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Everything posted by LeroyJenkins420

  1. LeroyJenkins420

    Blocked by Work Cart

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  2. LeroyJenkins420

    Blocked by Work Cart

    no this seems to be something rust has implemented through an update, they never used to have a check for vehicles, not trains anyways. I am out of town until 4/10, once I get back I can post a patch. I apologize for any inconvenience
  3. LeroyJenkins420

    Blocked by Work Cart

    Hmm I never encountered this so maybe its something new rust has added. Or possibly due to another plugin you have. Is this something that happens EVERY time on the workcarts, or only sometimes?
  4. LeroyJenkins420

    Catapult ammo bug

    I cant tell exactly from your screenshot but it doesnt look to be next to a rail.
  5. LeroyJenkins420

    Catapult ammo bug

    You have building topology on your map where its not supposed to be, remove building topology from anywhere else on the map (except monuments). also ensure no rail or railside topology is left hanging around.
  6. LeroyJenkins420


    Hello @SPENSER, im out of office until 4/10, can you please include details of what led up to this error? Any context will be helpful in tracking this down, thank you!
  7. This is a small snippet from the config "Parachute Settings": { "Dismount on Collision (Default true)": false, "Can Equip Mid Air (Default false)": false, "Max Velocity (Default 13.5f)": 13.5, "Bypass Repack (Default false)": false, "Disable Landing Animations (Default false)": false, "Condition Loss Per Use (Default .2f)": 0.2 }
  8. LeroyJenkins420

    Cannot Build on Rails

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  10. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  11. Hey @jawnjawn, Im not sure I understand what you mean by RP train, is the point of this train something you (a player) is setting up, and you want it to run infinitely? or you (an admin) want to spawn a train, then place shops, and have this train go infinitely? In Either case the train will ALWAYS turn off if going faster than 0 and no players are onboard. There is a convar you can disable to prevent this, however I could not recommend it, since if a player falls off their train, they wont be happy! the only time the train stays on is when at 0 (even when no players are onboard) I would suggest finding another plugin that accomplished what you're looking to do more seamlessly, maybe ArmoredTrains?
  12. Hey @LilleBoris, ive definitely encountered the cave spawning on the rail before, could you provide me the seed of that world so I can ensure I fix that? As far as trains disappearing there should be no issue with this. I will test it again later today to make sure.
  13. Hello @LilleBoris, it does appear the train yard not being connected is due to my plugin, I havent experienced this with other seeds. For now I would say use a different seed. I will however look into a fix for this to ensure it doesnt happen in the future. As far as trains disappearing, i've tested it multiple times and have not had an issue with them disappearing. If you can give some more info about what you're doing when they disappear?
  14. Hi @LilleBoris, can you provide me the seeds and map sizes used?
  15. LeroyJenkins420

    compiling error

    @jubert33 @iamtheloginnow it appears after all this was an issue with the plugin, I have just released a new version that fixes the oxide compilation error.
  16. Normal turrets can be placed on the train (though the train needs to be on flat(ish) land) if a normal turret can be placed im assuming any modded/plugin ones can be too
  17. LeroyJenkins420

    Cannot Build on Rails

    Compilation issue wasn't actually an issue, latest version should work.
  18. LeroyJenkins420

    compiling error

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  19. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce
  20. LeroyJenkins420

    compiling error

    This compiles fine on Carbon, let me check Oxide, your error indicates a possible syntax issue. This leads me to believe you have an edited CS file. please re-download the latest version and try to recompile.
  21. LeroyJenkins420

    compiling error

    Hello @jubert33 are you using Oxide or Carbon?
  22. LeroyJenkins420

    Cannot Build on Rails

    Hello Loutha, I can assure you there is no issue with the plugin. If you are using a custom map please replace all railside and rail topology with building. Please also remove any building topology from prefabs that are in buildable areas (EX the Oasis) If you are not using a custom map please stop your server, delete your map, add the plugin to your server. Then restart it, this should allow the map to generate properly. Please note that as of now there is a compilation error that will be fixed momentarily, please wait for the next update before trying the above steps.
  23. LeroyJenkins420

    Cannot Build on Rails

    The version downloading was 1.,0.6, I just updated it to my latest build.
  24. LeroyJenkins420

    Cannot Build on Rails

    its the building topology on specific prefabs, the latest update fixed this for proc gen maps. if you are using a custom map go in an remove topology from any prefabs that are in a buildable area
  25. Hey @R3dKetchup, I havent run armored trains in conjunction with this but I really cant think of any reason the two would not be compatible. Both should be able to run in conjunction.


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