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Everything posted by Singularity12

  1. Singularity12


    I must say, I would love a deployable a lot more, I just know how much some players would struggle with it if its the only option for setting it up lmao
  2. Singularity12


    My suggestion is that it would work best if you can click a CUI button in your TC to enable a PVP/Raid zone around your base. That way you're already guaranteed to be auth'ed on build priv (since you have TC access), and cant use the zones to grief. If it was tied to a deployable, it might get confusing and less fluent for some players (some players dont understand anything we try to add). If it worked via CUI button, it would be simple to add functionality for costs to set the zone (which will stop spam) with plugins like economics, server rewards, and scrap. Then you could possibly even add an invert option to the plugin where players pay to protect their base instead of pay to make it raidable (which i know exists itself in some iffy plugins, but would fit better in this one). If the PVP/Raid zone was the size of the TC radius, it wouldn't be big enough for PVP or work on large multi-TC builds. If the zone allows you to raid structures besides the one with a raid zone set, people will use it to raid PVE bases that shouldn't be raidable. If the zone prevents you from raiding structures besides the main TC, then multi TC builds will be more or less unraidable. There would probably have to be a way link TCs or add them to a list for the raid zone just wanted to share some things to consider and hopefully save some time
  3. PVP delay is a setting for when you exit a PVP zone. server owners can config a set amount of time to still have a lingering PVP status AKA "delayed" flag after you leave the zone. It's a mechanic that prevents abusing zone borders. Like on my server its setup so if you leave the zone, you can still be killed for 5 seconds after. It is also very configurable to decide if players with delay can still damage others players with "Delayed status". Here's a line of my config regarding that. maybe that will help it make sense "PVP Delay Flags": "ZonePlayersCanDamageDelayedPlayers, DelayedPlayersCanDamageZonePlayers, DelayedPlayersCanDamageDelayedPlayers" If you can get it working with PVP delay and everything, that would be amazing EDIT to add: also just realized i forgot to mention that PVP delay is a mechanic in the plugin DynamicPVP and maybe others as well
  4. with all due respect that unfortunately makes this plugin a lot less functional than ZonePVx info which is free on uMod and works how they described. Your UI is a lot better and would be well worth paying for, but only if it had the same functionality for things like purge and stuff. I'd buy it too if you implement the changes requested. In fact, for at this price it could even become a "must have" for pvp zone servers all you really have to do is make it default to certain setting as defined in the config. so if youre not in a zone it says PVE unless TruePVE or NextGenPVE aren't loaded in the server at which point it says PVP regardless.
  5. lol I'm stupid and suddenly everything about these plugins is making sense. thank you! This fixed it. Been setting up too many plugin recently, my mind was too fried to get this one right XD originally i was just trying to match the name to the PlaceAnything entities file instead of just matching the shortname and skinID
  6. "BlackjackMachine": { "Name": "Blackjack Machine", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/B4WFUHo.png", "SkinID": 2960395193, "Category": "casino", "Tier": 2, "ResearchCost": 500, "Resources": { "targeting.computer": 1, "techparts": 5, "metal.refined": 50, } }, Thank you for looking. I'm probably doing something wrong, but not sure. edit: for the record, pretty sure repairbench is the wrong shortname, but I changed it to accurate ones like just "box.wooden.large" and the problem persists
  7. I'm really struggling trying to get this to work. each time it says: ! " is not correct shortname. here's the entity I'm trying to create "Blackjack Machine": { "BaseItem": "repairbench", "SkinID": 2960395193, "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/caboose/blackjackmachine/blackjackmachine.static.prefab", "NeedsTCAuth": true, "CanBePickedUp": true, "AdjustHeight": 0.0
  8. the flashbang explosion damage still damages players and so do molotov explosions. I turned off fire damage to help negate it, but a couple molotovs can kill players pretty easily and players are trying to abuse it. I also can't find the entities in the rule editor so I think they still need to be added or updated. Thank you


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