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Не удалось вызвать крючок "OnEntityTakeDamage" на плагине "QuestSystem v0.0.1" (Исключение NullReferenceException: ссылка на объект не установлена на экземпляр объекта)
в окиси.Плагины.Система квестов.OnEntityTakeDamage (сущность базовой битвы, информация HitInfo) [0x0002f] в <c5d58e637c3648b386cbf661bf82bc41>:0 <c5d58e637c3648b386cbf661bf82bc41>
в окиси.Плагины.Система квестов.DirectCallHook (System.Имя строки, Система.Объект и ret, Система.Объект[] args) [0x0040f] в <c5d58e637c3648b386cbf661bf82bc41>:0
по крайней мере.Плагины.Шарплугин.invokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Плагины.Метод HookMethod, Система.Объект[] args) [0x00079] в <31122a27a2414cd799150f8677cf39d4>:0 <31122a27a2414cd799150f8677cf39d4>
в Oxide.Core.Плагины.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.Имя строки, Система.Объект[] args) [0x000d8] в <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>
в Oxide.Core.Плагины.Плагин.CallHook (System.Струнный крючок, Система.Объект[] args) [0x00060] в <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0



Как это исправить???

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35 minutes ago, Wolf said:

Не удалось вызвать крючок "OnEntityTakeDamage" на плагине "QuestSystem v0.0.1" (Исключение NullReferenceException: ссылка на объект не установлена на экземпляр объекта)
в окиси.Плагины.Система квестов.OnEntityTakeDamage (сущность базовой битвы, информация HitInfo) [0x0002f] в <c5d58e637c3648b386cbf661bf82bc41>:0 <c5d58e637c3648b386cbf661bf82bc41>
в окиси.Плагины.Система квестов.DirectCallHook (System.Имя строки, Система.Объект и ret, Система.Объект[] args) [0x0040f] в <c5d58e637c3648b386cbf661bf82bc41>:0
по крайней мере.Плагины.Шарплугин.invokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Плагины.Метод HookMethod, Система.Объект[] args) [0x00079] в <31122a27a2414cd799150f8677cf39d4>:0 <31122a27a2414cd799150f8677cf39d4>
в Oxide.Core.Плагины.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.Имя строки, Система.Объект[] args) [0x000d8] в <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0 <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>
в Oxide.Core.Плагины.Плагин.CallHook (System.Струнный крючок, Система.Объект[] args) [0x00060] в <0fbce81d88d64454b3e7abb24df7026b>:0



Как это исправить???

hi, you can also contact me on eng, today I'll see what's wrong

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18 hours ago, Butler said:

I cant get the progress to start. Just tried sulfor ore but nothing happends.

Today I will take a look about your mistake

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Could you please add an X close button?  Player are used to that in the top right to close popups.  I did figure out clicking outside closes it, but others might not.

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1 hour ago, Mals said:

Could you please add an X close button?  Player are used to that in the top right to close popups.  I did figure out clicking outside closes it, but others might not.

In the new version of the plugin, this button has already been added.
There will be a global plugin update soon.

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Hello X, looks like you have a good plugin here. is there a way to have multiple requirements to achieve one quest? Example instead of collect 10 bears, make a quest to collect 10 bears, 20 deers, 5 chickens and 10 boars for a hunter quest?  Then this will be an awesome plugin. You will be the first to have multiple requirements. Thanks! awaiting your reply.


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Good answere! with a cmd or just remove it from the data file?
btw theres still suflur.ore in the .cs file

Edited by Watcher
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3 hours ago, Watcher said:

Good answere! with a cmd or just remove it from the data file?
btw theres still suflur.ore in the .cs file

Delete from data file. There are no more problems there)

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3 hours ago, Watcher said:

Good answere! with a cmd or just remove it from the data file?
btw theres still suflur.ore in the .cs file

If you, as an admin, want to stop the player's quest, then only through the data file

If as a player, then in the menu it will be possible to stop the execution

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I buy already.
Please add option to give oxide perm to player.

Type Prize:

1 - Item,

2 - CustomItem,

3 - BluePrint,

4 - Command

5 - Oxide Permission


          "ShortName": "",
          "Type": 5,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Name item": null,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Command": "",
          "Permission": "personalanimal.boar"
          "URL Image": ""

In rocon one would type
oxide.grant user <User name or ID> personalanimal.boar
oxide.grant user "Lighted Shadows" personalanimal.boar

Please make so if "Type": 5 it will 
Get Player ID
Get "Permission": "permission.name"
Then send Command: oxide.grant user <User name or ID> personalanimal.boar

Also add UI close X in the UI in top right.


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15 hours ago, Lighted Shadows said:

I buy already.
Please add option to give oxide perm to player.

Type Prize:

1 - Item,

2 - CustomItem,

3 - BluePrint,

4 - Command

5 - Oxide Permission


          "ShortName": "",
          "Type": 5,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Name item": null,
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Command": "",
          "Permission": "personalanimal.boar"
          "URL Image": ""

In rocon one would type
oxide.grant user <User name or ID> personalanimal.boar
oxide.grant user "Lighted Shadows" personalanimal.boar

Please make so if "Type": 5 it will 
Get Player ID
Get "Permission": "permission.name"
Then send Command: oxide.grant user <User name or ID> personalanimal.boar

Also add UI close X in the UI in top right.


This function is already in this plugin, try installing the data:
Type item: 4
Command: oxide.grant user "Lighten Shadows" personal animal.boar

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1 hour ago, XAVIER said:

This function is already in this plugin, try installing the data:
Type item: 4
Command: oxide.grant user "Lighten Shadows" personal animal.boar

That will grant "Lighted Shadows" personalanimal.boar
What if "Dave" does the quest?

This Does not work

          "ShortName": "",
          "Type": 4,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Name item": "null",
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Command": "oxide.grant user $player.id personalanimal.boar",
          "URL Image": "https://i.ibb.co/B2FvH7K/fbears.png"


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8 minutes ago, Lighted Shadows said:

That will grant "Lighted Shadows" personalanimal.boar
What if "Dave" does the quest?

This Does not work

          "ShortName": "",
          "Type": 4,
          "Amount": 1,
          "Name item": "null",
          "SkinID": 0,
          "Command": "oxide.grant user $player.id personalanimal.boar",
          "URL Image": "https://i.ibb.co/B2FvH7K/fbears.png"


oxide.grant user %STEAMID% personalanimal.boar

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I am unable to use this plugin

Error while compiling: QuestSystem.cs(486,44): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `NetworkableId' expression to type `uint'

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On 5/30/2023 at 11:08 AM, Lc7king said:

I am unable to use this plugin

Error while compiling: QuestSystem.cs(486,44): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `NetworkableId' expression to type `uint'

The fix will be within this week

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Question on building quests could I build a quest to kill a specific NPC created with the Bot Respawn mod? A would like to make some find and kill a specific npc 5 times type quest. Maybe something like a specific name or something?


Edited by highmark9090
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