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Everything posted by Brollyzeven
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Brollyzeven replied to Fusion 3.64's Support Request in Support
Same problem here. Same exact string of issues on console -
It was going good. I got some things changed and added. Permissions are set correctly. It was working. I added some more info to it. I validated it using a JSON editor. Now when I type /info in game it says "Infoscreens has no screens" { "Global": { "PermaUIButton": false, "SideNav": false, "OnlyShowOnce": false, "NeverAutoShow": false, "NumberOfPages": 4, "GuiTransparency": 0.95, "ButtonColour": "0,100,0,1", "ButtonColourSelected": "0,200,0,1", "CommandAlias": "info" }, "Pages": { "General Info": { "ImageElements": { "BackGround": { "URL": "https://i.imgur.com/ti3bKsd.png", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,1.0", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" } }, "TextElements": { "Title": { "Content": "", "FontSize": 16, "AlignTopMiddleBottom": "top", "AlignLeftMiddleRight": "middle", "FontColour": "#323330", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "1", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,1.0", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" }, "Content": { "Content": "This server is here to provide a VIP-FREE, everyone treated the same, no unfair advantages, not paying someone's paycheck way of playing Rust. I have a job and family but will be present as much as possible. \n Contact mwallen1985 on Discord at https://discord.gg/e8WGAMGBTR and I will reply when possible. \n I have 1 volunteer moderator who gets zero benefits and can not spawn anything, delete anything, become unvanished, interact with anything, no-clip behind player built structures, or do little more than observe in certain areas. Before You Decide To Be critical about the server or myself, keep in mind, you are playing for free, you literally can't pay me anything, and you are paying nothing for the privilege of being on this server. That privilege can be removed at anytime for any reason at my sole discretion. \n I treat everyone exactly the same and how I would want to be treated, I spawn nothing for no one unless I can fully objectively verify something was lost due to a plug, glitch, or hacker. I highly recommend recording all gameplay via OBS recording. My frame of thinking is. If you don't care enough or are too lazy to take the time to record gameplay and upload it to YouTube for evidence and give yourself at least a chance of catching of having conclusive video evidence or at least suspicious video. Than why waste my time or Facepunch's time or even this server's chat channel space with unsupported hackusations that does little more than flare tempers? \n \n \n On Rust Platinum Daytime is set to be 10 hours long and nights are 5 minutes. \n Shop points are acquired via mining, doing events, killing things, etc. Z-levels, Blueprints, and shop points carry over from wipe to wipe unless force wiped by Facepunch. \nn There are different Tiers of Helicopters, Regular > Military > Elite > and the God Helicopter call The Sleeper. \n Server Wipe is Facepunch force wipe which is the first Thursday of every month \n I appreciate constructive feedback on the server. Please send to discord \n Please join us on Discord in case I switch hosts and server IP changes. Raid raidable bases for great gear and shop points Kill zombies for shop points and loot. Red Circles on the map indicate an area where you could find a box of treasure. Watch out for treasure guards! Zombies primarily spawn at Sulfur Quarry. Use public car lifts at some supermarkets and gas stations to craft your own car chassis! Just bring car parts, scrap, and fuel! To bind a key to open the backpack, use: bind b backpack.open in your F1 client console. I have the tier 3 bundle premium paid version of Raidable bases. 50 bases across 5 difficulty levels. I have the paid plugin Custom Helicopter tiers. Regular Heli > Military Heli > Elite Heli > > > > Sleeper Heli! The icon to the left of your belt with the arrows it to setup the hotbars plugin to quick switch all items on your belt. Type /hotbar for more info. With the paid plugin Quarry Levels. Level up your quarries for 20,000 shop points per level. Modular Cars, Hot Air Balloons, and Water Craft will not decay if you keep them in your building privilege area. Water Catchers produce much more water and can actually support a farm on Rust Platinum. While you can create an elevator quickly using /newlift, if you build your own elevator it can go as high as building stability allows, requires no power, moves at 4x speed, and comes with a counter device that will show you what floor you are on and if you change it, it will take you to the floor you selected. The icon next to your belt with the arrows. Is your quick switch hotbar access. Press tab to bring up your inventory and Left click the arrows to acces it and set it up. Vendors on Rust Platinum server have infinite stock and inventory. No vendor purchase limits on Rust Platinum! Once every couple of days, you'll see The Sleeper heli come out. If you do, avoid it! It is the strongest Heli! The legendary OutPost Sentry Turrets are available in /craft. They aren't cheap but they are like having 16 auto turrets in one! You can drag your body or your team mates body! Hold left click and than press E to start dragging!", "FontSize": 16, "AlignTopMiddleBottom": "top", "AlignLeftMiddleRight": "middle", "FontColour": "0,100,0,1", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,0.5", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" } }, "VisibleTo": "default,somegroup" }, "Plugins": { "ImageElements": { "BackGround": { "URL": "https://i.imgur.com/RpTHAs3.jpg", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,1.0", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" } }, "TextElements": { "Title": { "Content": "Plugin Info", "FontSize": 16, "AlignTopMiddleBottom": "top", "AlignLeftMiddleRight": "middle", "FontColour": "255,255,255,1", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "1", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,1.0", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" }, "Content": { "Content": "Use /license to purchase a mini, horse, or hot air balloon! Use /bgrade and /up for building upgrades. Use /bgrade to select what quality you want to currently build at. Use /up When you have the resources and are ready to upgrade your entire building to a higher quality later on Use /craft to craft a recycler. 