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Ionut Shiro

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Everything posted by Ionut Shiro

  1. Version 1.1


    The Witches House has several barrels/boxes to loot around the prefab. 2 NPC's added. Nice Halloween prefab to add to your map! Entity Count: 983 For questions or support in case i don't answer here right away feel free to join my new discord server for all my creations : https://discord.gg/qGMmaRMTS3 !
  2. Version 1.2


    The annual pumpkin festival has 3 NPC's and various loot all around it along with a dunk tank, pumpkin carving, apple bobbing and water gun station. Great prefab for Halloween! Entity count of 339. For questions or support in case i don't answer here right away feel free to join my new discord server for all my creations : https://discord.gg/qGMmaRMTS3 !
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Laser font set from 0-9 and A-Z. This font set projects any lettering onto the back of a pane of glass or onto any other object. The further away the lasers are from the object to be projected, the larger the lettering and vice versa. After the lasers are placed in the desired arrangement, they can be broken and connected to generators using the OR switches attached to the back of each laser. Contents of the package: - Numbers from 0-9 - Letters from A-Z - Laser measure to measure the maximum distance between the laser and the object to be illuminated - 3 additional flicker generators to generate a flicker effect if desired The Prefab was created by ☆☆☆ Abracadaver ☆☆☆
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I have a set of broken lighthouses here, they are very close to the original, there are 3 different ones (Original, Snow, Ice,). I have also created 2 where a ship has run aground this is with a BlueCard here are two elite crates included. Copy the prefab folder to your RustEdit Custom Prefabs folder. Place the prefab down and apply the prefab modifiers. This prefab requires rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit
  5. You can already do that with a free plugin from uMod with a scheduled command it deletes every asset you put in cfg file in x radius . My guess is you want to cleanup the Garbage collection points on your server/s.
  6. Hei , add me on discord ! Uta#7463
  7. Yes +levelurl works aswell depending on how your host handles variables! Glad it helped Also i recommand you to remove the dropbox link haha
  8. Should be +server.levelurl "dropboxlink ending with =1" I don't think it works with customlevelurl
  9. Hei , add me on discord Uta#7463
  10. Ionut Shiro

    Furnace Levels

    Currency type : Item Not scrap
  11. Version v1.1


    The scene shows a rotten loading station surrounded by a little forest, which was used to reload goods from trains to trucks and trucks to trains in the good old times. But it isn´t so leave as it seems. A group of scientists was using the loading station to reload armory to a train and send it to the compound as suddenly one of the rusty structures collapsed and buried an armored truck among themselves. It´s your task to clear the area of scientists and find a way to open the armored truck to gain access to the weapons inside. While exploring the area you will see, you and the scientists are not the only ones who used the loading station for their own purposes. Includes: Two versions of the "Loading Station". First one is the monument version for normal use on your server, with all loot, effects, IO elements and levels you can go to The second one is the arena version for using with the deathmatch or gungame plugins. Reduced prefab count and no loot + colliders Prefab count monument: 4820 Prefab count arena: 1819 Monument: alpha mask, biome mask, height mask, texture mask, topology mask Arena: texture mask, topology mask Custom Loot (custom loot presets included if you have trouble loading the custom loot) Custom vending machine (custom vending preset included if you have trouble loading the loot inside of it) Custom CCTVs Scientist NPCs Many custom prefabs Path around the area for optional bradley spawns Hidden "easteregg" crate A more demanding door puzzle as the usual greencard/bluecard/redcard puzzles Little safezone inside the monument (you just have to find it) Fully accessible. You can climb any building and travel trough the sewer system Video: The Prefab was initially created by ☆☆☆ Abracadaver ☆☆☆
  12. Version v1.1


    Combined the two oilrigs, to make a more dangerous and exciting adventure of raiding the rigs. The rigs are connected with some cranes and pipes, simulating a construction site. You can use the pipes to switch between the two oilrigs. Tweaked the decorations a little and added some ladder triggers. I have repaired it and have permission to publish it The Prefab was originally created by Abracadaver
  13. Version v1.1


