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Everything posted by staticDev

  1. Version 1.1.3


    SimpleClanBot SimpleClanBot is an easy to setup and use discord bot. Designed for game servers to engage their community with a built in clan system. Many customization features coming soon! Comprehensive and easy to follow installation guide right here! For help or bug reporting please message me here! Dev Log: 10/21/23 - Fixed bugs and added new features Hosting: Could hosting recommendation: Google Cloud - https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/build-and-run-discord-bot-top-google-cloud Local hosting: This essentially boils down to running the bot's code on your machine Setup and Installation: Setup your servers bot Create a new application: https://discord.com/developers/docs/getting-started Assign your bots name (Changeable later) In General Information upload an icon and give your bot a name and description (Please include "SimpleClanBot by staticDev" in your description) Go to Bot and assign a username and icon (if it does not carry over) Scroll down to Privileged Gateway Intents and toggle on the 3 options (Presence, Server Member, Message Content) Scroll back up in Bot and reset your bot token, copy the new token (store it for later) Go to OAuth2 -> URL Generator. In Scopes select bot and applications.commands, under Permissions select Administrator Use the link at the bottom of URL Generator to invite the bot to your server (it will be offline) Configure the SimpleClanBot.py file Open the file in a text editor of your choice, if you do not have one here is a good online option: https://www.online-python.com/ On lines 19 & 20 place your discord user id -> owner_id and your servers id -> guild_id (these should remain ints) Set clawn_owner_role_name to whatever you want the clan owner role to be Scroll to the bottom of the file and paste your bot's token in bot.run('YOUR TOKEN HERE') Save the file or export the new edited file for your server. Upload and Run the bot Whether local or cloud hosting you should have a Console to work in. Install the latest version of Python3 on your hosting platform: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/download-and-install-python-3-latest-version/ Use the package manager pip to install the needed packages. (https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/) pip install discord pip install discord-ext-bot pip install discord-ui pip install discord.py Once the packages are installed upload your edited SimpleClanBot.py file Use the command python3 SimpleClanBot.py to run the bot Setup in Discord Confirm that the bot is now appearing online in your server Go to your server roles and drag the SimpleClanBot role to the top (Must be done) In a text channel type the command /clan sync to sync the / commands which prompt users for certain commands inputs Enable 'applications.commands' permission to your members who you want to have access to the bot Wait up to 2 minutes for you to type / and see the new bot in the command UI Commands: /clan sync : Syncs the bots command tree to show the clan commands to users when they type / (Only server owner) /clan ownercolor {hexcode} - Changes color of team owner role (Only Server Owner) /clan-create {name} : Creates a channel Clan Category, inside all new text channels and roles are placed, assigns role to the clan creator /clan-invite {user} : PM's user with Accept/Reject buttons, will assign the user the clan role in the server (invited user must be in the server already) /clan-kick {user} : Automatically removes the users clan role (they can no longer see the text channel) /clan-leave : Removes the users clan role (they can no longer see the text channel) /clan-disband {name} : Deletes the clan channel and role from the server (enables clan owner to create a new clan) /clan-color {hexcode} - Changes the color of your clans role (Only Clan Owner) License NOT FOR RESALE OR DISTRIBUTION AFTER PURCHASE UNDER ANY CONDITION
  2. In order for the plugin to work you need the Clans plugin by killyou. Your players must be in a clan then either die or get a kill to begin tracking their stats on the leaderboard. Simply adding the plugin and doing /stats will not do anything as it is an addon to the existing clans plugin. If you get any error in your console while loading the plugin or using /stats please let me know. I have tested the plugin as of yesterday on my dev server and a fresh server and everything is working fine on my end. With existing data, new data and fake sample data I have not had any issues.
  3. staticDev

    Plugin not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce Changed Fixed In to 2.0.0
  4. staticDev

    Plugin not working

    I replied to your dm's just now. I can't reproduce the bug you have even when I already have clan data loaded on the server. Your clan_data file looks good, please check that in ClanStats/clan_data/{tag}.json the format looks like this: { "clanTag": "HIJ", "clanKills": 50, "clanDeaths": 30 } If it does not look like this then the plugin will not be able to deserialize the json, the code I wrote automatically creates these json objects whenever a member of a clan gets a kill/death. My testing to reproduce went like this: 1) Create a fresh server and create 4 different clans with members. 2) Load ClanStats and have the clans kill each other. 3) Check to see if the stats were working (the leaderboard and all features worked as expected)
  5. Version 2.0.2


    ClanStats by staticDev ClanStats is GUI and text based stat tracker for clans and individual players. Depends on the Clans by k1lly0u Permissions: No permissions needed. Drag and drop to begin using. Commands: Finished: /stats : Brings up a GUI with an option to view player or clan leaderboards will also displays the current players stats and their clan stats /kdr : Player gets their clan and personal stats (text based) /top : Displays the top 3 clans and their stats (text based) /myclan : Brings up the current players clan position and kills (text based) WIP: /ckdr : Brings up the current players clan stats if they are in one (text based) /pkdr : Brings up the current players stats (text based) /helpclanstats : Brings up a list of available stats for ClanStats Dev Log: Fixed variable definition due to scope issue. Bug regarding existing Clan data has been squashed Passed all test cases! Config: A config file has not been introduced yet. License: Not for resale or redistribution after purchase under any condition! Shoutouts: UI Classes and UI development made possible by LaserHydra KDRGui source code by Ankawi - usable under the MIT license


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