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Everything posted by Bxrflip

  1. Need help? Reach out! Don't hesitate to contact me! I've been using Rustedit for 6 years. I know everything there is to know about mapmaking in rust. I can do: - Update old maps - Commissions - Lessons - Edits
  2. Version 1.4.20


    Overview: This plugin allows players to mount their weapons to the bottom of their Minicopters and Scrap Transport Helicopters. Players can configure their weapons by simply inserting them into the corresponding inventory slots of a box on the back of the mini or scrap heli. Ammo for the weapons is also stored in this box with 5 ammo slots that are shared between all of the weapons. Players can also equip their copters with flares, a radar set, and other utilities which will be added in the future. Operation Using the plugin is very straightforward and intuitive: just drop weapons in the spots you want em, then go! The default key binds mimic the attack helicopter, so players don’t get confused: Fire Weapon: LMB Fire Flare: RMB Switch Weapon: Sprint Switch Ammo/Reload : Duck Switch Radar Target: Use Lock target/Activate Seeker: Reload Configuration The config is very long and can be confusing to navigate. The plugin will automatically create the default config when you first run it. The dictionary of weapons always gets written on top, so you will need to scroll to the very bottom in order to find the general plugin settings. Here are some of the settings that can be changed (this is subject to change as I plan to add much more functionality over the coming months): "DebounceTimeSeconds": 4.0, (The amount of time a button will be inactive after pressing) "DisplayOutOfAmmoMessage": true, "DisplaySelectedWeaponMessage": true, "UnlimitedAmmo": false, (Makes server projectile weapons not require ammo, but doesn’t work on most weapons. If you want an unlimited ammo version, please look for Minicopter Combat) "DisablePermissionCheck": true, (enables permissions for each weapon) "ApplyToScrapCopter": true, (Does a weapon box spawn on the back of all minicopters) "ApplyToMinicopter": true, "FlareFiredSfx": "assets/prefabs/weapons/grenade launcher/effects/attack.prefab", "SwitchWeaponSfx": "assets/prefabs/deployable/dropbox/effects/submit_items.prefab", "AlarmSfx": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.unlock.prefab", "ReloadSfx": "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/reload.prefab", "CounterMeasureDespawnTime": 5.0, "WeaponSwitchDelay": 2.0, "AmmoSwitchDelay": 1.0, "FirePrimaryButton": 1024, (This is where you can set your keybinds. The values represent binarys for a facepunch Enum that represents each client input. Refer to the button table below.) "FireFlareButton": 2048, "SwitchWeaponButton": 128, "SwitchAmmoButton": 64, "RadarSelectButton": 256, "TargetLockButton": 8192, "EnableScrapcopterGibs": false, (turns off gib spawning for better server performance) "GibsDespawnTimerOverride": 0.0, "DisableFire": false, "HideUnauthorizedWeapons": true, (This option doesn’t quite work as intended yet. It will show players the weapons they don’t have access to due to not having the oxide permission for that weapon in the weapon selection menu while flying. Right now, setting this to false shows all weapons that exist for the plugin.) Buttons • FORWARD = 2, • BACKWARD = 4, • LEFT = 8, • RIGHT = 16 • JUMP = 32 • DUCK = 64 • SPRINT = 128 • USE = 256 • FIRE_PRIMARY = 1024 • FIRE_SECONDARY = 2048 • RELOAD = 8192 • FIRE_THIRD = 134217728
  3. Version 2.0


    See tweet, do thing: Lol. This is just a fun lil project for anyone to check out. A nice quiet place to be, and just relax. Inspired by Pilgrim.
  4. Bxrflip


    That's something I can try to do, sure! I'm ok with extending the outer shorlines in some areas to accommodate larger bases. However, I will not be flattening any of the inner terrain to accommodate clans or uninspired youtube bases. I mainly see this as a feature and not a bug, since it gives players/groups a reason to create unique bases. Flatter maps let players 'optimize the fun out of' the building experience, and the terrain is meant to foil that to give smaller bases and creative designs an advantage. I can make a recommendation for a flatter map though, if anyone reading is looking for one, you can try my other map: Isle of Rust, at only half the price!
  5. Bxrflip


    Version 2.1.88


    Welcome to SYNECDOCHE! Synecdoche (noun) Sin-eck-doh-key: A figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole. Crafted over the course of years, this map offers something extraordinarily rare in this community. Custom monuments are amazing and fun to explore! I've seen so much hard work go into them and people have made some really cool stuff. However, custom monuments are only a small part of the level design in Rust. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get as much unique design detail out of the rest of the map? Wouldn't it be nice if your server felt like a real place, instead of a procedural blob map? A Map Focused on Detail, no matter where you are: But who would be insane enough to do such a thing? And how would it be possible? A 4k Rust map is 16 square kilometers. To make this feel like a real place, and give each space the attention to detail it needs demands thousands of hours working with consistent standards. This is why almost all of the maps aside from a handful on these sites will choose to use some form of procedural generation, and what makes synecdoche so uncommon. Every square meter was hand crafted with care, to make a place that feels alive and fantastical. it's what makes the map feel so beautiful. Still Not Convinced? Well, here's some of the feedback we've gotten from the community! Where Reality Meets Fantasy Each and every spot on the map was precisely manicured to feel unique and significant. Every rock has its purpose, and every nook and cranny was deliberately sculpted to inspire exploration. There are no locations on the map that were forgotten or left behind. Each location plays its part to represent the world as a whole. Information and Specifics: This map includes only vanilla monuments and can be run under the community tab. It does not require any 3rd party dependencies, not even the RustEdit Oxide DLL. However, you will need to place the included Harmony mod in you harmony folder to prevent Cargoship from leaving the map while it docks at the northern harbor. Size: 4096 x 4096 Entity Count: ~68,000 Prefab Count: ~16,000 Can Edit: True Required Plugins: Block CargoShip Egress (Included with Map Download) Monuments Junkyard Trainyard Outpost Bandit Camp Fishing Village (X3) Missile Silo Arctic Research Base Military Base (X2) Airfield Water Treatment Plant Sewer Branch (X2) Satellite Dish The Dome Harbor (X3) Military Tunnel Launch Site Power Plant Mining outpost (X7) Oxum's Gas Station Supermarket (X3) Lighthouse (X5) Abandoned Cabins Oil Rigs (large and small) Caves Underground train system Aboveground train system Underwater Labs (X2) Featured Videos:
  6. Bxrflip

