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Everything posted by Unkown

  1. Unkown

    Arena Tournament

    can npcs be added in the event? maybe a command or something so npcs can be spawned during the event? @fermens
  2. Unkown


    i found my error, never saw the rely on shore
  3. Unkown

    Images not loading

    not working for me todfay either..just noticed says Image failed to download! Error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found - Image Name: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455392420761671/command.png_0 - Image URL: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455392420761671/command.png
  4. Unkown

    error with new update

    [InjuriesAndDiseases] Loaded custom status condition hepc by mr01sam Failed to call internal hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'InjuriesAndDiseases v1.3.1' [1330569572] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at bool Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseasesExtensionMethods.ExtensionMethods.IsAssetPath(string str) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/InjuriesAndDiseases.cs:line 722 at void Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases.AddImages(Dictionary<string, string> idAndUrls, Action callback) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/InjuriesAndDiseases.cs:line 1723 at void Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases.LoadImages() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/InjuriesAndDiseases.cs:line 112 at void Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases.OnServerInitialized() in /home/container/carbon/plugins/InjuriesAndDiseases.cs:line 68 at object Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in InjuriesAndDiseases.cs/Internal:line 369
  5. Unkown

    error with new update

    any update?
  6. Unkown

    clan is reskinning

    Just saw this my bad. Clans by mevent has this feature that allows them to set there clan skins for individual items. So it automatically skins them if they place.. I temporarily found a solution by removing furnaces from being skinned from clans.
  7. Is there a way to change the keys to something that isnt used like J,K,L? instead of the defeault R and e? (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "RELOAD",
  8. Unkown

    clan is reskinning

    clan is reskinning the item so when someone places furnance it becomes a regular furnace. Can this be fixed?
  9. There is times that the event finishes and players that die lose their stuff but the ones that win do not lose their stuff. Is this in my config file or is that a bug atm?
  10. So clans can function with your plugin. Atm it seems as if when you enter a arena event with a clan or teamed you can still see each other in the event.
  11. Unkown

    Limit amount of npcs

    Is there a way to limit the mount of bots you can have per clan?
  12. Unkown

    landing too fast and damages

    lands way to hard, what can i adjust or lower to?
  13. Unkown

    Personal NPC

    How does clan handle this? If one clan summon 3 npcs? Is there an option to only allow 1 summon per clan by mevent?
  14. "Health bar color": "#2ecc71", "Shortcut buttons": [ { "Text on button": "Stay on Position", "Executable chat commands": [ "panimal idle" ] } ] },
  15. Unkown

    doesnt work somettimes..

    I was also able to do it my self by seperating the semtex. The amount i spawn them using the give semtex command, and i split them from the stack the split ones are red in picture but green in hand
  16. Unkown

    doesnt work somettimes..

    Players are saying that when they craft them (i have them set up in craftmenu by david) they work fine the moment a second one is made and stacked it becomes regular f1
  17. Unkown

    doesnt work somettimes..

    There is times that the server restarts and the plugin doesnt make the f1grenades labled as Semtex with skin id 3031605679 to semtex. Anything i can do to fix this or is there a known bug atm?
  18. Unkown

    error with new update

    Status are not shown on top of health bar any more. Since the new rust update players are able to get injuriesand diseases but not able see it like before the update. Any fix for this or update on this?
  19. Unkown