10,000 metal frags, 300hqm, 50gears, 10 fuses, and 15 tech trash. Use /craft to craft a mini, scrap heli, quarry, boats, etc. Use /codelock for doors. Follow the format given after you /codelock. For example, /codelock auto <--- that will toggle it on and off. Use /bgrade to set what quality you want your builds to be in as you are building. Use /up to upgrade your entire structure to a set quality afterwards Use /sethome to set a home to teleport back to at a later time. Use /home to see your homes. Use /pm to private message another player. Use /tp to teleport to another player. Use /kit to see your kit options. Use /autoauth ui to set what you want your clan mates to be automatically authorized to. Use /stats to check your Z-Levels. Use /skin to skin your gear.Use /shop to see the server shop. Use /pc to see leaderboards and /stats to see Z-Level info! For the homes gui use /sethome {home} - Create a new home at your position and use up to 8 homes /home Opens the homes GUI... /home (name) Teleports you to that specific home /delhome Deletes the home /listhomes - Lists all your homes Use /kit to get your startup kit, the kit page has a 2nd page. Click the blue tab to go to page 2. /hotbar to setup hotbars. Use /NewLift to quickly create your own elevator, select how many floors and access areas you want for the elevator. Also select who can use it and who can access which floors. Every player gets 2 free instant elevators. /Newlift is limited to 10 floors. /hotbar for more information if you are interested in utilizing this handy tool /craft to build a quarry and survey charges to find an area to place the quarry. Survey charges can be crafted or purchased under /shop. /bgrade t 5000 Will set bgrade to last 5,000 seconds before turning off. So, next time you /bgrade 2 you will build in stone for 5,000 seconds, /bgrade 3 is metal and /bgrade 4 is build in high quality metal. Raid Alerts+ Premium Plugin. Link this server to your Rust+ App and you'll get notified if a wall or door is destroyed and also who is raiding you! The cancer causing effects of farming with large and small water catchers has been cured. They both now collect and give enough water to actually handle farming without needing loads of them to handle 1 sapling. If you have your own modular car lift at your base. You can now use it to purchase a car chassis! If you build your own elevator. Your own built elevator will not require power. On Rust Platinum Elevators are no longer limited to 6 stories tall, you can stack them as high as stability allows. Elevators on Rust Platinum also have a counter that shows what floor you are on. You can use the counter to select which floor you want to go to as well, no buttom or trigger required. Personal built Elevators on Rust Platinum travel at 4x speed. /drone to call your own drone. Use a computer station to fly it and have your friend ride on the drone. Tired of opening and closing doors inside your base over and over again? With /codelock You can set each indivudal door to stay open for a different amount of time. 3 seconds or 30 minutes? You decide. /codelock for more info. Minicopters have lights you can turn on and off and boxes you can place locks on. So long as you are within 20m of your home foundation. Your workbench will allow you to still use it. No more standing staring at a workbench to craft things. Wipe is the first Thursday of Every month. Rust Platinum gives every player new wipe raid protection until Sunday at 2pm Pacific Standard Time after a new wipe.", "FontSize": 16, "AlignTopMiddleBottom": "top", "AlignLeftMiddleRight": "middle", "FontColour": "0,100,0,1", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,0.5", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" } }, "VisibleTo": "default,somegroup" }, "Page3": { "ImageElements": { "BackGround": { "URL": "", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,1.0", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" } }, "TextElements": { "Title": { "Content": "Default Text", "FontSize": 16, "AlignTopMiddleBottom": "top", "AlignLeftMiddleRight": "middle", "FontColour": "255,255,255,1", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,1.0", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" }, "Content": { "Content": "Default Text", "FontSize": 16, "AlignTopMiddleBottom": "top", "AlignLeftMiddleRight": "middle", "FontColour": "255,255,255,1", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,0.5", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" } }, "VisibleTo": "default,somegroup" }, "Page4": { "ImageElements": { "BackGround": { "URL": "", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,1.0", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" } }, "TextElements": { "Title": { "Content": "Default Text", "FontSize": 16, "AlignTopMiddleBottom": "top", "AlignLeftMiddleRight": "middle", "FontColour": "255,255,255,1", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,1.0", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" }, "Content": { "Content": "Default Text", "FontSize": 16, "AlignTopMiddleBottom": "top", "AlignLeftMiddleRight": "middle", "FontColour": "255,255,255,1", "GoBehindNav": false, "ShowOnSubPages": "0", "PosBottomToTop": "0.0,0.5", "PosLeftToRight": "0.0,1.0" } }, "VisibleTo": "default,somegroup" } } }
Ohhh, yea.... it saying "is" instead of "infoscreen" made me think that wasn't it. Thanks!
I don't see the config option to change the command from /infoscreen to /info ?