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RustBotCDK 1.0.6

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About RustBotCDK

A very userful card key system!




  • You can use it work with your online shop or card on-line automatic card platform.
  • Whatever you can think of, it can be done!(Including all commands and items)

How to use:

  1. The administrator generates a specified number of CDKs through the console command
  2. Find the CDK you just generated in the directory oxide/logs/RustBotCDK
  3. Add these CDK To your online shop or card on-line automatic card platform;
  4. After the player purchases and obtains the CDK, he can use the chat command to obtain the corresponding items, etc.

Console Command:

  • cdk_add <key> <amount>  Add specified amount CDK for a key. Make sure your config contains key name. You can find cdks in oxide\logs\RustBotCDK, like screenshot. Every time you generate cdkeys, it will be writed in a new file.

Chat Command:

  • /cdk <cdk code>  |  Redeem every thing the CDK contains.



  • Type of CDK is what you want to do,if it is "item", it will only give your player list of items, like the following example "vip1"。
  • When setting the list of items, do not exceed 24 slots. Items with the same skin will be stacked, but will not exceed the set number of stack.
	"Length( Length of CDK )": 15,
	"All Kits( Keys was used by command!)": {
		"vip1": {
			"Type of CDK(item|command|all)": "item",
			"Bind on Player": false,
			"CDK can be used times(-1 is infinite)": 1,
			"Oxide group can use": [
			"List of Command( %steamid  will be replaced with the userid of the player using the CDK)": [
				"example command",
				"o.show user %steamid"
			"List of Item (Max count is player containerMain capacity)": [
					"Item Shortname": "scrap",
					"Item SkinID": 0,
					"Item Amount": 1
					"Item Shortname": "scrap",
					"Item SkinID": 0,
					"Item Amount": 1
		"vip2": {
			"Type of CDK(item|command|all)": "command",
			"Bind on Player": false,
			"CDK can be used times(-1 is infinite)": 1,
			"Oxide group can use": [
			"List of Command( %steamid  will be replaced with the userid of the player using the CDK)": [
				"example command",
			"List of Item (Max count is player containerMain capacity)": [
					"Item Shortname": "scrap",
					"Item SkinID": 0,
					"Item Amount": 1
					"Item Shortname": "scrap",
					"Item SkinID": 0,
					"Item Amount": 1
		"vip3": {
			"Type of CDK(item|command|all)": "all",
			"Bind on Player": false,
			"CDK can be used times(-1 is infinite)": 1,
			"Oxide group can use": [
			"List of Command( %steamid  will be replaced with the userid of the player using the CDK)": [
				"example command",
			"List of Item (Max count is player containerMain capacity)": [
					"Item Shortname": "scrap",
					"Item SkinID": 0,
					"Item Amount": 1
					"Item Shortname": "scrap",
					"Item SkinID": 0,
					"Item Amount": 1


  "CantFindGroup": "Can't find {0} from config!",
  "WrongArg": "You have entered an wrong parameter.",
  "CantFindCDK": "Failed to query CDK. Please check whether it is incorrect or has been used!",
  "ClearBackpack": "Your backpack contains other items. Please <color=red>Empty your backpack</color> and try again.",
  "SuccessG": "Generated successfully, Please go to the oxide/logs/RustBotCDK to check!",
  "SuccessUse": "CDK used successfully!"

Thank you for your support!



  • 可以通过此插件生成指定功能的CDK来放到你的发卡平台或者淘宝店铺。
  • 基本可以实现任何功能,有需求可以在 Support 区提出来。


  1. 管理员在控制台窗口输入控制台指令生成对应的CDK;
  2. 在目录下找到 oxide/logs/RustBotCDK;
  3. 把这些CDK放置到你的淘宝店铺或者发卡网站;
  4. 玩家购买CDK后,通过聊天框指令输入并获得对应的物品或者功能。


  • cdk_add <组名> <生成数量>  添加指定 组名、数量 的CDK。确保你的配置里包含这个 组名 。 在目录 oxide\logs\RustBotCDK 可以找到你生成的CDK,每次输入指令生成CDK时都会生成一个新的CDK文本。


  • /cdk <某CDK>  |  领取该CDK所包含的内容。


  • Type of CDK 是你希望他能干嘛比如填写"item", 它就只会给物品而不执行命令,如果填写"all",则既执行命令,又给物品
  • 设置 List of item时, 不要超过 24 个槽,也就是不要超过24个不同物品. 同样皮肤的物品会自动叠加,但是不会超过你设置的叠加数量。


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