    A little decor scene with two trucks crashed on open street. Some flame and tesla effect for the ambience. The tesla sparks from the electricity pylon are dealing damage. The Prefab was created by ☆☆☆ Abracadaver ☆☆☆
  14. Ionut Shiro


    Version v1.1


    This prefab is structured like the Sphere Tank, but has a lot more surprises and loot. Prefab Count 598 (how many prefabs are in the pack) This prefab contains : 1 Green Card Puzzle 36 Crate (Normal, Elite, Food, Medic) 20 Barrels (Loot-Barrel 1, Loot-Barrel 2, Oil-Barrel) 21 NPC Copy the prefab folder to your RustEdit Custom Prefabs folder. Drop the prefab and apply the prefab modifiers. This prefab requires Rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit
  15. Version v1.1


    Prefab Count 154 (how many prefabs are in the pack) This prefab contains 4 Crate Normal 2 Med Crate 2 Tool Crate 1 Fuel Crate 2 NPC Copy the prefab folder to your RustEdit Custom Prefabs folder. Place the prefab down and apply the prefab modifiers. This prefab requires rustedit.dll https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit
  16. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  17. Hmm i'm afraid it's your side , there's 8 other servers currently using Winter Wonderland and i had no such reports so far , i saw similar reports from other server owners using other maps though so i'm guessing you may have a corrupt oxide version or something like that? No clue really but can assure it's not map related
  18. You put vending profiles in VendingPresets if you plan on editing the map to save the custom shops
  19. Version 1.4.3


    Winter Wonderland is a christmas/winter themed map with dominant biome arctic and minority of the rest. Map contains 4 unique custom made cabins for players to explore and build in + a large ice valley that can be an unique location for a town or just player bases. Custom Safezone including all vendors from both Outpost + Bandit Camp , including Airwolf Vendor. 3 unique Heli Towers placed on top of mountains and 3 unique Gas Stations made by !David#1337 On top of mountains you will have the Sled Shop Cabin which allows players to race towards the Christmas Modern Village and Terminus Safe Zone , Sled Shop will sell sleds (Loot Profile included in zip file in case you want to do edits). The pack of wolves down next to Modern Christmas Village are dormant and will not move/attack or be hurt by any player interactions or AI. Snowflakes that you see on map picture are underwater terrain modifications. The map features custom and procedural monuments ~Procedural Monuments : Water Treatment Plant Train Yard Airfield Power Plant Launch Site Military Tunnels Satellite Dish Junkyard Sewer Branch The Dome Arctic Research Base HQM & Sulfur & Stone Quarries 2 Mining Outpost 2 Abandoned Supermarket Large & Small Oil Rigs 6 Underwater Labs ~Custom Monuments : 3 Public Heli Towers with Tier 1 - 2 - 3 Workbenches / Repair and Research Bench / Recycler and Vending Machines / Recreation area 4 Custom Winter Cabins featuring a deep hidden cave under the cabin and attic 2 Gas Stations made by !David#1337 Terminus Safezone - Including all Vendors from both Outpost & Bandit Camp with Airworlf Vendor and extras Modern Christmas Village featuring 4 Modern Villas in unique location and slightly modified Roadside bus stations with cover and fire source to warm your players Santa's Atelier with Reindeers (Pack of Wolves on budget) Sledge track towards Safezone and Village Sledge Shop on top of mountain between the Sledge tracks Frozen Valley ~ Entity Count : 29770 ~ Map Size : 4000 Password Comes with the map.
    Awesome map , won it in a giveaway and when my players found out after shadowfrax posted a video of it they lowkey blackmailed me to wipe for Isla Nublar 10/10 worth it Plenty of space to build bases with unique landscape and custom monuments to enjoy
  20. No but i can put them quick on one , add me on discord Uta#7463
  21. Sure you can , try select the vending profiles again maybe they deselected and let me know if that's the case
  22. Which one exactly out of all 3 ? If you break it in editor you will see that there's 3 invisible vendors in scene hierarchy


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