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Everything posted by ZockiRR

  1. ZockiRR

    not working

    Hi there, sorry for the late response, took some days off. May I ask what the problem was? Maybe it's something I can improve? Best regards ZockiRR
  2. ZockiRR

    not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  3. ZockiRR


    Interessting concept. I'll see what I can do, but it will definetly take some time.
  4. ZockiRR


    Is this more like an "unload before restart and load after restart" or an "unload and load by time or timer". Do you have any specific use case as an example and to understand the purpose?
  5. ZockiRR


    Of course I tested it myself and it does what it was designed to do. Do you have a particular concern?
  6. ZockiRR


    Version 1.3.3


    Advanced graphical plugin manager to easily manage plugins. Features Load/Unload plugins Unloaded plugins are unloaded permanently (not reloading after restarts) Convenient error lookup for not loading plugins Intuitive and super responsive UI (no lag for small UI changes and no mouse reset) Search/Filter function Back button for quick navigation No plugin dependencies Commands (Chat and Console) gplugins - Opens/Closes the UI gplugins.load <pluginname> - Loads the given plugin and removes it from the disabled plugins list gplugins.unload <pluginname> - Unloads the given plugin and adds it to the disabled plugins list Permissions Administrators don't need any permission Players can be given access with the permission 'gplugins.use' (for UI and commands) Hints Clicking the exclamation mark icon will show the error message at the bottom The disablement of plugins after restarts will not work if gplugins is not loaded Loading a plugin in any way other then gplugins when it is disabled in gplugins will not work Configuration uicolor.primary (rgba) - The primary accent color uicolor.disabled (rgba) - The disabled buttons color
  7. ZockiRR


    Version 1.3.0


    Advanced graphical permissions manager to easily manage player and group permissions. Features Assign/Revoke player permissions Assign/Revoke player groups Assign/Revoke group permissions Create, rename, clear and delete groups Convenient overview of given permissions per plugin Hierarchical wildcard permissions Back button for quick navigation Search/Filter function Intuitive UI No plugin dependencies Commands (Chat and Console) gperms - Opens/Closes the UI Permissions Administrators don't need any permission Players can be given access with the provided permissions: 'gperms.use' - Open the GUI (readonly, but needed for any action in GPerms) 'gperms.players' - Grant/Revoke player permissions 'gperms.playergroups' - Assign/Remove players from groups 'gperms.groups' - Grant/Revoke group permissions 'gperms.modifygroups' - Create, edit and delete groups Hints Directly granted permissions will be checked as green Inherited group permissions will be checked as blue To revoke all permissions of a plugin click the 1 level wildcard permission twice (grant all -> revoke all) Configuration perms.hidepluginprefix (true/false) - if set to false, the full permission names will be shown plugins.showwithoutpermissions (true/false) - If set to false, plugins without permissions wil be hidden players.showoriginalnames (true/false) - If set to true, the original playername will also be shown uicolor.primary (rgba) - The primary accent color uicolor.disabled (rgba) - The disabled buttons color uicolor.activetab (rgba) - The active tab color


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