    error with update

    Loaded plugin Survival Arena v1.0.16 by imthenewguy [362ms] Checksum validation failed for 'ItemCrafter.CanCraft' [CanCraft [ItemCrafter]] Checksum validation failed for 'PlayerBlueprints.CanCraft' [CanCraft [PlayerBlueprints]] Checksum validation failed for 'Planner.DoBuild' [CanBuild] Checksum validation failed for 'Deployer.DoDeploy' [CanDeployItem] Checksum validation failed for 'PatrolHelicopterAI.PlayerVisible' [CanHelicopterTarget] A hook request for 'CanHelicopterStrafeTarget[a5659f]' received: - The current status is FAILURE: Signature for 'PatrolHelicopterAI.ValidRocketTarget' not found - Check for possible errors on the log file Checksum validation failed for 'LootContainer.SpawnLoot' [OnLootSpawn [LootContainer]] Checksum validation failed for 'Item.Drop' [OnItemDropped] Checksum validation failed for 'BasePlayer.CreateCorpse' [OnPlayerCorpseSpawn] Checksum validation failed for 'LootableCorpse.RPC_LootCorpse' [CanLootEntity [LootableCorpse]] Checksum validation failed for 'StorageContainer.PlayerOpenLoot' [CanLootEntity [StorageContainer]] Checksum validation failed for 'ResourceContainer.StartLootingContainer' [CanLootEntity [ResourceContainer]] Checksum validation failed for 'DroppedItemContainer.RPC_OpenLoot' [CanLootEntity [DroppedItemContainer]] Checksum validation failed for 'BaseRidableAnimal.RPC_OpenLoot' [CanLootEntity [BaseRidableAnimal]] Checksum validation failed for 'ContainerIOEntity.PlayerOpenLoot' [CanLootEntity [ContainerIOEntity]] Checksum validation failed for 'IndustrialCrafter.PlayerOpenLoot' [CanLootEntity [IndustrialCrafter]] [Survival Arena] There are no entities to wipe [EventHelper] Setup Event: SurvivalArena Checksum validation failed for 'BasePlayer.BecomeWounded' [OnPlayerWound]
  20. Unkown

    error with new update

    (15:04:39) | [WelcomePanel] Error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at string Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.Img(string name) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/WelcomePanel.cs:line 244 at void Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.CreateCui(BasePlayer player, bool cursor, bool eM) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/WelcomePanel.cs:line 794 at object Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.Wp_CustomCommands(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/WelcomePanel.cs:line 323 at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
  21. Unkown

    error with new update

    (15:02:12) | Failed to call internal hook 'OnLootEntity' on plugin 'CraftMenu v1.1.31' [331038008] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at string Oxide.Plugins.CraftMenu.Img(string url) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CraftMenu.cs:line 1542 at void Oxide.Plugins.CraftMenu.CreateBp(BasePlayer player, int tier, string shortName, int index, bool selected) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CraftMenu.cs:line 1060 at void Oxide.Plugins.CraftMenu.ShowBps(BasePlayer player, int tier, string category, int page) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CraftMenu.cs:line 933 at void Oxide.Plugins.CraftMenu.OnLootEntity(BasePlayer player, Workbench bench) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CraftMenu.cs:line 147 at object Oxide.Plugins.CraftMenu.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in CraftMenu.cs/Internal:line 358
  22. Unkown

    error with new update

    (15:00:47) | Failed to call internal hook 'OnPlayerSleepEnded' on plugin 'CustomButtons v2.0.6' [2725316408] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at string Oxide.Plugins.CustomButtons.Img(string url) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CustomButtons.cs:line 384 at void Oxide.Plugins.CustomButtons.CreateCui(BasePlayer player) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CustomButtons.cs:line 41 at void Oxide.Plugins.CustomButtons.OnPlayerSleepEnded(BasePlayer player) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/CustomButtons.cs:line 340 at object Oxide.Plugins.CustomButtons.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in CustomButtons.cs/Internal:line 615
  23. Clans support for the MEVENT version. They reply really fast and asked what type of format the plugin needs. Maybe you can get with him or vice versa.
  24. Unkown


    Love the plugin but one thing I noticed is when I used permissions the multipliers would add all multipliers they had instead of just the higher one. any fix on this that i can do? "Permission_Multipliers": { "Defaultx": 1.2, "Optomistx": 1.4, "Realistx": 1.6, "Prepperx": 1.8, "survivalistx": 2.0
  25. Unkown


    It doesnt damage NPC


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