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Ionut Shiro

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Everything posted by Ionut Shiro

  1. Version v1.1


    Let your players stumble upon this Abandoned Barn and discover the entrance to a cave system where they can build their bases and hide from enemies. The main structure consists of ground floor (entrance) with a tool box behind the covers and little space to build foundations for door/s and the ladder leading to the second floor with place to place down storage chests and other items. Cave system is accessible via the open hole at the back of the barn behind the car and the covers , main cave is a small space for a medium sized base with enough lighting from the ceilling glowing worms and lanterns. Second cave is accessible via the main cave and it's big enough to fit a large base although there's little to no lighting inside the large cave. Please keep in mind this is a prefab meant for base build and not a monument so there are no puzzles or loot present except a small toolbox behind the covers on ground floor. All Masks are present (Alpha,Height,Splat) Entity Count : 265
  2. Ionut Shiro

    not load

    I honestly can't see anything from that picture and i tried to zoom up to 200 but most likely the link you're using is not right , add me on discord ionutheshiro and i will provide you with a link to use properly!
  3. Ionut Shiro

    not load

    Good morning I'm not sure how you used the map so i'd need more details to be able to guide you
  4. Ionut Shiro

    W4ater 4.4K

    Hello there As far as I know all plugins are compatible with the map as monuments are procedural and there is a road ring for convoy ! If you enjoyed it don’t forget to drop a review too !
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to v1.2.2
  6. Unfortunately that's one of the assetts initial creator did not have anymore on his computer for me to take over so i replaced it with a green hapis puzzle
  7. Ionut Shiro

    Map Bug

    Thank you for letting me know and patience , i just released the fix earlier and tested it !
  8. Ionut Shiro

    Map Bug

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to v1.2
  9. Version V1.1


    Dichotomy 3K is a rust archipelago style map consiting of 2 main islands with completly different biomes with around 1400 land mass each island and several small islands spread around including 3 building islands and 1 buildable stone structure between the island. Main islands are connected by bridges and railway system both above and underground although above ground and underground railway system is not linked. What does dichotomy mean ? Dichotomy is a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities. The dichotomy between theory and practice. also : the process or practice of making such a division. dichotomy of the population into two opposed classes showcasing the differences between the north and south islands in terms of climate but also monuments/terrain layout. There are no train stations as i applied roadside topology near rails aswell to have roadside loot spawn along the rails. All underground train entrances are unique. Procedural Monuments : Missile Silo Launch Site Outpost Bandit Camp Gas Stations Supermarkets Lighthouses Fishing Villages Oil Rigs Quarries Custom Monuments : Stalker Research Docks Bomb Shelter Road Checkpoints Several Building Islands/Spots Map Size : 3000 landmass Entity Count : 35562
  10. Ionut Shiro

    Check the rivers

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to v1.1.1
  11. Version v1.2


    Hydra Isle 4K is a custom shaped Island initially made as a competitive comissioned map and we decided to publish it after half a year with a more procedural gameplay feeling to it. Main Island is about 3K in size and the remaining 8 islands make up for the remaining space , the 8 islands surrounding main island were made with the purpouse that large groups would spawn on each island separate and they can go to main land by bridge to collect resources and take part in action. All 8 islands have same amount of resources and pattern , 1 custom lighthouse inland , a river and a lake each one of the islands is connected by a bridge to the mainland. There is no Launch Site on the map although Nuclear Power Plant was placed to replace Launch Site since it has puzzles , 2 hackable locked crates and a Bradley roaming outside entrance of it. Map has a variety of roadside and inland hidden gems , small prefabs and monuments to get loot from and some even have puzzles! If you need any changes to this map don't hesitate to contact me. Procedural Monuments : Dome Missile Silo Satellite Dish Power Plant Train Yard Sewer Branch Mining Outposts Gas Stations SuperMarket Large & Small Oil rig Custom Monuments : The Heaps (Building Monument) Warehouses (Puzzle + Hackable Locked Crate) Nuclear Power Plant ( Puzzle + Hackable Locked Crate + Roaming Bradley outside) OffShore Safezones , 4 placed on each direction of the map NSEW (Airwolf Vendor , Gambling , Boat Vendor , Vending Area) Ravaged Lighthouses , 8 - 1 on each island Finkelstein Lab - Small loot prefab inland Drive In - Roadside loot prefab Camp Blood - Roadside Loot Prefab Bathory Mansion - Roadside Loot Prefab Town Hall - Roadside Loot Prefab Freddy Krueger Boiler Room - Inland loot prefab Witches House - Inland loot prefab Myers House - Inland loot prefab Map Size : 4800 (4000 land) Entity Count : 35401 Password included in ReadMe file.
  12. Ionut Shiro

    Check the rivers

    Hei I did accept it today at 7 AM , 10 hours ago aprox and messaged you , i will ping you again
  13. Ionut Shiro

    Check the rivers

    Just checked it in editor both spots you showed in video and mentioned below , they're all fine in editor topology is there , i re-applied it just to make sure and i have another version saved if you can add me on discord to test it : ionutheshiro
  14. Ionut Shiro

    Check the rivers

    Also thank you for buying the map!
  15. Ionut Shiro

    Check the rivers

    Hello there Did you open the map in rustedit? If you did you will have to re-apply river and riverside topology , editor is currently missing some features as of fall 2023 and river/riverside topologies disappear from time to time and you have to re-apply them in order for rivers to function properly. They were working correctly when i submited
  16. Version v1.2


