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Everything posted by LeroyJenkins420
- #build on trains
- #trains
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- #build on trains
- #trains
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- #build on trains
- #trains
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Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.0.9
Hey @VOID513 this is now compatible with Carbon!
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- #shop
- #shop ui
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Tagged with:
- #shop
- #shop ui
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- #server rewards
- #gui shop
- #custom items
- #rust shop
- #mevent
- #market system
- #marketplace
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- #in game
- #economics
- #humannpc
- #market and magazine
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- #money exchange
- #rust shop plugin
- #shop system
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- #best rust shop
- #shop items
- #shop mevent
- #shop in menu
- #shop gui
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
I have tried compiling the latest version on my oxide server and it compiled successfully!
Hello @VOID513 are you by chance using carbon? If you are, at this time the plugin does not support carbon, I will be releasing an update soon to allow this to run on Carbon servers
Version 1.0.2
Because Bippy asked for it! This plugin is designed to be a troll plugin for your players, any admin can use it by following the below commands. This will spawn chickens & balls around the player when they move making it very difficult for them to do anything! Further this will also equip the player with a chicken costume! pretty simple do /cock [player name] to begin spawning cocks & balls /stopcock [player name] to stop spawning cocks & balls Permission: CockandBalls.admin$4.20 -
- #build on trains
- #trains
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- #build on trains
- #trains
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Hey Danielle, I appreciate your time for leaving the review, I believe my license does allow you to edit your personal copy, however would strictly prevent anyone from selling an edited copy, etc. I strive to allow servers owners as much flexibility as possible! " 2. RESTRICTIONS. You may not distribute, sell, sublicense, or otherwise transfer the Software or any portion thereof to any third party. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. " to address your concerns of no warranty this section of the license essentially frees me from any liability should you encounter any issues with the plugin or your server after installing. I completely stand behind my work and if you do have any issues I encourage you to reach out to me through the below communication methods, I usually respond within 24 hours! " 4. NO WARRANTY. The Software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Licensor does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the Software will meet your specific requirements. " I do sincerely apologize about any issues or frustrations you had while configuring/setting this up! I'd love to hear more about them so I can resolve these for yourself, and potential future customers! Videos do of course help so if you have any showing the bugs you encountered i'd love to see them! Communication Channels: CodeFling Discord: https://discord.gg/codefling RedBerry Discord (my personal one): https://discord.com/invite/redberry Best regards, Leroy
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- #build on trains
- #trains
- (and 8 more)
- #build on trains
- #trains
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Hello @Daniëlle, my trains do not require TCs nor can you place them, this includes other deplorables too. the way in which the plugin works is the trains will spawn with presets EX: Wagon B spawns with wooden doors (upgradable) chests (upgradable) and a few other items, I have some planned updates coming for this plugin which will further enrich the player experience. if you are interested in actually building/placing items on the train you cannot do that with this plugin! (All items are pre-placed)
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- #build on trains
- #trains
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- #jtedal
- #mad mappers
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Hi @RadioFreeKrieg at the moment no, I am however working on a way for the trains to be further customized. At the moment I have an update in the works to allow turrets, electric furnaces, and also syncs your train throttles. my next update will have: 1. added turret (can be turned off in config) 2. made helicopters parent to trains (I.E helicopters will stay on the train when landed) 3. made all train throttles sync when starting your train. 4. added ability to upgrade furnace to electric. 5. made all electric items excepts car lift turn on when train is on. 6. general code cleanup after this update I will be strongly looking into allowing even further customization options for the players
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- #build on trains
- #trains
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- #build on trains
- #trains
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Hi @Kaho no video yet however I will soon be releasing one! I have a few more items i'd like to add to this project before I release a video. if you have any questions about how the plugin works you're welcome to comment here or PM me in the CodeFling discord @Schmenkins to answer your questions, players cannot pick up the train or any items on the train, at chance (configurable) the train will spawn built or vanilla. From there players can upgrade doors, workbench, chests, etc (if the train has the item on it) by attempting to pick the item up. If they have the required materials it will replace the initial item with the upgraded item.
