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Everything posted by GangstaPichu

    Definitely got my monies worth with having the map I wanted made. Works well to resolve issues, very kind, and put a lot of work into what they did! I am very well satisfied with the work I got. I am very much appreciative towards it. I would recommend their services to any individual who would need custom map work done!
  1. GangstaPichu

    Failed to call Hook

    Is this not being supported anymore?
  2. Ever since the wishlist was added I have loved it! Though there would be some aspects to make it better. I only ever see 25 items on my wishlist when I have way more than that. There are times I've forgotten the name of something and wished I could just search through my wishlist, but couldn't. Would be nice to display multiple pages of a wishlist. Even to be able to display how many items get per page would be nice as well! I would greatly appreciate the added features for it.
  3. GangstaPichu

    Feature Suggestion

    I know there isn't a config, but a nice feature for this would be to have it where you can turn off certain settings in a config. Like have it apply only to Minis, Trains, Cars, or even just boats. For my specific case I'd only need it for boats or Minis as Trains get spawned with a command and Cars would be normal.
  4. GangstaPichu


    Ah, ok. I didn't know that. That would make sense. Though, I don't understand why the turret still can't shoot even after the bars are gone? It's weird. Only if the turret is hit after it will, but until it loses line of sight then it goes back to being dumb again. Just found it really bazaar.
  5. GangstaPichu


    Not sure what it has to do with, but I have 2 bases I made with cell bars in front of the turrets for them to shoot through. Not only do they not shoot through it, but when the bars are broken they still won't shoot. It's only those 2 bases. The others don't use any bars for the turrets to hide behind. I'd get it if there's something up with it where they somehow couldn't shoot through the bars, but even after the bars are destroyed during the raiding process and them still not is really odd. I plan to remove the bars, but wanted to say something about it.
  6. GangstaPichu

    Failed to call Hook

    I started noticing this after Force Wipe.
  7. GangstaPichu


    How do you do the toggle? I tried testing /tdk toggle basic and /tdk basic. Nothing seemed to happen. I even tried using "basic" with the hash. Also, a side suggestion. It would be a nice feature if it had a little gui or something or maybe even have it where the player doesn't have to mess with chat commands an force it by default all across the board besides for whatever you block as an option. Like if the Default is 2, it's all 2 instead of toggling it through commands. Just have a thing in the config if you want to enforce this option or not.
  8. GangstaPichu

    Grid Block

    Ah ok. Interesting. Well, I'll try the position one instead then. Thanks!
  9. GangstaPichu

    Grid Block

    I must be over looking something somewhere? I can't find anything about blocking the spawns in a grid. I see the thing in the config, just don't know how to work it? Trying to block it spawning in certain areas of the map that are out of bounds of what players can go to. This is how I have it setup. I assume this is how it's supposed to be, but they are still spawning there. "Grids To Block Spawns At": [ "aa18, ab18, ac18, ad18, ae18, af18, ag18, aa17, ab17, ac17, ad17, ae17, af17, ag17" ],
  10. GangstaPichu

    Plugin Reloads

    Not too sure. I just wanted to say something about it. Hasn't really effected anything that I could see or well have been told anything funky has been up with it from players. It's worked fine on all of our servers since I got it earlier this month. Just found it odd that it would do that. None of the plugins we have should make it reload like that. All of them too have nothing to do with it. Like when I unloaded a plugin for xmas lights on the mini just for the holiday.
  11. GangstaPichu

    Plugin Reloads

    It works fine on Carbon since Carbon supports all of Oxides stuff. It just reloads when certain other plugins get messed with.
  12. GangstaPichu

    Plugin Reloads

    I do.
  13. GangstaPichu

    Plugin Reloads

    I know it's supposed to reload itself, but anytime I unload a plugin or something that has nothing to do with it it will unload itself and load itself.
  14. GangstaPichu

    Latest Update

    Since I was here, just wanted to say I figured it out. This was a Rust Edit issue we were having. A complete reinstall solved the issues that were being had with this. I guess RE just does whatever RE does? Also, wanted to say that I'm sorry for whatever confusion at the time it might've caused.
    I love Carbon! Best thing we've switched to. Been using it for months now for all 5 of our servers. Has enabled us to use plugins together we wouldn't have been able to with Oxide! Not only that, but I really love being able to use /cpanel while in-game as it has made my life sooooooo MUCH easier! I can't wait to see what happens in the future for it. I wish everyone on the Carbon Team much luck and I appreciate everything yall have done with this.
    I don't know what to say. It is something I saw, and I knew the members of our server would greatly appreciate!
  15. Yeah, putting values in changed it. Must have been the vanilla table I was seeing. Thanks!
  16. I went through the guide step by step. Did it by profile basis. Created one for a specific area and edited it. I set the probability from the categories that I wanted to from 0. I haven't touched the items yet just category and it seems to not be working? Like, I know it's not supposed to be since I didn't set anything, but it's pulling every item from any category. Not even the ones I bumped from 0. I didn't touch anything besides the categories and everything is at the defaults. I'm stumped at the current moment. I tried even deleting the items from the table, but that doesn't work cause the plugin just puts those items back in the list. mdocks.json
  17. Is there a way to edit the Yellow, Red, and Block barrels? They only come up as Mesh. Tried doing a couple different things, but it just didn't work.
  18. GangstaPichu

    Server Startup

    Yeah, I understand that completely. Just wanted to know if there was a side option for it. I know our map is a very special case. Stuff does change, but only sections for revisions and such. Even some bug fixes to maintain it, but other than that it's the same map every wipe. You have my thanks! This will make things easier as all the NPC's on the map are being replaced by the plugin. The backrooms map we have just does wonky things to the base npc's and just tired of the problems it causes no matter what we do.
  19. GangstaPichu

    Server Startup

    I have been playing around with it. I've learned many things of what I've wanted for this plugin to do that has taken care of many nightmares we've had with our NPC's on our in-house custom map. The very last thing that would make this golden at this point would be to have the profiles work after I've wiped the map. I noticed every time even if I save the profile, the AutoSpawn turns to False. It'd be nice if there was a way to keep that on? Not sure if I'm missing an option somewhere or what. If there isn't one, I would definitely love if there was one!
  20. I got a question. Will the spawns you set with this stay even with a map wipe? Normally the map stays about the same, just with tweaks and such. Looking for an alternative option for handling the bots on our server.
  21. GangstaPichu

    Failed to call Hook

    I just noticed after updating for the patch that it's failing to load.
  22. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I can't see more than the first 25 items on my wishlist. Is there a button I'm looking over or something to see everything that's in there?


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