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Version 1.0.6
Collection Log is a plugin that will track items collected from multiple sources against multiple collection logs. When a player discovers a new item that is contained in one of the logs, it is marked as found. Once a log has been entirely collected, the player is rewarded with that logs prizes. The sources that players can obtain items from are completely customizable, allowing for some unique logs to be created. Fully customizable logs that also support custom items. 11 different sources that can be collected from (Crates, barrels, Farming, Fishing, Woodcutting etc). Support for item rewards and command rewards included. Supports UINotify for communicating newly collected items. Here is an example of 2 collection logs with different sources: The "Farming" collection log contains growable items such as cloth, corn and pumpkins, but the only valid source to obtain these items from is the Farming source. The "Resources" collection log contains many types of items, but has some overlap with the "Farming" log, which includes cloth, corn and pumpkins. The key difference is that this log supports multiple sources (Collecting, Crates, Barrels, and Woodcutting), but it does not contain the Farming source. In this situation: When a player collects a map generated hemp plant (hemp-collectible), it would register cloth under the "Resources" log as collected, but it will not do the same for the "Farming" log. The "Farming" log would only register if the cloth was obtained from a grown hemp plant (hemp.entity). This is an example of how you can differentiate the same items using different sources. The plugin allows for multiple sources per collection log. Barrel - Triggered when the player destroys a barrel or road sign Collecting - Triggered when the player picks up an entity (hemp-collectible, diesel_collectible etc). Crates - Triggered when the player opens a create (only the first player to open the crate will trigger it). Farming - Triggered when the player collects grown entities. Fishing, - Triggered when the player catches a fish. Mining - Triggered when the player mines ore. Woodcutting - Triggered when the player chops a tree. Skinning - Triggered when a player skins an animal/person. Crafting - Triggered when a craft completes. Unwrap - Triggered when a player uses the unwrap button on an item. Consume - Triggered when a player uses the eat/drink button on an item. Corpse - Triggered when a player loots the corpse of an NPC. The only permission in the plugin currently is collectionlog.use. This is required to use any feature of the plugin. Menu command (customizable via config): cl or collectionlog$14.99- 8 comments
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Version 1.0.2
Take your Rust base automation to the next level with Usable Hoppers, the plugin that turns any containers into fully functional hoppers that automatically collect items from the ground within a configurable range. While Usable Hoppers is perfect for setting up an automated horse farm—where it gathers horse poop and deposits it into a composter—it’s versatile enough for other tasks too. Whether you're automating gathering dropped resources, or organizing loot from the battlefield, Usable Hoppers will save you time and effort. The plugin is designed to automate item collection directly from the ground, making resource management in your base smoother and more efficient. Usable on regular chests, furnaces, lootable crates and even airdrops. Fully customizable, you can control the pickup radius, item types, and collection frequency, giving you complete control over how it works in your base. Simplify your Rust gameplay and let Usable Hoppers do the heavy lifting! Chat commands: /uh - Shows available UsableHoppers commands. /uhset - Sets the container you are looking at to a hopper. /uhremove - Remove the hopper from the container you are looking at. /uhlist - Display all hoppers you own. /uhrange - Display the range of your hoppers. Admin commands: /uhclearall - Removes all hoppers in the game. /uhclearplayer <playername or steamid> - Removes a specific player's hopper. Permissions: Config: The config is easily configurable to your liking and performance requirements. Allowed containers for hoppers - Which containers allowed to be turned into hoppers. Command cooldown - The cooldown between command usage (in seconds). Debug mode - Used for detailed feedback in console. Hopper radius - The hopper pickup range, in a spherical dome. How often the hopper collects items - How often the hopper will attempt to pickup items in range. Higher values will increase performance Item types allowed - Which types of items that the hopper will pickup. Max hoppers per players - The number of hoppers available to each player. Max items per tick - The number of items the hopper will pickup at each tick. Default config. { "Allowed containers for hoppers": [ "woodbox_deployed", "box.wooden.large", "furnace", "storage_barrel_c", "storage_barrel_b" ], "Command cooldown": 0.0, "Debug mode": false, "Hopper radius": 3.0, "How often the hopper collects items": 10.0, "Item types allowed": { "ammunition": true, "attire": true, "blueprint": true, "component": true, "construction": true, "electrical": true, "food": true, "fun": true, "items": true, "medical": true, "misc": true, "resources": true, "tool": true, "traps": true, "weapon": true }, "Max hoppers per players": 5, "Max items per tick": 10 }$7.99