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- #build on trains
- #trains
- (and 8 more)
Version 2.1.2
Description: THIS PLUGIN DOES NOT ALLOWING BUILDING ON TRAINS, For building on trains please see the remastered version. This plugin allows players to claim their very own train, currently any train that spawns will have these items applied to it at a chance! To upgrade doors, workbenches, or boxes all the player will have to do is Attempt to pickup the item with the appropriate amount of materials in their inventory, if they do not have enough the plugin will prompt them with the required amount. After attempting to pick up the item if the player does have enough materials the plugin will verify if they do/do not have the required blueprint (if any) If the player does have the blueprint (if any is required) & has the appropriate amount of materials the item will be upgraded. Features: Throttle Syncing for Trains (syncs all throttles on the players trains upon input) Trains spawn with preset items that can be upgraded Electric items are powered by the train (if the train is on the electric entity will be too)! Economy Support Preset Customization via Data File (ONLY TOUCH THIS IS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!) ALL helicopters can be landed on the train and will not fall off once unmounted! Note: anyone running version 2.1.1 or below will need to delete and update their config! Supported Plugins: Economics (Mr Blue): https://umod.org/plugins/economics No Fuel Requirements (K1llyOu): https://umod.org/plugins/no-fuel-requirements Commands & Presets: Locomotive: Admin Console Command: spawn locomotive.entity Preset 1: 2 doors (upgradeable) 1 window shutter 2 SirenLights (upgradeable into turrets) WagonB (Green Wagon): Admin Console Command: spawn wagonb Preset 1: 4 small boxes (upgradeable) 1 public bed 5 doors (upgradeable) 2 shelves 1 T1 (upgradeable) 1 furnace (upgradeable into electric furnace) Preset 2: 2 Doors (upgradeable) 2 public beds 1 furnace (upgradeable into electric furnace) 4 small boxes (upgradeable) 1 Fridge 2 Windows WorkCartCovered: Admin Console Command: spawn workcart_aboveground2.entity Preset 1: 3 doors (upgradeable) 1 shelve 1 small box (upgradeable) Gambling Caboose: Admin Console Command: spawn caboose.entity Features: 2 doors (upgradeable) WagonC (Flat Wagon): Admin Console Command: spawn wagonc Features: has 2 different presets Preset 1: 1 Magnet Crane 1 Car Lift Preset 2: 2 Car Lifts Preset 3: (Party Wagon) 1 Pool 3 Arcades 3 Fridges 2 Umbrellas 1 Poker Table 6 Dance floors 2 Speakers Config: { "TrainConfig": { //DO NOT EDIT THIS VVVV "Version Number": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 }, //DO NOT EDIT THIS ^^^^ "Train Chance Properties": { "Upgrade Chance": 50.0 }, "Train Enabled Properties": { "Enable/Disable Specific Train Presets": { "locomotive.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagonb.entity": { "1": true, "2": true }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "1": true }, "traincaboose.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagonc.entity": { "1": true, "2": true, "3": true } }, "Locomotive Build Enabled": true, "TrainWagonB Build Enabled": true, "WorkCart Build Enabled": true, "Gambling Caboose Build Enabled": true, "Car Wagon Build Enabled": true, "Party Wagon Build Enabled": true }, "Use Economy": false, "Currency Symbol": "$", "Train Wagon Max Health": 5000.0, "Train WagonB Start Health": 5000.0, "Remove Locomotive Collision": true, "Remove Wagon Collision": true, "Remove Work Cart Collision": true, "Remove Car Wagon Collision": true, "Remove Gaming Caboose Collision": true, "Remove Other Train Collision (lootables)": true, "Remove Train Barricade Collision (underground tunnels)": true, "Max Car Speed": 25.0, "Max Train Engine Speed": 12.0, "Train Engine Force": 250000.0, "Allow Turrets": true, "Sync Train Throttles": true, "Despawn Time": 480.0, "Max Train Pop": 24.0, "Max Train Couple Speed": 9.0 }, "ItemUpgradeCost": { "Required Item Upgrade Costs": { "door.hinged.wood": { "69511070": 150 }, "door.double.hinged.wood": { "69511070": 200 }, "door.hinged.metal": { "479143914": 5, "317398316": 25 }, "door.double.hinged.metal": { "479143914": 5, "317398316": 25 }, "workbench1.deployed": { "69511070": 500, "-932201673": 500, "317398316": 20 }, "workbench2.deployed": { "69511070": 1000, "-932201673": 1250, "317398316": 100 }, "electric.sirenlight.deployed": { "1523195708": 1, "634478325": 1, "317398316": 10 }, "furnace": { "1523195708": 1, "634478325": 1, "317398316": 10 }, "woodbox_deployed": { "-151838493": 250, "69511070": 50 } } }, "EconomyUpgradeCosts": { "ItemUpgradeCosts": { "door.hinged.wood": 10, "door.double.hinged.wood": 10, "door.hinged.metal": 10, "door.double.hinged.metal": 10, "workbench1.deployed": 10, "workbench2.deployed": 10, "electric.sirenlight.deployed": 10, "furnace": 10, "woodbox_deployed": 10 } } }$10.00- 25 comments
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- #build on trains
- #trains
- (and 8 more)