    Isle of Rust

    I'm not sure what you mean? I have the map loaded up on my servers right now and the loot is spawning normally. Be careful when re-naming the map or sav file. Using an sav file from a prior map can cause entities not to spawn correctly. If that's not the issue, try checking your plugins and convars to make sure they are not causing the issue. If that doesn't work then it's possible your server files have been coincidentally corrupted. Isle of Rust uses only autospawn prefabs and vanilla monuments, so it doesn't require any mods as dependencies, and loot spawners are handled by vanilla server code. Loot spawners are built into the vanilla monument prefabs, the map file just tells the server where to put the monument in the game. The server then keeps track of and manages loot spawning.
  7. Bxrflip

    Isle of Rust

    I appreciate the suggestion and, while an update path to include airfield and arctic research is possible, replacing bandit with airfield would break the symmetry that creates the gameplay players are so attracted to. However, this type of simple edit is exactly the type of thing I encourage admins to take on themselves. The addition of airfield would be a bit more challenging, but making outpost into combined outpost takes like 2 minutes. You can contact me in my discord channel and I'd be happy to help make those edits: discord.gg/bxr
  8. Bxrflip

    Isle of Rust

    Version 2.0.6


    Made to be the quintessential map for the current generation of Rust, this isle demonstrates the effectiveness of symmetric balancing on player retention. Players LOVE this map. The recipe is simple: We asked what they wanted, and then made it. The map is perfectly balanced around the central point at launch site. Each monument has a mirror image, and loot is distributed evenly across the entire map. Player spawns circle the entire isle (except the arctic), to evenly distribute start points. Cliffs are designed to be easily climbable all over the map. Terrain is completely unique and offers a refreshing respite from repetitive procedural generated maps. This map was designed from the ground up for people who love Rust. Welcome To Isle of Rust, A Custom Rust Map! This solitary isle plays like the best procedural map you wish you had: Perfectly balanced as all things should be. The map boasts a perfect symmetry like no other, which works to promote easy starts, more encounters, and less quitting. There are no dead spots, or hotspots, or tiers. There are no unclimbable cliffs, and no chokepoints. There is plenty of loot, plenty of nodes, plenty of roads, evenly spaced. Every location is a viable base location. Highways and Maintenance A highway and railway loop encircle the island, providing easy over-land transport to any destination. As for maintenance: there is basically none. Everything is vanilla which means, you don’t need oxide, or any plugins at all. You are not dependent on updates or third parties, just use the map file and it will work. If you’re tired of waiting on updates from Rustedit, then this is the map for you. Although it is technically a 4k map, the landmass has been shrunk to the approximate size of a 3500, which feels optimal for servers running 100-300 players. Digging the Dirt The terrain feels new and fresh while keeping with the philosophy of vanilla proc-gen. It is just the right combination of familiar and custom, offering a new experience without compromising gameplay. Mostly open terrain with rocky hills, packed into one landmass creates an optimal environment to roam and search for encounters with other players. There is enough variance in the landscape to offer an ideal preferred location for every player. Features Major Features Include: Parallel Highway with overpasses Above-ground rail line with bridges (no connection to underground yet) Custom inland Lakes Balanced Monument Layout Custom Erosion and Cliffs Monuments include: Launch Site Military Tunnels Giant Excavator Missile Silo Water Treatment Trainyard Power Plant Sewer Branch Satellite Dish Harbor (x2) Military Base Sphere Tank/Dome Bandit Camp Outpost Ranch Fishing Village (x3) Junkyard Large Oilrig Small Oilrig Underwater Labs Gas Station (x2) Supermarket (x2) Lighthouse (x2) Mining Outpost Underground Tunnels Prefab Count: 10,765 prefabs
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This free prefab pack comes with a selection of bridges of various length and geometry. You may use these bridges on any map, including premium maps, and are free to distribute those maps without need for my permission. If you like the bridges, and want to support me, I appreciate donations to my paypal account ([email protected])! Thank you so much! This pack includes: 1:2 scale replica of the Forth Rail Bridge Large Cable Stayed Bridge Large Cantilever Road Bridge 2x Lengths Concrete Arch Bridge 3x Box Truss Road Bridges 1x Box Truss Rail Bridge 1x Box Truss Road + Rail Bridge 2x Under Truss Walkway + Road Bridge


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