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Everything posted by The_Kiiiing

  1. Sadly I could not reproduce the error so I added a more detailed debugging system with the latest version. The next time you get this error please send me the error message so I can finally fix it.
  2. The_Kiiiing

    Restricted access

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. The_Kiiiing

    Restricted access

    You have to disable your oxide sandbox to fix this issue. You can either do it manually or by using this plugin https://codefling.com/plugins/disable-sandbox
  4. Version 1.3.3


    Get your server ready for Halloween! This plugin adds several options to make your server more spooky, including jumpscares when looting a crate, customizable NPC clothing and graveyards with zombies that spawn at night. Features: Graveyards with loot guarded by zombies Play spooky sound effects at night Jumpscares when looting a crate Custom NPC clothing Junk pile decorations New with version 1.3.0: Random jumpscares An NPC will randomly appear behind a player and make noises to get the players attention. When the player turns around, a configurable sound is played. The NPC will follow the player until it gets killed or destroyed by a timer. Video: https://imgur.com/a/1IsYXKV Command to manually scare players: jumpscare <playerNameOrSteamId?> Permission: halloween.scare - Required to use the jumpscare command Graveyards: The plugin comes with one graveyard built-in, you can also create custom grave yards. Graveyards spawn at night and are guarded by zombies. Inside you can find coffins with loot. They will burn down as soon as the sun rises. To create a custom graveyard you first have to build one. Any deployable in the game can be added to a graveyard with some serving a special purpose: Snowman: Placing a snowman in the graveyard will create a zombie spawn point at that position Coffin: Every coffin will be filled with loot when the graveyard spawns. The loot can be changed in the config To save a graveyard, go to the center of your graveyard and type /gy new . Now hit every object you want to include in your graveyard with a hammer. When you are done use /gy save <name> to save the graveyard. To spawn the graveyard at night you have to add the name to the config field "Grave yard configurations to spawn". Junkpiles: Every junk pile can be customized with decorations. Out of the box the plugin comes with a default configuration for each junk pile. To edit the decorations of a junk pile, use the command /jp <type> where type is a letter from a to j each representing a different junk pile. A junk pile will spawn at your current position. To add objects to the junk pile just hit them with a hammer and use /jp save when you are done. Custom jumpscare sounds: There are 2 default sounds for jumpscares: _scream and _laugh, you can also record custom sounds. To record a custom sound using the in-game voice chat, type /rec to start the recording and /rec again to stop the recording. You can check you current recording by using the command /rec test. A ghost will spawn next to you and play the sound you just recorded. To save your recording use /rec save <name>. Now you can add the name of the recording to the config field "Jumpscare sounds". Permissions: halloween.edit - Required to edit junk piles and graveyards halloween.record - Reqired for recording new sounds Configuration: { "Enable lightnings at night": true, "Enable fog at night": true, "Enable junk pile decorations": true, "Max decorations per junk pile": 2, "Max total junk pile decorations (set lower to reduce performance impact)": 2000, "Enable grave yards": true, "Enable fire when grave yards despawn (impacts performance)": false, "Show graveyards on the map (requires https://codefling.com/plugins/marker-api)": true, "Map marker settings": { "Name": "A Graveyard", "Radius": 0.2, "Color (hex format)": "#FFFF00" }, "Spawn graveyards during this time": { "start": 19, "end": 7 }, "Grave yard zombie health": 120.0, "Grave yard population at night": 20, "Allow grave yards on roads": true, "Grave yard despawn time (seconds)": 40.0, "Minimum distance between grave yards": 50.0, "Grave yard configurations to spawn": [ "_default" ], "Grave yard loot table": // Removed for readability "Grave yard zombie configuration": { "Npc name": "Zombie", "Health": 150.0, "Attack range multiplier": 1.0, "Sense range (m)": 50.0, "Vision cone (degrees)": 135.0, "Damage scale (1 = 100%)": 1.0, "Memory duration (seconds)": 60.0, "Roam range (m)": 30.0, "Chase range (m)": 50.0, "Remove corpse on death and drop bag": false, "Kit (requires Kits plugin)": "", "Clothing items": // Removed for readability }, "Enable sound effects at night": true, "Minimum time between sound effects (per player, in minutes)": 5.0, "List of sound effects": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/beartrap_scream.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/howl.prefab" ], "Custom NPC Clothing": { "stables_shopkeeper": [ { "Item shortname": "pumpkin", "Skin id": 0 }, { "Item shortname": "gloweyes", "Skin id": 0 } ] // Removed for readability }, "Custom NPC clothing ignored NPC skins": [ 11162132011012 ], "Loot jumpscare configuration": { "Enabled": true, "Jumpscare NPC name": "Ghost", "Jumpscare chance (%)": 5.0, "Minimum time between jumpscares (per player, in minutes)": 30, "Jumpscare sounds - played when the player is looking at the npc": [ "_scream" ] }, "Random jumpscare configuration": { "Enabled": true, "Jumpscare NPC name": "Ghost", "Jumpscare chance (%)": 5.0, "Minimum time between jumpscares (per player, in minutes)": 30, "Jumpscare sounds - played when the player is looking at the npc": [ "_laugh", "_scream" ], "Attention sound effects - played when the player is not looking at the npc": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/reactive target/effects/snd_knockdown.prefab", "assets/prefabs/clothes/halloween.scarecrow/effects/soul_release_effect.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/item_break.prefab", "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/effects/door-wood-knock.prefab", "assets/prefabs/weapons/cleaver big/effects/hit.prefab", "assets/prefabs/weapons/sword big/effects/hit.prefab", "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/gutshot_scream.prefab" ] }, "Recording command name": "rec", "Grave yard command name": "gy", "Junk pile decoration command name": "jp", "Jumpscare command name": "jumpscare" }
  5. This issue is most likely not caused by this plugin since the built-in stack size controller only allows stacking of items with the same skin id. Do you have any other plugin installed that messes with stack size?
  6. First of all thank you for your feedback. I will be adding lang support in one of the next versions. And the next time please comment in english
  7. I will eventually release a lite version of this plugin with only the core functionality. It might take a while though since I don't have much time at the moment.
  8. At the moment it only works with minicopters and scrap helis
  9. The_Kiiiing


