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Everything posted by BippyMiester

  1. Have you posted this on the umod support section for the plugin? I would suggest starting there, if you're saying that the patch isn't working as intended.
  2. Yea i figured that this was an automated thing and would eventually be disabled by downloading an update from facepunch. As far as my server.cfg file is concerned, nothing in there is pertaining to events. easter, halloween, or otherwise. The start up script I use does not handle any events, I wrote it myself. It basically handles the start up and updating of oxide. Thats about it. Trying out your method. Reporting back soon. Heres the logs from the commands you gave me after I ran it. (22:55:21) | halloween.enabled: "False" (22:55:26) | Config Saved (22:55:31) | Restarting in 60 seconds ------------------------------------- Welp, it looks like that might have worked. I'll be running a test for the next 24 hours and i'll double check the logs tomorrow and see if this was still an issue overnight. Thanks for your help!
  3. Yes but does this plugin disable all of them? I don't want to disable all npc's, if I did id use a server convar for that.
  4. look at the plugin page?
  5. https://umod.org/plugins/claim-vehicle-ownership
  6. @Kleementin Check out Raid Time Manager here on CF. This can achieve what you want it to.
  7. Basically I want to remove the default scientists from the Launch Site inside the puzzle room and replace them with a BotReSpawn profile. However, the reason I prefer not to use a plugin such as NPCKits is because I want the BotReSpawn profile to use custom spawn locations within the puzzle room, and roof, and be able to set other things such as roam range, etc. So, just "reskinning" the NPC's using NPCKits really isn't what i'm looking for. Is there any way to check if the scientist being spawned in specifically at launch site and no where else is not a bot being controlled by BotReSpawn, and then just deleting it? Budget is negotiable.
  8. The following keeps popping up in my RCON console. I thought that this was due to the halloween event. However my "halloween.enabled" convar is set to false. (04:22:05) | Spawning dungeon with seed :6496149 (04:22:05) | Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh (04:22:05) | Dungeon Building navmesh (04:22:05) | Starting Navmesh Source Collecting (04:22:05) | Spawning dungeon with seed :11623241 (04:22:05) | Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh (04:22:05) | Dungeon Building navmesh (04:22:05) | Starting Navmesh Source Collecting (04:22:05) | Spawning dungeon with seed :8221239 (04:22:05) | Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh (04:22:05) | Dungeon Building navmesh (04:22:05) | Starting Navmesh Source Collecting (04:22:05) | Spawning dungeon with seed :5136039 (04:22:05) | Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh (04:22:05) | Dungeon Building navmesh (04:22:05) | Starting Navmesh Source Collecting (04:22:05) | Spawning dungeon with seed :3842410 (04:22:05) | Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh (04:22:05) | Dungeon Building navmesh (04:22:05) | Starting Navmesh Source Collecting (04:22:05) | Spawning dungeon with seed :10051168 (04:22:05) | Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh (04:22:05) | Dungeon Building navmesh (04:22:05) | Starting Navmesh Source Collecting (04:22:05) | Spawning dungeon with seed :1707837 (04:22:05) | Server DoGeneration,calling routine update nav mesh (04:22:05) | Dungeon Building navmesh (04:22:05) | Starting Navmesh Source Collecting (04:22:05) | Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.15 seconds (04:22:05) | Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 18 sources (04:22:05) | Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.14 seconds (04:22:05) | Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 18 sources (04:22:05) | Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.13 seconds (04:22:05) | Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 20 sources (04:22:05) | Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.12 seconds (04:22:05) | Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 21 sources (04:22:05) | Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.12 seconds (04:22:05) | Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 25 sources (04:22:05) | Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.11 seconds (04:22:05) | Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 12 sources (04:22:05) | Navmesh Source Collecting took 0.10 seconds (04:22:05) | Starting Monument Navmesh Build with 16 sources (04:22:06) | Monument Navmesh Build took 0.26 seconds (04:22:06) | Dungeon done! (04:22:06) | Monument Navmesh Build took 0.26 seconds (04:22:06) | Dungeon done! (04:22:06) | Monument Navmesh Build took 0.26 seconds (04:22:06) | Dungeon done! (04:22:06) | Monument Navmesh Build took 0.27 seconds (04:22:06) | Dungeon done! (04:22:06) | Monument Navmesh Build took 0.27 seconds (04:22:06) | Dungeon done! (04:22:06) | Monument Navmesh Build took 0.27 seconds (04:22:06) | Dungeon done! (04:22:06) | Monument Navmesh Build took 0.27 seconds (04:22:06) | Dungeon done! Anyone have an idea if this is a plugin causing this, or is this just one of those things I can ignore? Seems as though its still taking up processing power though. Would like to not have extra processing overhead if need be.
  9. Well, to start out, unless there is a special pumpjack item that the place anything plugin creates, which i don't think is actually possible, according to the corrosionhour list, the "pumpjack" is actually "mining.pumpjack". So you might want to change that and see if that fixes it. Reference: https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-item-list/
