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Everything posted by ThePitereq

  1. you can split quarries into types and then limit then by 1, jsut like quarry and pumpjack are different quarries just split quarry into stone/metal/hq.
  2. Hm, don't have error like that while running latest version on carbon server. My server version: Carbon 1.2024.1046.4234/linux/2024.02.01.0 [production] [production_build] on Rust 614/2519.246.1
  3. Hey, yeah it's display fault. It works correctly just the text is wrong, will push update today. About that, does the UI is being opened, even empty when error happens, or no ui at all?
  4. ThePitereq

    Can't delete quarries

    Didn't had issue like that, maybe your server is laggy or something? It doesn't do anything or what?
  5. Yeah there is a lot of plans of reworking whole static virtual quarry system, as it can work a lot better Tho, can add message like that for now. Thanks for the info!
  6. Idk tbh, currently have a lot of work being done + whole system of RoadBradley is being remade which makes me diffucult to make another changes for older versions.
  7. surry but i dnon't understand in 100% what you mean. There is automatic time that tank gets removed if noone attacked it. Tank uses his own raycast to check if player is visible, there is some problems with stopping curreently, but working on fix for this.
  8. Like an virtual furnaces? Hmm, might be cool idea but not sure if i'll release something like that (lack of time rn)
  9. ThePitereq

    Console error

    You are using "Always Include Chance (0-100)": which means that it will be ALWAYS in loot and you also have "Chance": 1, which means it will be also present when filling up container with different items, if you don't want that set it to 0.
  10. ThePitereq

    Console error

    Hey. YOur default amount of ducttape is 1, and the randomization is +2 and -2, so it tries to give you an amount in range -1 and 3. It cannot give -1 or 0 so it prints error. Change base value to 3 or change avg value to fix this.
  11. ThePitereq

    Console Spam

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  12. ThePitereq

    Console Spam

    Solved on discord
  13. It's an message that doesn't change anything. As i can see yo uare still using V1. If you want to get rid of it you can just change return false; in like 237 to return true; And there wil lbe no more messages like that.
  14. Yes, you can add commands to be sold. Here is an example: "unbreakabletools-0": { "Command (if set, ignore item)": [ "c.grant user {userId} neverwear.tools", "servermessage 2 '{userName}'" ], "Shortname": "", "Skin ID": 645763, "Amount": 1, "Item Name": "", "Display Name": "Unbreakable Tools [Permanent]", "Is Blueprint": false, "Icon URL (if skin not 0)": "someUrl", "Price": 100000, "Price Per Purchase Multiplier": 1.0, "Multiply Price Per Daily (true) Or Per Wipe (false) Purchases": true, "Show Description Field": false, "Discount Permission (value)": {}, "Required Permission": "", "Display Blacklist Permission": "neverwear.tools", "Daily Buy Max": 0, "Wipe Buy Max": 0, "Cooldown Between Purchases (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 0 } Its an item in shop listings in /data/ShoppyStock/Shops/<myShop>.json
  15. Unfortunately all the bars are generated client-side and can't be changed for now.
  16. Is the problem still appearing? Can't replicate this bug.
  17. Currently there is no randomization, but it's really nice idea. Can make something like that later on. This can be also added as an percentage of current price. Not rn as it would require space in UI which is not present in current version. But i'll add it to my to do list
  18. ThePitereq


    In carbon you put your extensions in extensions folder.
  19. Hm, thanks for the clarification. In this case i'll just add an security check so it won't pop-up anymore.
  20. ThePitereq

    Explosive 5.56 Rifle Ammo

    Hey! Change the order of the recipes. It checks recipes from top to bottom, and it find that the pistol recipe is equal to the explo recipe and it ignores sulfur as requirement. This will be fixed in 1.1.0 that's almost ready. You can also switch the places of the metal fragments and gunpowder in one of recipes and it should also work, so its gunpowder,. metal and sulfur
  21. Hey. It seems that pump is losing their ownership somehow. It was placed like regular pump? It had ownerId 0 which is weird and shouldnt be possible by my plugin.
  22. ThePitereq

    loot percentage

    Hey. You have an section for that in config "Additional Output Per Hit": [ { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 35, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 35.0, "Only On Last Hit": false }, { "Required Gather Per Hit (0 to disable)": 20, "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Skin ID": 0, "Amount": 2, "Display Name": "", "Chance (0-100)": 2.0, "Only On Last Hit": false } ],
  23. Hmm, can't see why it can print errors for you. The only way why it prints error is that your server is somehow breaking the quarry virtual storages on map. Make sure you don;t have any plugin that breaks these storages. This might be plugin like custom decay or AutoPurge.


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