    Prometheus is a custom shaped island featuring unique building locations , lakes and facepunch monuments , highly optimized for PVP/E gameplay and gameplay performance for low-end computers to reduce rendering distance. Procedural Monuments : Launch Site Military tunnel Airfield Water Treatment Plant Bandit Town Outpost Junkyard Sewer Branch Satellite Dish Dome Harbor Oil rigs Swamps Stables Quarries Caves Supermarkets , Gas Stations and Warehouses Unique Lakes and Rivers. Map Size : 3500 Entity Count : 6197
  17. Could be your dropbox the issue as i have no other reports
  18. Version v1.2.1


    Puerto Rico 4K is a rust custom map shaped after the country of Puerto Rico and it features procedural monuments with unique building spots and tactical placement for fast paced action on your server. It may seem abit bigger although landmass is 4K with rest ocean to be able to keep a proper shape of the island. Puzzle monuments have been spread around coast area of the island and middle has been left for building and action. Map has been optimized with low entity count and suitable terrain formation to reduce rendering distance even for low-end computers. Procedural monuments : Launch Site Excavator Train Yard Military Tunnel Water Treatment Power Plant Airfield Compound Bandit Town Junkyard Sewer Branch Satellite Dish Harbor Ferry Terminal Sphere Tank Desert Military Base Quarries Warehouses , Gas Stations and Supermarkets Caves Fishing Villages Lighthouses Oil Rigs ~ Entity Count : 9178 ~ Map Size : 4000 Password Comes with the map.
  19. Version v1.1.2


    Poland 4K is a rust custom map shaped after the country of Poland and it features procedural monuments with unique building spots and tactical placement for fast paced action on your server. Map has been optimized with low entity count and suitable terrain formation to reduce rendering distance even for low-end computers. Procedural monuments : Ferry Terminal Harbor Fishing Villages Desert Military Base Arctic Research Base Bandit Town Launch Site Compound Sewer branch Nuclear Missile Silo Junkyard Quarries Sphere Tank Airfield Train Yard Military Tunnel Excavator Water Treatment Satellite Dish Swamps , Ice Lakes Gas Stations , Supermarkets , Warehouses Caves Oil rigs Lighthouses ~ Entity Count : 6548 ~ Map Size : 4000 Password Comes with the map.
  20. Ionut Shiro


    Version 1.0.2


    GFVoter it's a voting rewards system for Rust servers listed on GamesFinder.net. It's designed to reward players for voting for your server/s on gamesfinder.net and players earn points by doing so which they can then redeem for in-game rewards. What is GamesFinder.net? It's a new platform designed for server owners to list and describe their servers better with more options and gives the players the ability to search for a server easier tailored to their needs and get rewards by voting the server. Features: Vote Tracking: Players can vote for the server on the website, and their votes are tracked. Rewards: Players can exchange their accumulated points for rewards. Rewards can be items and executed commands or kits. Cooldown Management: Ensures players can't spam vote claims by implementing a cooldown system. Vote Verification: Checks if a player has voted and then claims their reward via the API. Custom Commands: Players can check their points, claim rewards, or view available rewards through chat commands. Discord Integration: Option to send notifications to a Discord server when a vote is made or a reward is claimed. Commands : gfvote "Amount" "PlayerName or SteamID" : Allows admins to manually add points to players (Console Command). /claimpoint or /clp : Used by players to claim their voting points. /rewardlist or /rl : Displays available rewards to players. /claimreward or /cr : Players use this to claim a specific reward. /checkpoints or /checkp : Check the amount of points earned Config Example : { "Use discord webhook at vote": true, "Use discord webhook at claim": true, "Discord webhook": "Your discord server webhook", "Chat command to claim reward point": [ "claimpoint", "clp" ], "Chat command for check rewards": [ "rewardlist", "rl" ], "Chat command for get reward": [ "claimreward", "cr" ], "Chat commands for checking points": [ "checkpoints", "checkp" ], "GamesFinder API": "Your API from gamesfinder.net", "Rewards": { "economics": { "Display name for chat (if empty - use key or item name)": "x50 Economics", "NeedPoints": 3, "Type": 1, "Item": null, "Command (%STEAMID% - player user id)": "deposit %STEAMID% 50" }, "group": { "Display name for chat (if empty - use key or item name)": "x1 Group 'Member'", "NeedPoints": 10, "Type": 1, "Item": null, "Command (%STEAMID% - player user id)": "oxide.grant user %STEAMID% (Permission)" }, "sr": { "Display name for chat (if empty - use key or item name)": "x10 ServerRewards", "NeedPoints": 2, "Type": 1, "Item": null, "Command (%STEAMID% - player user id)": "sr add %STEAMID% 10" }, "wood": { "Display name for chat (if empty - use key or item name)": null, "NeedPoints": 1, "Type": 0, "Item": { "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 1000, "SkinID": 0 }, "Command (%STEAMID% - player user id)": null } }, "Reminder message": "Hey! Don't forget to vote for our server on gamesfinder.net and claim your points.", "Reminder interval minutes": 15 }
  21. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to v1.2.2
  22. That's been fixed in earlier update and added Ferry Terminal too !
  23. Ionut Shiro

    Arctic research base

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  24. Ionut Shiro

    Arctic research base

    Good afternoon Sorry for the late response but i was in holiday for the past 4 days , if you could send me a message on discord in private or open a ticket on my support discord i can send you a version that has arctic research base on it too , i won't add it to public version since it would feel too crowded being a 2800 map procedural shaped ! Thank you in advance for your understanding! https://discord.gg/3A9FTdWdrm


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