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  1. Version 1.3.0


    Records players automatically that have been reported X amount of times, with the ability to automatically upload the combat logs & Demo files to a discord webhook. Disk usage whilst recording: +- 1MB per 1 minute. Discord has an 8mb upload limit and 100mb for nitro. Chat Commands: /record - Chat: This will initiate a self-recording. Console Commands autodemorecord.record [steam64id] [minutes] - Console: Usefull to record a player on demand, or a schedule from another plugin. autodemorecord.blacklist add [steam64id] [recordingMinutes] [intervalMinutes] - Console: Add a player to the blacklist, which will record them for [recordingMinutes] every [intervalMinutes] autodemorecord.blacklist remove [steam64id] - Console: Removes a player from the blacklist. Permissions: Permission autodemorecord.record is required for a player to initiate a recording of themselves. Useful for streamers, to provide them with footage at wipe end, or tournaments. The recording length will be "Auto record for X minutes" Config explanations: "Auto record after X reports": Will start recording the player when these many reports have been received. "Only record when reports within X seconds": Only record when the number of reports above, are received in this timeframe. 0 to record always when the above value is reached. "Save/Load reports to datafile on reload": Useful when you aren't using the above config, if you do it might not be necessary to save data overhead. "Auto record for X minutes": the number of minutes the player should be recorded for. "Discord MSG Color": Color for the embed message, see here https://gist.github.com/thomasbnt/b6f455e2c7d743b796917fa3c205f812 "Discord Webhook": You discord webhook all information should be sent to. "Discord: Notify if recording is started": Should a message be sent to the discord webhook when the recording starts? "Discord: Include report with start message?": Should the player's report be added to the recording start message? "Discord: Notify if recording is stopped": Should a message be sent to the discord webhook when the recording ends? "Discord: Include report with end message?": Should the player's report be added to the recording end message? "Upload Combat Log to discord webhook?": Should the player's combat log be upload to the above discord webhook as a txt file? "Upload DEMO file to discord webhook?": Should the player's demo file be uploaded to the above discord webhook? "Split DEMO files for non nitro discord (8mb chunks)?": This will split files and upload multiple files to discord for non-nitro discord servers. If you have nitro with an upload limit of 100mb, then you can turn this off. "Discord Webhook - Self Record" All self-initiated recordings will post to this webhook, if not set it will go to the main one. "Record if FlyHacked in last X seconds" This will initiate a recording when a player rejoins the server after kicked for flyhacking. "Save recording to server?" If set to false, it will not save to the HDD, to save space. Make sure you have a webhook setup, otherwise it will still save as to not lose any demos. API: If you want to trigger a recording from your plugin, you can do the following: AutoDemoRecord.Call("API_StartRecording", BasePlayer player, string Reason, int LengthInMin); All suggestions welcomed!
  2. Version 1.1.2


    This is a simple tool to help you catch ESPer's. Unlike methods in the past requiring cheaters to fall for traps, this one will be watching without having to give them any bait! This plugin is still in "beta" and is offered at a reduced price for a limited time. Since 1.0.12, the embed now includes a radar image to show violations (red line): The above embed shows the culprit, with quick links to Steam, Battlemetrics, and ServerArmour. Along with each violation that caused the trigger, the consist of the violation id, the time it happened, and steamid and distance from the culprit. It is highly recommended to use along with ADR, although not required, but can easily eliminate false positives by having the option to watch the player from the demo. Commands /testesp - this will send a test embed to your configured webhook. Permissions espdetection.ignore Ignores specific players who are granted this permission. Config options explanation General Max distance to check The maximum to check if the player is ESPing. (default 150 outside, 100 inside) Check Interval How often should a player be checked (default 1 second) Ignore Players Idle Ignore players that haven't changed position (default 15 seconds) Only track players with active weapons Track players that have equipped weapons only. (default true) Auto Demo Record (only applicable if Auto Demo Record is installed) Record Length How long should the triggered recording be (default 10 minutes) Discord Webhook Where the logs & ADR recordings should be sent to Webhook Title Title of the embed Violations Probability % Which % probability should trigger a Discord embed and ADR recording. (default 40%) Samples How many samples should be kept in memory, to calculate the probability (default 20) Weapon Specific Configs These change characteristics of weapons Weapon Shortname Max distance to check This overrides the general setting for the weapon only Track if set to false, a player will be ignored if he has this weapon equipped. (default true) Attachment Specific Configs These change characteristics of attachments Attachment Shortname Add distance while aiming As the name suggests, it adds extra distance to the previous configs, useful for when aiming with an 8x or 16x Track if set to false, a player will be ignored if he has this weapon equipped. (default true) NOTE: if you are using ADR, a good command to use when reviewing the demos are `debug.culling 1`
  3. Pho3niX90

    ADR Arkan

    Version 1.0.1


    ADR Arkan - Watches all events related to Arkan violations Triggers recordings When a player receives a `No Recoil Violation` violation from Arkan When a player receives an `Aimbot Violation` violation from Arkan When a player receives an `In Rock Violation` violation from Arkan Configuration Set recording length per violation type. Start recording only when X number of violations received per violation type. NOTE: Requires Auto Demo Record and Arkan


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