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Everything posted by MACHIN3

  1. MACHIN3

    Need some help

    Possibly, what would be the issue it sounds like is the load order. If a plugin loads after another that effects weapons it could cause it to override until this one is reloaded to take over. I would test this to see if skilltree is the conflict or not by not letting it load on next restart and see if the issue remains.
  2. MACHIN3

    Need some help

    Are you using any other plugins that change or effect weapons on your server?
  3. MACHIN3

    How this plugin works

    yes, the "tcrange": 25.0, setting is what controls how close they must be to a TC before it is removed
  4. MACHIN3

    How this plugin works

    OK so how it works is: Each building piece that is placed is recorded with the ID and time stamp with the exact time so the plugin knows what building pieces are there and when that building piece was placed. If it was placed before this plugin was loaded it was not able to record that building and will be skipped. All buildings from then on will be recorded. From there you have 2 timers. First the check timer, your settings show 30.0 so every 30 mins the plugin will do a scan of all buildings that it recorded. Then it will check the timestamp of each building to see if the timestamp has past the building timer. In your settings you have 60 as the building timer so if the timestamp is less than 60 mins then it will skip that building piece until the next server scan 30 mins later.
  5. MACHIN3

    How this plugin works

    Can you copy your config and paste it so I can see what your settings are. There are 3 options you should check, "checktimer": 10.0, "buildingtimer": 1, "tcrange": 20.0, * tcrange - sets the TC range for safe items * checktimer - sets the time in mins when items will be scanned and removed * buildingtimer - sets the time for how long items can be placed before deleted on next scan Also note that the plugin only tracks structures that are placed when the plugin is loaded. Any structure built before this plugin is loaded or while the plugin is unloaded it will not be able to record those structures or assign a time limit.
  6. MACHIN3

    How this plugin works

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  7. MACHIN3

    How this plugin works

    enable the debug mode and make sure the timers are set. Debug mode will post messages in console when the plugin does anything and possibly tell any issues.
  8. MACHIN3

    Entity Lists

    Version 1.0.002


    Entity Lists shows you all living entities on your server in an organized user friendly UI. Can view the name, health, location, ID, and alive time for each entity and includes group permissions where you can create different groups that can only see certain lists. Includes admin controls to teleport to a specific player/entity, teleport them to your location, and/or kill that entity. Features: UI with lists of all Entities Details of each entity (name, ID, location, alive time, health) Group Permissions Options to show/hide each list per group Option to allow locations per group Admins: Adjust all settings in game using UI Teleport to entity Teleport entity to you Kill entity Config: { "Settings": { "openui": "elist", "requireperms": true, "refreshtime": 10 }, "Permission Groups": { "ELGroup1": { "groupname": "EL Group 1", "players": true, "sleepers": true, "npcs": false, "animals": false, "frankenstein": false, "locations": false }, "ELGroup2": { "groupname": "EL Group 2", "players": true, "sleepers": true, "npcs": true, "animals": true, "frankenstein": false, "locations": false } } } Language: { "EL_admin_001": "Admin Settings", "EL_menu_001": "Menu", "EL_menu_002": "Main", "EL_menu_003": "Admin", "EL_menu_004": "Save", "EL_001": "Entity Lists", "EL_002": "Players", "EL_003": "Sleepers", "EL_004": "Scientists", "EL_005": "Tunnel Dwellers", "EL_006": "Underwater Dwellers", "EL_007": "Animals", "EL_008": "Scarecrows", "EL_009": "Zombies", "EL_010": "Name", "EL_011": "Health", "EL_012": "ID", "EL_013": "Location", "EL_014": "Time Alive", "EL_015": "{0} mins", "EL_016": "{0} hours", "EL_020": "You do not have permission to view Entity Lists", "EL_021": "Information Panel", "EL_022": "(Click any Entity to view details here)", "bear": "Bears", "polarbear": "Polar Bears", "wolf": "Wolves", "stag": "Stags", "boar": "Boars", "ridablehorse2": "Horses", "shark": "Sharks", "chicken": "Chickens", "close": "Close", "pageprev": "Prev", "pagenext": "Next", "EL_admin_002": "Open UI Chat Command", "EL_admin_003": "Require Permissions", "EL_admin_004": "Turning this off will allow everyone to view all UI pages and entities.", "EL_admin_005": "Permission Groups", "EL_admin_006": "Create Group", "EL_admin_007": "Require Permissions Disabled", "EL_group_001": "Permission Groups", "EL_group_002": "Editing Group: {0}", "EL_group_003": "Group Name", "EL_group_004": "View Options", "EL_017": "NPCs", "EL_admin_008": "Refresh Timer", "EL_admin_009": "⇧ Teleport ⇧", "EL_admin_010": "⇩ Teleport ⇩", "EL_admin_011": "Kill" }
  9. Version 1.0.003


