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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Razor

    Compile Fail

    Changed Fixed In to 1.8.0
  2. Razor


    Yep as soon as i am awake i am not a slave
  3. Razor

    Compile Fail

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  4. You obviously have some keys bound to change your time in game.
  5. it turns the weather to a storm and makes it night as you are typing the number.? There is no way the plugin is going that lmao.
  6. Razor

    Npc Horses

    Yes "Kit to give the rider": ["kitnaem", "kitname2"], and so on for the kits ya want to give him
  7. Razor

    surrender by paying economy

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  8. Razor

    surrender by paying economy

    in config Delay Before Raid chance happens
  9. Razor

    surrender by paying economy

    Changed Fixed In to 1.9.2
  10. Razor

    error 2

    Try update i just posted same ver number
  11. Razor

    surrender by paying economy

    set item to "serverrewards" or "economics" Guess i need to explain a little more lol "Surrender Item": "economics", "Surrender Item Name": "Eco or whatever ya want here", "Surrender costs": 200,
  12. Razor

    surrender by paying economy

    With update i just posted you should be able to set item to "serverrewards" or "economics"
  13. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3184234034
  14. Most this is posable now. i also posted a list of seeds small = default max 2 creates medium 3 and large 4 or over. Do to the way rust generates the dungeons there is no way too know where to add more loot creates position. so 4+ will be max witch should be plenty for a dungeon and admins to add loot to accordingly . Added AlphaLoot for creates and corpses. added cost option for each type. added bossbox option to one box. added config options for the npc's
  15. Thanks for the feed back i been working on some more with this. The problem with adding more creates is you can visualize the random dungeon created sense there is thousands of them there is no good way to find spawn points to add more creates. For the npc im thinking im going to add kits support problem there to mention there is if you give them guns they may spawn close to the door where they will shot anyone entering..
  16. Npc name may be a while as rust made changed that do not easily allow us to change there names anymore with out creating customAI's
  17. Im working on this today.
  18. Version 1.1.1


    Spawns a portal and dungeon for player to go shoot & loot. ChatCommand /mydungeon <easy, medium, hard> dungeonevent.use List of seeds small to large Seeds file download See config for all current options. { "Basic Settings": { "Cooldown time in minutes for player": 60 }, "Event Settings": { "easy": { "Despawn time in minutes": 5, "Buy cost name": "scrap", "Buy cost amount": 50, "Buy cost skinID if custom item": 0, "Corpse should spawn at portal entrance on death": true, "Scarecrow profile to use": "scarecrow_easy", "Create AlphaLoot profile to use": "", "Boss scarecrow profile to use for one loot box": "easy_boss", "Limit to dungeon seeds": [] }, "medium": { "Despawn time in minutes": 5, "Buy cost name": "scrap", "Buy cost amount": 50, "Buy cost skinID if custom item": 0, "Corpse should spawn at portal entrance on death": true, "Scarecrow profile to use": "scarecrow_easy", "Create AlphaLoot profile to use": "", "Boss scarecrow profile to use for one loot box": "easy_boss", "Limit to dungeon seeds": [] }, "hard": { "Despawn time in minutes": 5, "Buy cost name": "scrap", "Buy cost amount": 50, "Buy cost skinID if custom item": 0, "Corpse should spawn at portal entrance on death": true, "Scarecrow profile to use": "scarecrow_easy", "Create AlphaLoot profile to use": "", "Boss scarecrow profile to use for one loot box": "easy_boss", "Limit to dungeon seeds": [ 12345, 4764274 ] } }, "Scarecrow Profiles": { "scarecrow_easy": { "The health of the Scarecrow": 100.0, "Spawn no less then x Scarecrows": 10, "Weapon damage scale to player": 1.0, "Base attack rate of weapon": 1.0, "Scarecrow corpse AlphaLoot profile": "test", "Scarecrow kits list": [] } }, "Boss Profiles": { "easy_boss": { "The health of the boss scarecCrow": 100.0, "Weapon damage scale to player": 1.0, "Base attack rate of weapon": 2.0, "Boss scarecrow corpse AlphaLoot profile": "", "Boss Scarecrow kits list": [] } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 4 } }
  19. Razor

    temp not 100%

    Post your config
  20. Razor


    Is it only when using customvendingsetup?
  21. Razor

    Cooling time again has no effect

    I messed the wording up set the time in seconds not minutes for now.
  22. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  23. Razor

    team lock

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  24. Razor

    team lock

    do the normal heli lock? if so then its something his plugin needs to do.


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