    I will investigate this issue and release a fix soon
  10. You can either add it to the loot using https://codefling.com/plugins/loot-table-stacksize-gui or use the command documented in the description. And the next time please comment in english
  11. The_Kiiiing

    Vanilla Stack Size

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  12. The_Kiiiing


    Fixed it in the latest version
  13. The_Kiiiing


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.18
  14. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.18
  15. The problem is that facepunch removed certain fields form npcs so at the moment the plugin is unable to identify the npcs. I am working on a fix but it might take a little longer to fix
  16. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  17. The problem is that facepunch removed certain fields form npcs so the plugin is unable to identify the npcs. I am working on a fix but it might take some time
  18. Version 1.2.5


    SUPPORTS EVERY VEHICLE IN THE GAME! A simple plugin that brings in new types of fuel. Depending on the fuel type helis fly faster or slower. Out of the box this plugin adds 2 new fuel types to the game: Medium Grade Fuel and High Quality Fuel. For each fuel type you can configure a speed multilplier. For example High Quality Fuel makes helis go 3x as fast by default. Furthermore you can configure the fuel consumption per minute for each fuel type. Supported vehicles: Minicopter, Scrap Heli, Attack Heli Rowboat, RHIB Modular Car Small & Large Submarine Horse Motorbike Configuration: Item name: The name of the ingame item; set it to null to use the default item name. Fuel skin id: the skin id of the fuel item. Note that each skin id has to be unique and can not be used for multiple fuel types Speed multiplier: the speed multiplier for the heli, 1 = default speed. It is not recommended to set this higher than 4. Fuel consumption per minute: fuel consumption per minute, set to -1 to use the default fuel consumption. Loot Table integration: This plugin supports the custom item api of Loot Table and Stack Size GUI, so you can easily add your custom fuel items to the loot table. When both plugins are installed on the server, the fuel items you configured will show up in the custom items tab of Loottable (right image): Admin commands: fuel list - View fuel types and their id fuel <id> <amount> - Give yourself x amount of fuel with the given id fuel <id> <amount> <player name or id> - Give the specified player x amount of fuel with the given id These commands are intended for admin use only and require the permission helispeed.admin Default configuration: { "Fuel Configuration": [ { "Item name": null, "Fuel skin id": 0, "Minicopter speed multiplier": 0.8, "Minicopter fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Scap heli speed multiplier": 0.8, "Scap heli consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Row boat speed multiplier": 0.8, "Row boat fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "RHIB speed multiplier": 0.8, "RHIB fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Modular car speed multiplier": 0.8, "Tugboat speed multiplier": 0.8, "Tugboat fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Attack helicopter speed multiplier": 0.8, "Attack helicopter fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0 }, { "Item name": "Medium Grade Fuel", "Fuel skin id": 2501207890, "Minicopter speed multiplier": 1.5, "Minicopter fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Scap heli speed multiplier": 1.5, "Scap heli consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Row boat speed multiplier": 1.5, "Row boat fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "RHIB speed multiplier": 1.5, "RHIB fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Modular car speed multiplier": 1.5, "Tugboat speed multiplier": 1.5, "Tugboat fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Attack helicopter speed multiplier": 1.5, "Attack helicopter fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0 }, { "Item name": "High Quality Fuel", "Fuel skin id": 2664651800, "Minicopter speed multiplier": 3.0, "Minicopter fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Scap heli speed multiplier": 3.0, "Scap heli consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Row boat speed multiplier": 3.0, "Row boat fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "RHIB speed multiplier": 3.0, "RHIB fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Modular car speed multiplier": 3.0, "Tugboat speed multiplier": 3.0, "Tugboat fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0, "Attack helicopter speed multiplier": 3.0, "Attack helicopter fuel consumption per minute (-1 for default)": -1.0 } ] }


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