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Everything posted by Ajie

  1. Ajie

    Not working

    The Discord link is no longer functional, and GitHub may not work for everyone. The description has already cautioned: "Please have a hosting service ready for your MP3 files before making a purchase!"
  2. Ajie

    open menu support and default?

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. Ajie

    open menu support and default?

    I will add the option of default dark mode in the future, The plugin's default UI open future only supports some keys. If you want to use keys like F4, please guide players to use the console command "bind f4 emenu.open" to bind the key
  4. Ajie

    Button problem

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. Ajie


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.4
  6. Ajie

    Args don´t work

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.4
  7. Ajie

    Args don´t work

    Sorry i'm late, please try the new version
  8. Ajie

    Welcome Video

    Only play for this player after they join the server
  9. Ajie

    Welcome Video

    I will consider adding it
  10. Ajie

    Welcome Video

    Please send me your config
  11. Ajie

    Console command

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  12. Ajie

    Console command

    Oh, I tested it. The client is blocking commands from the server running these commands. So these commands is not available in this plugin
  13. Ajie

    Console command

    I think the "ent kill" runs on the client Please set "Server Run Command" to false
  14. Ajie

    Button problem

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  15. Ajie

    Button problem

  16. Ajie

    Button problem

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  17. Ajie

    Button problem

    Thank you!
  18. Ajie


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  19. Ajie


    Please try the new version.
  20. Ajie


    Can you send me your config?
  21. Ajie


    Version 1.0.7


    A Beautiful Server Menu UI, allows for unlimited categories and buttons customization. Features Supports Light and Dark Mode. Allows players to input custom parameters. Allows players to input command arguments manually. Supports adding an unlimited of categories and buttons. Categories and buttons can be configured with permissions, ensuring that only players with the permissions can access them. Support console or chat commands. Support for command running on the server. Commands ChatCommands /menu - Open EMenu ConsoleCommands emenu.open - Open EMenu Config { "Title": "SERVERNAME - MENU", "Description": "You can view all the features of this server in this UI.\nSurvive on our server! Enjoy it!", "Bottom Description": "Server Website: www.yourwebsite.com | Discord: discord.gg/yourdisocrd", "Open Commands": [ "/menu", "emenuopen" ], "Quickly open the UI(0=None|1=MiddleMouse|2=CtrlAndMiddle|3=ShiftAndMiddle)": false, "Default UI Mode (true = dark, false = light)": false, "Button Category List": [ { "Category Title": "Index", "Category Description": "Server features", "Category Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/sAeRp8j.png", "Category Permission": "", "Button List": [ { "Button Name": "Shop", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/shop", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" }, { "Button Name": "Kits", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/kit", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" }, { "Button Name": "Daily Rewards", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/daily", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" }, { "Button Name": "Backpacks", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/backpacks", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" }, { "Button Name": "Suicide", "Button Lable Color": "#ff0000", "Button Command": "kill", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" } ] }, { "Category Title": "Fun", "Category Description": "Enjoy it!", "Category Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/qmw5cNL.png", "Category Permission": "", "Button List": [ { "Button Name": "Luckly Rust", "Button Lable Color": "#0B72B2", "Button Command": "/lr", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" } ] }, { "Category Title": "Info", "Category Description": "Server Info", "Category Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/uQKMAT2.png", "Category Permission": "", "Button List": [ { "Button Name": "Info", "Button Lable Color": "#0B72B2", "Button Command": "/info", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" }, { "Button Name": "WelcomePanel", "Button Lable Color": "#0B72B2", "Button Command": "/welcome", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" } ] }, { "Category Title": "Transport", "Category Description": "Where are you going?", "Category Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/Wsqh9J6.png", "Category Permission": "", "Button List": [ { "Button Name": "TPR", "Button Lable Color": "#0B72B2", "Button Command": "/tpr %ARGS%", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "Please enter the name of the player", "Players Input Args": true, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" }, { "Button Name": "HOME", "Button Lable Color": "#0B72B2", "Button Command": "/home %ARGS%", "Button Permission": "", "Button Description (For Input UI)": "Please enter the name of the home", "Players Input Args": true, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" } ] }, { "Category Title": "VIP", "Category Description": "VIP features", "Category Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/qmw5cNL.png", "Category Permission": "EMenu.vip", "Button List": [ { "Button Name": "Vip Shop", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/vipshop", "Button Permission": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" }, { "Button Name": "Bank", "Button Lable Color": "#7AD9FF", "Button Command": "/bank", "Button Permission": "", "Players Input Args": false, "Server Run Command": false, "Default Input Args": "" } ] } ] } Title - The title displayed in UI. Description - The description displayed in UI. Bottom Description - The description displayed at the bottom of UI. Open Commands - Command to open UI. Start with / for chat commands Quick Open (Press the middle mouse) - If enabled, players can use the middle mouse button to quickly open the Menu UI. When enabled, a toggle button is displayed in the UI for players to switch on and off this feature. Button Category List: Category Title - Category Title Category Description - Category Description Category Icon - Category icon, Png Url Category Permission - Permissions required to access this category If leave blank, no permission is required. Button List: Button Name - Button Name Button Lable Color - Button Lable Color (HEX) Button Command - Command run by button Start with / to run a chat command, otherwise it is a console command If "Players Input Args" is set to true, you should use "%ARGS%" to represent the arguments input by the players. If "Server Run Command" is set to true, you can use "%STEAMID%", "%PLAYERNAME%", "%PLAYER.POS.X%", "%PLAYER.POS.Y%", and "%PLAYER.POS.Z%" as variables. Button Permission - Permissions required to access this button If leave blank, no permission is required. Players Input Args - set to "true," it allows players to input arguments manually. It will open a UI for players to input arguments. Server Run Command - true = Server, false = Client If the command still starts with /, it will still run as a chat command Default Input Args - Default input arguments.
  22. Ajie

    Super Medical

    Thank you. I'll check it
  23. Ajie

    Welcome Video

    Version 1.0.0


    Please have a hosting service ready for your MP4 files before making a purchase! If your video file link is not working, please try changing to a faster web service. Alternatively, consider reducing the video duration and size!!! Improve your server's atmosphere by greeting players with captivating videos as they join! The Welcome Video feature allows you to craft a visual experience for new players! Chat Commands: /wv - Disable / Enable the Welcome Video. /testwv - Test Welcome Video (Not need to rejoin the server | only admin) . Config: { "Permission Name": "WelcomeVideo.use", "Need Permission": true, "Welcome Video List": [ { "Need Permission (Empty = none)": "", "Video URL": "https://github.com/blgarust/music/raw/main/4_1.mp4", "Welcome Message (Empty = No Message)": "Welcome To Our Server, Now playing video for you~ (You can use command /wv to disable)" }, { "Need Permission (Empty = none)": "WelcomeVideo.vip", "Video URL": "https://yourwebsite.com/video.mp4", "Welcome Message (Empty = No Message)": "Welcome To Our Server, Now playing video for you~ (You can use command /wv to disable)" } ], "Only first-time join the server": false, "Players can disable the WelcomeVideo (/wv)": false } Note: players cannot do anything when the video is played Tips Ensure that your Music URL is a valid mp4 stream link. Provide a hosting space for your .mp4 file (services like GitHub work well for many, but not for everyone). Players cannot close the video UI when playing video. At this time, the player cannot do anything. MP4 files are recommended to have a duration of 30 seconds or less and a size of 5MB or less.
  24. Ajie

    Super Medical

    is working
  25. Ajie

    how to use the rabbit syringe ?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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