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dan owen

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Everything posted by dan owen

  1. dan owen


    i just want it to automatically give them 30 days vip and give them a recycler when they donate to my patreon etc, i have two tiers, am very new to all this. i have a patreon set up and thats about as far as i have got, i will pay you what i paid for he plugin if you can set that up for me please? if i can't use my patreon i don't mind setting something else up, i just don't know what. VIPToken (2).json
  2. dan owen


    hi could I have some help at setting this up please am really struggling with it, I want it to give player automatic VIP when they buy a coin but I don't know where to start, every time i change something in the config it wont load the config back up, at this point I would literally pay you to set me a config file up and help me set it up so people can buy them, name the price??
  3. dan owen


    is this how its mean to look? also i got the message and it wasn't my base why was this please?
  4. dan owen


    i have nteleport downloaded, but it wouldnt let me teleport to anybody also what skin, and trade plug in works my email is danowenn95@gmail.com thanks
  5. dan owen


    oh so nteleport do work? i was not happy when i down loaded and found nothing happened apologies for my last reply if you could help me that would be top
  6. dan owen

    waste of money

    nothing works on it i have just paid another £30 to get pretty much the same as the player list, i already bought of you for £15 it does nothing more than that, not happy. could of at least implemented a trade option for the price, like it does kind of give of that impression in the pictures, i will be contacting paypal for a refund unless you can sort it yourself, sorry but i feel ripped off with this one.
  7. dan owen


    hi, do i need any other plugin for this to work like clans or trade because when i click trade nothing happens, thanks
  8. dan owen

    command doesnt work

  9. dan owen

    command doesnt work

    is it the url address from the last stages of creating your bot? the same one you post in the browser?
  10. dan owen

    command doesnt work

    am trying to follow it but its saying this? my bot token isn't invalid though, am i right in saying thats the #four numbers?
  11. dan owen

    command doesnt work

    [Discord Extension] [Error]: The given bot token is invalid. Please enter a valid token. Token: "#####"
  12. dan owen

    command doesnt work

    "Token (https://discordapp.com/developers/applications)": "", "Channel ID, where the player will take the code to confirm the profile": "" what do i put in these two please
  13. dan owen

    command doesnt work

    sorted it sorry about that, and sorry also am a complete beginner to all this would you mind sending me a noob prrof step by step on how to set the discord part up, i have everything downloaded i need, as far as am aware i have set my discord bot up correctly, its just the codes and things in the config part i dont understand with me being new to discord also, thanks.
  14. dan owen

    command doesnt work

    when i try put the command /raid it says command not known, also in my permission manager theres no box for the plugin to give myself perms
  15. dan owen

    command doesnt work

    it wont let me open the ui, I can't change the automated chat coming up in the in game chat telling people my server wipes on a certain day when it doesn't, I don't understand why you mod creators can't put a step by step file to show where everything is and how to change said things now am stuck with a chat telling everybody were running in Moscow times etc, am a first timer and these instructions aren't very clear. i have been through the config file and the lang file
  16. dan owen

    how low can you turn it?

    hi how low can i turn this am trying to see if it will help with lag on raidable bases while flying a minichopper
  17. dan owen


    is there anyway to show a list of commands for this plugin as i have a lot of players that don't know how to use it, maybe like a message that comes up telling them how to work it and what commands do what?
  18. does anybody know why when i type my shop command it says this plugin is set to be used with welcome panel, and doesnt open the shop i have welcome panel installed and all the commands are set right.
  19. hi has anybody ever come in to the issue when you type the command for shop it says shop is set to be used as addon for welcome channel, have all my commands etc set up, attached both configs for welcome panel and shop WelcomePanel (1).json Shop.json
  20. hi david could i also get instructions sent am struggling with this also
    good plugin did exactly what i wanted it to do. 10/10 simple to use. you should add something to change the height of the plane.


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