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Everything posted by Logan

  1. I could not reproduce this problem. Do make sure you have image library installed. https://umod.org/plugins/image-library I tested on the latest rust(Arctic Update, 2/3/2022) and oxide version(2.0.5373), with the latest version of Rustazon.
  2. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce
  3. I also apologize for the very late reply, my emails were in the spam folder so they were giving me notifications.
  4. Changed Fixed In from 1.0.3 to Next Version
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3
  6. I will take a look.
  7. Logan


    Unfortunately at this time, no. Although this is planned in the future.
  8. Logan


    Version 1.0.3


    Rustazon is a easy to use shop that allows players to buy both items and entitys. Features: Very Customizable Config Exchange items for currency A cart system (adding items to cart, removing, etc.) Both items and entitys are purchasable Add any item/entity to the shop Change prices of the items Change images of the items Change the item names for the shop Customizable delivery Change shop name Permissions: rustazon.use - Anyone granted this command will be able to use the shop Preview: Example Config: { "Shop Items": [ { "Is Prefab/Entity - If checked true then this item will behave as a entity item, when bought the entity/prefab will be delivered via airdrop": false, "Display Name": "SAM Site", "Item Name/Prefab": "samsite", "Price": 500, "Item Image": "https://i.imgur.com/QQBYft5.png" }, { "Is Prefab/Entity - If checked true then this item will behave as a entity item, when bought the entity/prefab will be delivered via airdrop": true, "Display Name": "Minicopter", "Item Name/Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "Price": 750, "Item Image": "https://i.imgur.com/rvaWKs6.png" }, { "Is Prefab/Entity - If checked true then this item will behave as a entity item, when bought the entity/prefab will be delivered via airdrop": false, "Display Name": "Assault Rifle", "Item Name/Prefab": "rifle.ak", "Price": 1000, "Item Image": "https://i.imgur.com/BRwXndM.png" }, { "Is Prefab/Entity - If checked true then this item will behave as a entity item, when bought the entity/prefab will be delivered via airdrop": true, "Display Name": "Scrap Helicopter", "Item Name/Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "Price": 1250, "Item Image": "https://i.imgur.com/qG3l8Mn.png" } ], "Delivery Fee - How much the delivery fee is per item, will be added to the final cost of the item": 50, "Delivery Fee Percentage - Fee that has a percentage used from the item price that will be added onto the final cost, for example: Item price is 500, the delivery percentage fee is 1% the final cost will be 505 | Set to 0 to not use": 0, "Currency Symbol": "$", "Currency Exchange Item": "scrap", "Currency Exchange Amount - How much you needed for exchange | For example: 2 scrap for 1$ etc.": 1, "Shop Name": "Rustazon", "Delivery Parachute": true, "Delivery Drag/Resistance": 3.0, "PlayerCurrencyDatabase - Currency stored for players": {}, "Item Width": 0.15, "Item Height": 0.165 }
  9. Logan

    Easy Skin

    Version 1.0.0


    Easy Skin is a lightweight rust plugin that is easy to use and configure. Easy Skin allows players with the correct permissions to change their in-game items with skins. Features: Blacklist skins Whitelist skins Skin items with any skin from the workshop Easy to configure config Reload config without reloading plugin Notes: Skin ID 0 will reset the skin that is held. Permissions: easyskin.admin easyskin.use Commands: cscreload - Reloads config for easy skin skin [skinid] - Changes skin of held item Easy Skins Showcase Configs: { "Whitelisted Skins Only | If set to true, players only can use the whitelisted skins": false, "Whitelisted Skins | Skins that players are able to use": [ 0 ], "Blacklisted Skins | Skins that players are not able to use": [] }


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