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Clan Stats 🚨BIG UPDATE🚨 2.0.2

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Message added by staticDev,

ClanStats is going to be receiving some major UI updates over the next couple weeks as I swap over to CUI! If you notice any bugs or have any ideas for the plugin please let me know! Discord: fearmeza

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About Clan Stats 🚨BIG UPDATE🚨

ClanStats by staticDev

  • ClanStats is GUI and text based stat tracker for clans and individual players.
  • Depends on the Clans by k1lly0u


No permissions needed. Drag and drop to begin using.



/stats : Brings up a GUI with an option to view player or clan leaderboards will also displays the current players stats and their clan stats

/kdr : Player gets their clan and personal stats (text based)

/top : Displays the top 3 clans and their stats (text based)

/myclan : Brings up the current players clan position and kills (text based)


/ckdr : Brings up the current players clan stats if they are in one (text based)

/pkdr : Brings up the current players stats (text based)

/helpclanstats : Brings up a list of available stats for ClanStats

Dev Log:

  • Fixed variable definition due to scope issue.
  • Bug regarding existing Clan data has been squashed
  • Passed all test cases!


A config file has not been introduced yet.


Not for resale or redistribution after purchase under any condition!


  • UI Classes and UI development made possible by LaserHydra
  • KDRGui source code by Ankawi - usable under the MIT license




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