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Everything posted by Cig

  1. Cig

    Build spots not working

    by the way the reason they dont actually go underground is the crane hates being under the terrain and the lake prefab doesnt work under terrain.
  2. Cig

    Build spots not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. Cig

    Build spots not working

    hey there thanks for letting me know checking the build spots are still buildable is not something i checked during the patches. however i did check both build spots and they are still working fine. there are two small prevent building volumes around the bunker doors to prevent players from abusing various things regarding the door but it is not what is causing your issue. i would assume you either placed the tower in a prevent building volume from another monument as you can not see the actual radius of them. or you have some plugin preventing them from building on the cubes. the server i tested them on has no mods/plugins other then oxide/rustedit dll. the first two pics show the build spots are still buildable as for the terrain trigger they are not actually there to allow them to pass thru the terrain they are used for the ambiance of a dark environment. make sure you properly apply the height mask for the prefab as players never actually to go under the terrain. the 3rd pic shows the height mask applied to the prefab. the only thing actually underground is the shredder
  4. Cig

    Broken prefab

    Changed Status from Pending to Fixed
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3
  6. Thanks for letting me know. I just returned from a long holiday break and am currently updating all my files. I have updated quandary tower and replaced the missing assets. Have a great day!
  7. Cig

    Missing assets.

    Changed Fixed In from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4
  8. Cig

    Missing assets.

    Hey thanks for letting me know. I just uploaded a new ver that fixes the issues as well as other misc fixes.
  9. Cig

    Missing assets.

    Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3
  10. Cig

    Missing assets.

    I have updated the file and fixed a couple other issues caused by updates. Thanks for letting me know. Have a great day!
  11. Cig

    Broken prefab

    Changed Fixed In to 1.0.1
  12. Cig

    Broken prefab

    Sorry for the delay, was on break for the holidays. I have updated the file and replaced the fridge and oven. As for your issue with dying when you walk it sounds like you have placed the prefab under ground with out using a terrain trigger. As this has no terrain trigger surrounding it this would kill you when you walk.
  13. it is working perfectly find. you are not installing oxide on your server correctly or there is some other issue. it was live on the server when you started this thread and i just tested it again and its still working fine.
  14. seems to be working just fine atm make sure you have oxide installed correctly on your server. also dont break the prefab will disconnect some stuff. if you want to edit it use the map provided. if you placed it in rustedit a whie ago and have conintued to do edits on the map there is a chance that random IO might have disconnected is a bug from prefabs that arent broken. i usually place it as one of the last things on the map link to oxide: https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit
  15. Cig

    Learn IO

    Version 1.0.0


    this is a free educational file to learn about rust io (rustedit electricity) it will teach you the basics of learning how to make stuff like this your self and more it also shows how to use the big nuclear silo door, has several fully functional circuits for several different doors that could also be used for puzzles, there is a circuit for auto lights to turn on lights at night please make sure to properly install rustedit dll on your server or none of this will work download here: https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit feel free to message me for help
  16. Cig

    Town of Love

    Version 1.0.1


    despite the name this is very much the opposite. with over 200 pieces of human meat scattered around this town is more like a place that was overrun by zombies/cannibals. its indented to be used with a plugin that spawns bots that players can fight. the visibility is limited inside thanks to the tall grass, fog and buildings everywhere. i suggest using npc's armed with incen rocket/smoke grenades/flash bangs for maximum confusion. there are a few simple puzzles and the puzzle that was designed to lead to the boss underground is the hardest puzzle. 45 io 124 loot containers 1861 prefabs this comes with no guide as its placement is simple and the puzzles are not that difficult (the npc's inside will be difficult for most players) feel free to message me in discord for any help or anything
  17. Cig

    Quandary Tower

    Version 1.0.3


    this is quandary tower. a very tall puzzle filled with over 15 puzzles that players will need to complete in order to reach the top. there are also 2 build spots that players can build in near the top that players will need to complete the majority of the tower in order to reach them. once inside the build spots players can not enter the tower from the door the entered the build spot via they have a private sliding blast door with its own io that they can set up so they can come and go as they please via there own private heli pad the base can still be raided but the raider will need to complete the majority of the tower in order to reach the base. the tower its self has a ton of puzzles and a few of them are very difficult and players will most likely get stumped on them. a lot of the puzzles are unique and they will most likely not of encountered them before puzzles requiring them to use drones/cranes/io/rf transmitters. most of the puzzles wont kill them but there are a couple that are deadly. 150 io 213 loot container 2988 prefab the video below does a quick run through of the tower but does not show it all, it also does not show how to complete the puzzles. there is a guide that comes with the prefab that shows how to complete the puzzles players usually got stuck on. it also shows proper placement of the prefab.
  18. Cig

