"Raid Proximity Threshold (in meters)": 140.0,
"Offline Raid Session Limit (per day)": 2,
"Base Session Cooldown (in minutes)": 45.0,
"Discord Webhook URL for Raid Alerts": "",
"Debug Discord Webhook URL": "",
"Enable Debug Logging to Discord": false,
"Enable Debug Logging to Console": false,
"Discord Queue Delay (in seconds)": 1.0,
"Is Server Vanilla?": false,
"Block Damage on Raid Limit Reached": false,
"Show Offline Raid Count (on modded servers)": true,
"Enable API Integration": false,
"API Authentication Token": null,
"API Base URL": null,
"Should decaying bases be flagged as abandoned only if they have no upkeep materials left?": false,
"The health threshold at which a base is considered decayed (e.g. 1.0 = fully intact, 0.8 = 80% health, etc.).": 0.8,
"Reset Time (24-hour format, e.g., '00:00' or '03:00')": "00:00:00",
"Exclude bases genrated by raidable bases": true,
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 5,
"Patch": 21
"Additional Blocked Entities": [