    Random NPC Names is a simple plugin that will automatically rename all NPCs on your server with a more realistic human like name. As NPCs spawn they will be given a First name with a single letter for their last name ( John D. / Mary K. / Stan R.). You can edit/remove the prefix that appears in front of every NPC type in the config. Chat Command: commands shown use the default chat command prefix (/rnpcs), if you change the prefix command you must use that prefix with the values below /rnpcs <value> - change <value> to one of the options below on - enables the Random NPC Names off - disables the Random NPC Names and returns NPC names to default debugon - turns Debug mode on debugoff - turns Debug mode off renameall - manually renames all active NPCs save - saves settings to config file prefix <type> "<name>" - changes the prefix of NPC type to the name you enter Available Types: scientist tunneldweller underwaterdweller scarecrow Chat Command Example: /rnpcs prefix scientist "Crazy Scientist" API for Developers: // Returns the NPC name as string (looks for BaseCombatEntity) GetNameBCE(BaseCombatEntity entity) // Returns the NPC name as string (looks for BaseEntity) GetNameBE(BaseEntity entity) Config: Example only { "Settings": { "enable": true, "debug": true, "chatcommand": "rnpcs" }, "NPC Prefix": { "scientist": "[Scientist]", "tunneldweller": "[Dweller]", "underwaterdweller": "[Dweller]", "scarecrow": "[Scarecrow]", "zombie": "[Zombie]", "frankenstein": "[Frankenstein]" } } Language: { "RNPC_001": "Random NPC Names: {0}", "RNPC_002": "Random NPC Names Debug Mode: {0}", "RNPC_003": "{0} NPCs have been renamed", "RNPC_004": "missing command value (on, off, debugon, debugoff, renameall)" }
  10. Version 1.0.004


    IMPORTANT: This is an addon to Combat Classes plugin! You MUST have Combat Classes installed on your server to use this addon! This addon allows classes to be assigned to NPCs where they can have all the same abilities as players do. Features: NPCs use the same level system and abilities as players (Combat Classes) Assign specific or random classes to each NPC type Assign specific or random level to each NPC type Add/Disable NPCs you want to use classes Show when NPCs level up in chat About Combat Classes Want to setup a battlefield server? Combat Classes allows your players to select from several types of combat styles that enhance their abilities. Each class has it's own XP and level statistics where players level up and increase each class ability. Each class comes with a preferred primary and secondary weapon which has increase damage while using non class weapons will have reduced damage along with other abilities listed below. Each player has a user friendly UI where they can view and change their class and view other player's progress. Discord Join our community discord for fast support and future updates. We have several channels where you can get help, offer suggestions, see what's coming in future updates, and more. Our discord is the fastest way to get the help and info you need! http://discord.rustlevels.com/ NOTE: Depending on the number of NPCs spawned this can impact performance with the added abilities to each NPC. We are always working on ways to improve performance and welcome all suggestions in our discord!
  11. MACHIN3

    admin is not hidden again

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.002
  12. MACHIN3

    admin is not hidden again

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  13. What do you have the height option set for? The height option will add x value to the height detected by the terrain. You can adjust this to fine tune where the players are teleported to height - requires value (#) - adds x value to the height when teleporting
  14. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  15. MACHIN3

    Weapon Mechanics

    This adjusts the base weapons on a global scale for everyone. There might be a future update that supports permission based weapons but not at this time
  16. [Chat Commands] * /cleanserver - Runs a clean check and removes items * /clean <setting> <value> - changes the settings to the value you enter Settings: * Save - saves settings, no value needed * help - show all commands in chat - no value needed * tcrange - requires # value - sets the TC range for safe items * check - requires # value - sets the time in mins when items will be scanned and removed * timer - requires # value - sets the time for how long items can be placed before deleted on next scan * delay - requires # value - sets the delay time when corpse are removed * corpse - requires on/off value - turns on/off corpse removal * item - requires add/remove value and item ShortPrefab name - adds or removes item from the excluded list * animals - requires value on/off - turns on/off animal corpse removal * droploot - requires value on/off - turns on/off loot drop when corpse are removed * debug - requires value on/off - turns on/off debug mode for troubleshootin Turn drop loot off. /clean droploot off
  17. MACHIN3

    Not showing everyone

    I see I missed the page buttons on the last update, just released an update that should fix this.
  18. MACHIN3

    Not showing everyone

    Changed Fixed In from 1.2.000 to 1.2.001
  19. MACHIN3

    Not showing everyone

    The HUD only shows the amount you set there. The UI list will show pages but the HUD is limited
  20. MACHIN3

    Not showing everyone

    After looking at the file I see there is no need to create a list the way it is. I will have an update shortly that will now use the BasePlayer active player and sleeper list directly.
  21. MACHIN3

    Not showing everyone

    Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  22. MACHIN3

    Not showing everyone

    What are you using to compare the sleeper numbers? This plugin goes by the actual sleeper list when it is loaded but then adds and removes players as they connect and disconnect. If sleepers are killed they are not removed from this list as a sleeper until they connect back to the server. If a player losses connection or crashes the disconnect hook may never get called and they won't get added to the sleeper list. There are some cases that can effect the list but it usually will correct itself if that happens after a short while when checks are done.
  23. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  24. Please post suggestions in our discord suggestions threads so they can be looked into. Thank you.


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