    Supply Depot

    Version 1.0.1


    this is supply depot. the supply depot is more of a facade for the actual monument which lies below. above ground the supply depot is more like a roadside monument. there is a fairly simple puzzle that will lead them to an elevator which will bring them below. below they will land on the level of a high detailed strip club this level also has an npc at the bar that sells stuff feel free to customize the vendor profile to suit your server needs. there is also a green room and bathroom on this floor. on this floor there is also an elevator that will bring them to a full casino with all of the casino games customized. 20 io 30 loot container 1689 prefab this prefab comes with no guide as placement and the monument its self is very straight forward. feel free to message me on discord for any help or questions.
  19. Cig

    A lot of stuff missing

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  20. Cig

    A lot of stuff missing

    make sure you have https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit and https://umod.org/games/rust installed correctly on your server
  21. Cig

    Helipad broken?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.1
  22. Cig

    Helipad broken?

    thanks for letting me know i didnt realize the most recent patch removed it have uploaded a new ver with it fixed
  23. Version 1.0.777


    this is a set of poker tables that is intended to be customized to fit the theme of what ever you are making in order to use it properly you need to understand how the poker table works. when players actually sit and play the game they are not sitting in the chair. they are sitting at the poker table. the poker table prefab has 6 invisible chairs attached to it that can not be moved. basically dont move or rotate any of the chairs or tables in this prefab. just replace the prefabs to stuff you want using the replace selection tool this comes with no guide feel free to message me for help prefab count table a: 8 table b: 39 table c : 33 table d: 69
  24. Cig

    Rats PVP Arena

    Version 1.0.1


    so this is a recreation of the CSGO rats map where everything is scaled up to roughly 28x scale there are several paths in the walls, cabinets, fridge render range and colliders have been taken into account for every prefab (if you want to add more to the map keep in mind the majority of the items the colliders when scaled up work poorly in a pvp env) there is some loot 1 on a rat trap (that will kill them if they arent careful) and some hidden in the sink that they will have to pass above a shredder that will kill them if they fall the arena is pretty large but not too big for a pvp area i suggest placing this either underground or way up in the sky because its a massive prefab that isnt very pretty to look at from the exterior (if your service ceiling is lower then 1k i would place it between 3-4k 4k being the hard limit) its not intended to be able to enter/exit by physically walking so you will need to add ports to it there is no guide with this prefab as its pretty self explanatory and all of the critical info has been listed here feel free to message me for more info 857 prefab 14 loot container
  25. Cig

    Outpost 2.0

    Version 1.0.5


    this is essentially outpost and bandit camp combined plus a whole bunch more. its an amalgamation having prefabs from every monument. making outpost seem more alive and bringing more player interaction. the puzzle is difficult and the monument its self can be confusing your first time so this comes with a very detailed guide explaining all of the secrets not listed here (players would just use it to cheat their way though it all if it was listed here) 4011 prefab count 43 loot container 151 io whats in it? 3 recycler workbench 1, 2, 3 research bench repair bench custom shredder fully functional with multiple purpose 19 vendors (18 npc vendors and 1 vending machine) that have all of the items from outpost and bandit (you will most likely need to adjust prices for your server in the vending presets) 3 build spots quarry refinery large furnace stables with 6 horses that respawn after purchase 2 car lifts full casino with multiple floors fully functional drone market place info hub for your server that you will need to customize for your server a working custom wipe timer that you will need to set up once link explains how https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/server-wipe-timer execution chamber/holding cell a very difficult puzzle that requires a drone to complete basically all of the loot is in this puzzle an additional hidden room that you can use for server events/special stuff a free loot container for players to leave stuff in for other players bar peep show 3 chill lounge areas 2 zip lines 1 "RP" spot water well telephone booth 3 bbq 2 more hidden rooms 1 has a small loot room all of the mission providers from outpost and bandit airwolf heli vendor custom train tunnel entrance piano and stereo 4 computer stations and a drone port for the puzzle


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