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About CustomKeyCards

This plugin allows you to set maximum card usages.
Allows you to separate the configurations into permissions to, for example, create a specific configuration for VIPs
You can also set maximum usages for cards with skinId (Only in the config file).

This plugin does not change the spawn of the cards or their appearance, it only changes their durability/maximum uses.


  • update [permission] [green] [blue] [red]
  • reload 

Command Examples

  • cc update vip1 4 3 2  (all users with customkeycards.vip1 will have 4 uses of the green card, 3 of the blue and 2 of the red)
  • cc reload (Reload config file)

Permission Examples

  • oxide.grant group default customkeycards.example (all players will use example config)
  • oxide.grant group vip customkeycards.vip1 (all players in vip group will use vip1 config)


Configuration example for any green/blue/red card with SkinId 1988408422 has 16 uses

"example": {
  "Green KeyCard Max Uses": 4, /* Default */
  "Blue KeyCard Max Uses": 4, /* Default */
  "Red KeyCard Max Uses": 2, /* Default */
  "Card Skin Ids (SkinId - Max Uses)": {
  "1988408422": 16 /* Any card that has this skinid will have 16 uses */


Default Configuration

  "Command": "cc",
  "Permissions": {
    "default": {
      "Priority level": 0,
      "Green KeyCard Max Uses (0 = disabled)": 4,
      "Blue KeyCard Max Uses (0 = disabled)": 4,
      "Red KeyCard Max Uses (0 = disabled)": 2,
      "Card Skin Ids (SkinId - Max Uses)": {
        "1988408422": 4
    "vip": {
      "Priority level": 1,
      "Green KeyCard Max Uses (0 = disabled)": 8,
      "Blue KeyCard Max Uses (0 = disabled)": 8,
      "Red KeyCard Max Uses (0 = disabled)": 4,
      "Card Skin Ids (SkinId - Max Uses)": {
        "1988408422": 8


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