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About Team Finder (Discord)


  • You can find a player's teammates trough discord. You can ban cheater's teammates without having to log in. It shows the team leader with a crown emoji next to his name.


  • !team <steamid> (the prefix can be changed in server/oxide/discord.config.json)

Setup Guide:

  • Add Oxide.Ext.Discord.dll to yourserver/RustDedicated_Data/Managed https://umod.org/extensions/discord
  • Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and create a new application.
  • Choose your desired picture and name for the bot.
  • Go to the bot section and click add bot. Copy the bot token and add it to the config file.
  • Very important! Turn on the privileged gateway intents.
  • Go to the OAuth2 tab and click on URL Generator.
  • Select bot from the scopes then select Send Messages and Read Messages from the permissions.
  • Invite the bot with the link that can be found at the bottom of the page
  • Set the channel's id in the config file where the bot can be used.
  • Reload the plugin.

If you want to try the plugin before buying or you have some questions about this plugin feel free to join my discord server. I can also help you to set everything up or add a custom feature for you. https://discord.gg/7SwN28bnyc

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