them faster. - Translation of item definition names: Currently only english is supported since the server does not know which language the clients use. Maybe I will use the "Rust Translation API by Arainrr". - "Assigned slot first" feature: Items will fill up slots with a matching item definition assigned to it first, even if there are free/unconfigured slots BEFORE matching slots. Known issues / bugs: - Conveyors not working when placing storage adaptors with "Ubertool by k1lly0u" (chaos code): Not a bug with my plugin only, just an information: if you place storage adaptors while "Ubertool" is active, the adaptor will snap to the boxes but will now connect logically. The conveyor will not transport items until you remove the adaptor and place it again with disabled "Ubertool"
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Allows changing the max stack amount that industrial conveyors can transfer at once. How it works In vanilla Rust, let's say you have a stack of 500 scrap in a box. A connected industrial conveyor will transfer out at most 60 scrap from that stack at a time. This plugin allows you to change that 60 number to whatever you want, and allows you to set different numbers for different players using permissions. This plugin is especially useful for servers that have high loot content and high stack sizes. Note: Even when using this plugin, the transfer max stack amount cannot exceed the item's max stack size. For best results, adjust max stack sizes as well. Related ConVars If you are having issues with conveyor transfer speeds, consider changing the following ConVars as well. server.conveyormovefrequency -- How often industrial conveyors attempt to move items. Setting to 0 will disable all movement. Default: 5. server.maxitemstacksmovedpertickindustrial -- How many stacks a single conveyor can move in a single tick. Default: 12. As an alternative to this plugin, you can try simply increasing the server.conveyormovefrequency ConVar, but that may affect server performance, and will not help that much for servers with very high stack sizes. Another alternative is for players to simply spread out the items in the source container, since that will utilize the conveyor feature to move multiple stacks at once (which is a ConVar-controlled number), but that is more work for players. Permissions This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. By default, the plugin provides the following permissions. Each one grants the corresponding max transfer amount to all industrial conveyors deployed by the player. conveyorstacks.amount.100 conveyorstacks.amount.1000 conveyorstacks.amount.10000 conveyorstacks.amount.100000 Notes These permissions are generated automatically when the plugin loads and reads the config. You can change these values and even add more by editing the config and reloading the plugin. If a player has multiple of these permissions assigned, the highest will apply. If you grant one of these permissions, then change that number in the config, the old permission will no longer exist, so you will have to grant permission again for the new value. For a seamless installation, make your intended config edits before granting any permissions to avoid any confusion. Configuration The settings and options can be configured in the ConveyorStacks file under the config directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. Default transfer max stack amount (Default: 60) -- Determines the max stack amount that industrial conveyors can transfer at once. Can be overriden by granting permissions. This default value of 60 matches vanilla Rust as of this writing (March 2023). Transfer max stack amounts requiring permission -- Defines additional max stack amounts that will be used to generate permissions like conveyorstacks.amount.<amount>. Developer Hooks object OnConveyorMaxStackAmountChange(IndustrialConveyor conveyor) Return false to prevent the plugin from affecting the conveyor.


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