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Everything posted by codeboy
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
U need set anchors in drawmain method. But I already works on it, soon I release fix
hi. are there any entries in the log file? Is everything working?
- 1
I tried to fix your exception and added logging to plugin. When exception throw again, send me log file "exceptions"
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
yes, I will check it on my server, of course. I just had to ask if you had the opportunity.
Have u carbon? Can u start recording the profiler until error was occured again and send me log export?
Hi, can you tell me who is killing whom when this error occurs?
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- #spawnpoint
- #spawn
(and 4 more)
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Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
Version 1.0.0
OneTimeSpawn is a plugin for the game Rust that allows server administrators to set a one-time spawn location for players when they first join the server. After the initial spawn, players will respawn at the standard random locations on the map. Key Features: One-Time Spawn: Players will spawn at a specific location set by the administrator when they first join the server. Normal Respawn: After the first spawn, all subsequent respawns will occur at the usual random locations on the map. Setup Command: Administrators can set the spawn location using the command /spawnpos. Wipe Support: The plugin configuration allows for automatic resetting of the spawn position and clearing of spawned player data when the map is wiped. Wipe Spawn Position: If enabled, the spawn position will reset with each map wipe, allowing administrators to set a new spawn point for the new session. Wipe Spawned Players: If enabled, the list of players who have already spawned will be cleared upon a map wipe, ensuring all players spawn at the initial point again when they first join after the wipe. Usage: The OneTimeSpawn plugin is perfect for servers where administrators want to give all players an equal start, such as spawning them near a specific point of interest, a settlement, or a starting area. Configuration { "Spawn position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Wipe already spawned players on map wipe?": false, "Delete spawn position on map wipe?": false }Free- 3 comments
- 1
- #spawnpoint
- #spawn
(and 4 more)
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Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.0.1
Version 1.1.5
KillFeed is a fully customizable Rust plugin that instantly broadcasts real-time kill and death notifications, fueling your server with immediate combat insights and intensifying the multiplayer experience for every player. Key Features Killer Settings: Text Format: Customize which data is displayed (e.g., killer's nickname). Font: Choose the font (e.g., robotoсondensed-bold.ttf). Font Size: Adjust the text size. Color: Precisely set the text color using RGBA values. Distance Settings: Text Format: Display the distance to the target (e.g., {0}m). Font: Choose the font (e.g., robotoсondensed-regular.ttf). Font Size: Adjust the text size. Color: Precisely set the text color using RGBA values. Target Settings: Text Format: Configure the display of the target's nickname. Font: Choose the font and its parameters. Font Size and Color: Similar to killer settings. Images: Customize images for various events (e.g., default death image and headshot icon). Other Settings: Offsets: Adjust the position of the text on the screen. Lifetime: Set the duration for which the notification is visible. Max Kills on Screen: Set the number of events displayed simultaneously. Background Color: Adjust the background color of the notifications. Commands: /killfeed — Enable/disable the kill feed. /kf.edit — Open the admin panel. Permissions: killfeed.use — View kills. killfeed.admin — Access the admin panel. Images for FileManager mode: Link Configuration { "Which method of download images use? (ImageLibrary, Internal, FileManager)": "FileManager", "Add bots deaths to killfeed?": true, "Add animals deaths to killfeed?": true, "Add BradleyAPC deaths to killfeed?": false, "Add patrol helicopter deaths to killfeed?": false, "Kill lifetime in UI": 10, "Default death image (types - Sprite, URL, Shortname)": { "If type = shortname, enter here ItemId": "assets/icons/skull.png", "Type": "Sprite" }, "UI Settings": { "Fadein": 1.0, "Background color": "0.177 0.0658 0.481 0.945", "Max kills panels in UI": 3, "Anchor settings": { "AnchorMin": "1 1", "AnchorMax": "1 1" }, "Offset settings": { "OffsetMinX": -361.4165, "OffsetMaxX": -4.899963, "OffsetMinY": -29.91622, "OffsetMaxY": -5.100018, "Indent": 3.0 }, "Killer settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Target settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Distance settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}m", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Headshot image (types - URL, Sprite, Shortname)": { "If type = shortname, enter here ItemId": "assets/icons/skull.png", "Type": "Sprite" } }, "Entity -> Image (U can enter URL, Sprite and item shortname)": { "banditguard": "https://imgur.com/mHezn4c.png", "bear": "https://imgur.com/pGJEhQ1.png", "Bleeding": "assets/icons/bleeding.png", "boar": "https://imgur.com/0vxJltU.png", "bradleyapc": "https://imgur.com/IbewPwI.png", "chicken": "https://imgur.com/G2U82Ot.png", "Cold": "assets/icons/cold.png", "ColdExposure": "assets/icons/cold.png", "Drowned": "assets/icons/drowning.png", "dweller": "https://imgur.com/0ggNDr2.png", "Fall": "assets/icons/fall.png", "heavyscientist": "https://imgur.com/zeYbIzO.png", "Hunger": "assets/icons/eat.png", "patrolhelicopter": "https://imgur.com/5FoBIMF.png", "peacekeeper": "https://imgur.com/3MMosBY.png", "polarbear": "https://imgur.com/VEEaBef.png", "Radiation": "assets/icons/radiation.png", "scarecrow": "https://imgur.com/us7ElEg.png", "scientist": "https://imgur.com/jMQbEpW.png", "scientistnvg": "https://imgur.com/waL20B9.png", "shark": "https://imgur.com/Lrd3kkM.png", "stag": "https://imgur.com/7rfxrty.png", "Suicide": "assets/icons/skull.png", "underwaterdweller": "https://imgur.com/0ggNDr2.png", "wolf": "https://imgur.com/Hw58x41.png" }, "Entity -> Name": { "bear": { "de": "Bär", "en": "Bear", "ru": "Медведь" }, "Bleeding": { "de": "Blutung", "en": "Bleeding", "ru": "Кровотечение" }, "boar": { "de": "Wildschwein", "en": "Boar", "ru": "Кабан" }, "bradleyapc": { "de": "Bradley-Schützenpanzer", "en": "Bradley APC", "ru": "БТР Брэдли" }, "chicken": { "de": "Huhn", "en": "Chicken", "ru": "Курица" }, "Cold": { "de": "Erfrieren", "en": "Freezed", "ru": "Замерзание" }, "ColdExposure": { "de": "Kälteschaden", "en": "Freezed", "ru": "Переохлаждение" }, "Drowned": { "de": "Ertrunken", "en": "Crashed", "ru": "Утонул" }, "Fall": { "de": "Sturz aus der Höhe", "en": "Fall from high", "ru": "Падение с высоты" }, "horse": { "de": "Pferd", "en": "Horse", "ru": "Лошадь" }, "Hunger": { "de": "Verhungert", "en": "Died of starvation", "ru": "Умер от голода" }, "patrolhelicopter": { "de": "Patrouillenhubschrauber", "en": "Patrol helicopter", "ru": "Патрульный вертолет" }, "Radiation": { "de": "Strahlenvergiftung", "en": "Radiation poison", "ru": "Радиационное отравление" }, "scientistnpc": { "de": "Wissenschaftler", "en": "Scientist", "ru": "Ученый" }, "stag": { "de": "Hirsch", "en": "Stag", "ru": "Олень" }, "Suicide": { "de": "Selbstmord", "en": "Suicide", "ru": "Самоубийство" }, "wolf": { "de": "Wolf", "en": "Wolf", "ru": "Волк" } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 4 } }$20.00- 24 comments
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Version 1.0.0
The promo code plugin for Rust game provides the ability to reward players for entering a code word. This plugin includes a variety of settings and functionality for easy management and configuration of promo codes in the admin panel. Main Features Creation and Configuration of Promo Codes: Promo Code: The administrator can create unique promo codes. Item Configuration: The administrator can determine which items will be given when the promo code is activated. Item Parameters Shortname: The code word for issuing a specific item. SkinID: The skin identifier of the item. DisplayName: The displayed name of the item. Amount: The number of items given by the promo code. Flexible Settings Promo Code Duration: Ability to set an end date until which the promo code will be active. Usage Limit: Setting a limit on the number of times the promo code can be used. Command Configuration Ability to replace item issuance with the execution of a specific server command when the promo code is activated. Example Usage Admin usage Give admin permission - promocodes.admin Open UI with command (can be changed in config, default: /p) Creating a Promo Code: Create the promo code "SUMMER21". Set its expiration date to July 31. Set a usage limit of 100 times. Player usage Open UI with command (can be changed in config, default: /p) Enter promocode Press CHECK button Item Configuration Add an item: shortname - "rifle.ak", skinid - "123456", displayname - "AK-47 Elite", amount - 1. Add an item: shortname - "ammo.rifle", skinid - "0", displayname - "Rifle Ammo", amount - 100. Command Replacement Set the command "give %STEAMID% some_reward" to be executed when the promo code is activated instead of issuing items. Configuration file { "Cooldown for promocode": 65, "Commands to open UI": [ "promocode", "promo", "code", "pc", "p" ] }$9.99-
- #reward
- #promocode
(and 7 more)
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