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Everything posted by M.James2233

  1. M.James2233


    can you create your own rules? Rockets seem to do no damage to animals!
  2. Hi, the bots will not attack players but they will move around and act like they are going to shoot. thanks James
  3. M.James2233

    fire damage

    ok so i have figured out that you cant damage bases but fire from an explosive round can (a wooden door) how do i stop this?
  4. M.James2233

    no agro

    i figured it out. animal AI has to be enabled in rust admin
  5. M.James2233

    no agro

    what line/file is it under?
  6. M.James2233

    no agro

    yeah im face to face with them and still nothing lol
  7. M.James2233

    no agro

    I have the peace keeper set to false and they are not attacking ? "Airfield 0": { "type": 0, "Spawn": { "AutoSpawn": true, "Radius": 100, "BotNames": [], "BotNamePrefix": "", "Keep_Default_Loadout": false, "Kit": ["NPC1","NPC2","NPC3","NPC4","NPC5","NPC6","KIT7","KIT8",], "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 20, "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 20, "Announce_Spawn": false, "Announcement_Text": "", "BotHealth": 300, "Stationary": false, "UseCustomSpawns": false, "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false }, "Behaviour": { "Roam_Range": 40, "Aggro_Range": 30, "DeAggro_Range": 40, "Peace_Keeper": false, "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 50, "Bot_Damage_Percent": 50, "Running_Speed_Boost": 2, "AlwaysUseLights": true }, "Death": { "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0, "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "", "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 10, "Corpse_Duration": 1, "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 15, "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50, "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100, "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 45, "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 45, "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 75, "Respawn_Timer": 1 }, "Other": { "Chute": false, "Suicide_Timer": 5, "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false, "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [], "Disable_Radio": true }


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