  10. For the immersion effect, I wanted to create a Bot for launch site, or power plant that walks around with a geiger counter in their hands scanning for radiation. Once a player is in range (if not set to peacekeeper mode) the bot would then switch to the weapon on their belt. The range would be another variable that could be configured in the behavior tab? Something like "Switch To Weapon Detection Range"? If the bot is in peacekeeper mode, the bot would switch to their weapon only if attacked. Could work with both melee and ranged weapons, but most likely users would opt for a ranged weapon IMO. I think that this would add some value to RP servers, and create an effect that is above and beyond what anyone has in their server without this plugin.
  11. Sorry replied to wrong thread.
  12. Got it thank you, you can close this ticket
  13. But won't that disable alerts across the board? I would like alerts outside of the Raidable Base events, but not inside.
  14. Hey there, I put this thread up on uMod as well. See link here: https://umod.org/community/barrelless/45549-plugin-not-working-possibly-due-to-conflict-with-another-plugin Basically whats happening is if I have your plugin loaded, the Barrelless plugin stops working. I'm assuming because if I break the barrel using this plugin, it doesn't trigger the in-game event that the barrel was actually broken? Thus his plugin doesn't increment the count of the barrels, which is vital because his events trigger on a chance every x number of barrels broken. So, if that number never goes above 1, it won't trigger the event, or the chance of the event occuring. Wondering if this is an issue with his plugin, your plugin, idk. I am just cross posting this here because his support section on uMod seems quite dead and the plugin hasn't been updated in a while. Not sure if he'll get back to me at all regarding this. Thanks in advance!
  15. Maybe I'm missing something here, but is there a way to disable alerts during a raidable base event? My players are getting an alert whenever they try and place a ladder down against a base?
  16. @AhigaOyou can mark this as solved/complete. I just wiped the sever on my test server and it worked as intended. Thanks!u
  17. So, to keep it simple, my ideas are below. showspawns - Similar to addspawn command, this command would be run in F1 console or /chat message and show the current spawnpoints for the profile that you're editing. This command if run again, and the spawns are currently on screen and haven't "timed out", then erase the spawnpoints from the screen. navcheck - Checks for nav mesh removelast - Removes the last placed spawnpoint Add a oxide/config entry (global settings?) to change the time that the spawnpoints are shown.
  18. Seems to have fixed the problem. Will report back in two weeks at forced wipe to see if the changes stick.
  19. Will change and report back later. I'm heading off to work.
  20. Theres also the same issue here as well. Not sure if you checked the entire tunnel system, but yea, just letting you know about this one too.
  21. Heres the files
  22. The connection between one part of the track and the other is about 3/4 the height of an NPC or player. Means that the train car can't go forward anymore. See screenshots. https://prnt.sc/7ftgOnPa802N https://prnt.sc/6UpbHL9K7_7o https://prnt.sc/pgGS00Ew7tXT
  23. So, sort of like my last post, which was changing the times automatically upon reload, now whenever I delete a specific date from the plugin, and then reload the plugin (simulating a restart) it puts the date(s) that I just deleted back. So heres the breakdown. I wiped the server today, 11/17/2022. This was the entry prior to wiping the server. "11/16/2022": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 14, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 24, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], "11/17/2022": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 0, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 14, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], Then after the server was wiped, the dates changed to the following: "11/18/2022": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 4, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 48, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 24, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 0 } ], "11/19/2022": [ { "Start Raid Block(Hours)": 0, "Start Raid Block(Minutes)": 0, "Stop Raid Block(Hours)": 4, "Stop Raid Block(Minutes)": 48 } ] Which is definitely not correct. Both the dates and times are being replaced with some random entries. However, when the server wiped, it should have left ONLY the 11/17/2022 entry as it still technically was 11/17/2022, and the 11/16/2022 date should have been removed. So, I then removed the entry from the specific dates section of the config, and reloaded the plugin... then it put the dates (11/18/2022, and 11/19/2022) back. I can't get rid of them. I tried both using the in-game GUI, and manually removing them from the config. Here's another video showing the issue.
  24. BippyMiester

    Download Gives me 1.3.3

    I think you uploaded the wrong version number when you switched to version 1.3.4, because when I click on the Download button i get version 1.3.3. I tried it on multiple browsers just because I thought I was going insane.


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