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MinPopEvents 2.1.0

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About MinPopEvents

Will do another update shortly (2012-12-16) for Santa's sleigh event which is not handled.

Disables events if the number of players is below a configurable threshold. The required number of players is configured per event.

Events are:

  • Bradley APC
  • Cargo plane
  • Cargo ship
  • CH47 helicopter
  • Patrol helicopter


A configuration is automatically create the first time the plugin is loaded, allowing one to set the minimum required population for each event type.

  "Bradley APC": {
    "Minimum players": 0
  "Cargo plane": {
    "Minimum players": 30,
    "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/cargo plane/cargo_plane.prefab"
  "Santa's sleigh": {
    "Minimum players": 0,
    "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/sleigh/santasleigh.prefab"
  "CH47 helicopter": {
    "Minimum players": 50,
    "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47scientists.entity.prefab"
  "Patrol helicopter": {
    "Minimum players": 0,
    "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/patrolhelicopter.prefab"
  "Easter egg hunt": {
    "Minimum players": 0,
    "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/egghunt.prefab"
  "Halloween hunt": {
    "Minimum players": 0,
    "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/halloweenhunt.prefab"
  "Cargo ship": {
    "Noninitial loot round minimum players": [
    "Minimum players": 0,
    "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/cargoship/cargoshiptest.prefab"

Cargo ship loot rounds

Cargo ship can have a minimum number of players below which it will not spawn. Additionally, the number of loot rounds can be modified with the population. In the example above, cargo ship requires a minimum pop of 5 players to spawn with a single loot round, 20 players for 2 loot rounds and 30 players for 3 loot rounds. Set "Noninitial loot round minimum players" to an empty array to use default cargo loot rounds.

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