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IMR Games

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Everything posted by IMR Games

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. Hey @RustLover, @XeryaX, @Rust Admina new update has been released which should fix it.
  3. Hey @Rust Admin a new update has been released which should fix it.
  4. IMR Games

    Server Not Booting

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  5. IMR Games

    Server Not Booting

    Heya @4yzhen. We would need the log file to look into this. (The one found in /oxide/log) Sending it as a private message is recommended since these support tickets are public.
  6. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  7. IMR Games

    combatlog history Issue

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  8. IMR Games

    report error

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  9. IMR Games

    report error

    Hiya this is an issue with oxide, they have released a new version. Please try installing the new version of oxide.
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  11. Heya looks like you need to send a log. We recommend private messaging the log to us since these support tickets are public
  12. IMR Games

    combatlog history Issue

    No problem! @RustLover
  13. Heya can you send the config you are using? @Kleementin
  14. IMR Games

    combatlog history Issue

    As I mentioned in the discussion section the logs is saved in the oxide/logs/IMRGAdvancedCombatLogging folder not the data folder @RustLover
  15. IMR Games

    combatlog history Issue

    You mean that you didn't know the log file existed or are you saying you don't see the log file anywhere?
  16. IMR Games

    combatlog history Issue

    Heya @RustLover . similar to Facepunchs default implementation of the combatlog command, the combatlog (using the combatlog command) will be forgotten after a server reload, and in some cases when a player disconnects from the server. We recommend referring to the logs which gets populated when a player dies (path of which I explained under you recent post in the discussion section) for your admin investigation needs
  17. @RustLover 1 and 2. Yup, using the "oxide.reload IMRGAdvancedCombatLogging" command. 3. Yup, logs are generated within the "oxide\logs\IMRGAdvancedCombatLogging" folder
  18. If you want the combatlog to work on all enemy types we recommend leaving the whitelist config empty (which disables the whitelist feature) But if you do want to limit combatlog to a specific enemies you must add them to the whitelist individually, the enemy names you need to add is the same as those that shows up in the "target" and "attacker" column. The easiest way though, to allow all enemies that contain "scientist" for instance, is utilizing the fact that facepunch's build in "spawn" f1 menu command list available options when inputing an ambiguous input. So: Is here listing the enemy types you would add for all "scientist"'s except perhaps "scientist_corpse" and "sentry.scientist.static" unless you would like scientist corpses and outpost sentry's to be included too. You would do the same for "dweller"'s which is the npcs that live in the underwater labs and subway tunnels to add them too if you want. The reason why inputing "scientist" in the list wouldn't just automatically do this is that we feared it would be too limiting since you then wouldn't be able to filter sentry's out for instance.
  19. The "Line Delay Seconds" option won't effect performance even if set to zero
  20. Hello, Line Delay Seconds means: How many seconds must pass after a combat interaction has occurred before it will show up with the command. So if you put it to 1 the command will display any combat interactions that took place 1 or more seconds ago. If you look here at the bottom of the page, the config is fully explained in the Config section:
  21. Hello, the .dll file is the plugin. It works exactly the same as a .cs file, you simply put it in your plugin folder and done.
  22. Hiya currently there is not, we will consider adding Discord integration in a future feature update.
  23. Because of how https://codefling.com/plugins/personal-farm is coded it doesn't ask other plugins if it should allow building large furnaces (or other items that are usually not place able on foundations like large oil refineries and so on). This means our plugin won't be able to block it either, like the one from umod. However editing PersonalFarm such that it does ask our plugin before allowing players to place is possible. If the author of PersonalFarm is active, you could try to link them to this comment and ask if they can consider fixing it them self. IMR could do it for you, but since that would require editing a plugin specifically for you and since we can't by default guarantee third party plugin support we would likely want extra for doing so.
  24. Plugins not made by us should be able to exist alongside the IMR Tools Package just fine. Some individual plugins we offer may conflict with some plugins, but to know if they do, we need a little more information about what you are referring to @Kobani. This product you are commenting on though, being the IMR Tools Package, is only used by our plugins which is what our reply from yesterday was referring to.


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