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Npc Random Raids 1.9.5

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whats difference between this and the one i have already purchased - NPC Raiders ??? 

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This is random raids with triggers not player based more pvp style then pve.

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i dont know where to put the code is it the raidablebases.cs or randomraids.cs and where exactly when i paste and save it does not compile


Posted (edited)

you must put it in the raidablebases.cs   search for word  void OnServerInitialized()  and add ABOVE that line.


if using the free version of Raidable bases it has been updated and does not require the update to it 


Edited by Razor


This looks really good, just one question - Does the NPC Trigger work with the BotReSpawn plugin?


Posted (edited)

Hello there ... "After a certain amount of npc kills have a random chance to raid the players base"
"so you think you can keep killing us? now we are coming " what timmer is ?

So "Delay before chance happens": 320.0,
 "Random raid timer time": 3600,
is this sec or min ?

Will it restart number of kills after raid or after 1 kill after timer they will raid again ?
"Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 1440, will it use this or
"Trigger by npc kills" "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440,
Iam gonna use only npc kills not random ..i have false on random 

Edited by copcopekcro


The chances and delays are in seconds    I am working on the update and will add support to reset the number of killed if player hits his raid chance and gets raided 


Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance"   Means if using random raid then it wont search for a random raid again tell that secconds

"Trigger by npc kills" "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440,  Means they can not get raided again for x Seconds after raided.

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Can I shoot an effect video



can we get a video on this please as im uncertain what it does exactly



Yes i have someone in the works of making one.


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8 hours ago, TomHud said:

can we get a video on this please as im uncertain what it does exactly

I am working on a video for this plugin. 

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On 10/7/2022 at 5:52 AM, TomHud said:

can we get a video on this please as im uncertain what it does exactly


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randomraid random

randomraid reload


Please add a command that can be used in the console without the need to log in


Posted (edited)

no work

A base that has been attacked once will not be attacked more than once?


I want to send my config file so please let me know your discord


what is this?
A second raid will not occur at a place where you have raided once. I get this log

[RandomRaids] No good random raid locations at this time.


  "Random settings": {
    "A player on the tc must be online": false,
    "Use random raid timer": true,
    "Random raid timer time": 3600,
    "Chance of random raid at time (1-100)": 100,
    "Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 1440,

Edited by NEXT

Posted (edited)

if the players are on cooldown witch is set here "Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 1440,

then they can not be raided again tell after that cooldown. that is in minutes Not seconds so set to a lower number. 


In your example you have it set for one day so a raid will not happen there again for one day.

Edited by Razor


where does the mp3 file need to be placed and can i have more than one file it can pick from?  [random1,random2,random3] ?

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1 hour ago, 406_Gromit said:

where does the mp3 file need to be placed and can i have more than one file it can pick from?  [random1,random2,random3] ?

This is not implemented yet as i tried with the boombox but its not loud enough so trying to figure out another solution.

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7 hours ago, Razor said:

プレイヤーがクールダウン中の場合、ウィッチはここで設定されます。「許可されたプレイヤーのクールダウン分は、偶然に再びランダムに襲撃されます」: 1440、



あなたの例では、それを 1 日に設定しているので、1 日に再び襲撃が発生することはありません。

thank you very much



Any chance of adding a toggle command that disables the plugin's function for the player that issues the command? I know some players don't want their bases touched at all.

Would it also be possible to add permissions for each type of raid to occur?

Looks solid so far, thank you.

Bad Land


hello. its possible add a notification in middle the screen instead the chat? 



i was hoping you'd hear me out on plugin suggestions

1. right now it displays grid location to every player i've remove that via lang config but hoping i could have option for ONLY player who is being raided

2 have a variety of raider spawn via their model eg 

a. bandits use satchel charges/multigrenade

b scientists use fire rockets 

c heavies c4/rockets/guns  

d tunnel dwellers optional 

this would give a variety of raid types making this event random  

3. have a reward box spawn for completing raid  maybe xmas present spawn?

THANK YOU for your plugin, this is a great addition for low pop servers

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im a tight bastard is this going to be in the black friday sale ?



sorry another question ... wondering players often build raid bases when raiding a RB for example.  do the npcraider attack ANY base owned by the player?   so there is a chance they could attack the raidbase only and not there main base ?

does this work for teams? say 2 players were teamed but both had bases and they done a RB together ... What base would the npc raiders raid ?  each of them or only 1 of them ?



2 hours ago, nashslash said:

does this work for teams? say 2 players were teamed but both had bases and they done a RB together ... What base would the npc raiders raid ?  each of them or only 1 of them ?

this plugin uses the auth players on TC and as far as i can tell its  a random TC selection, as an admin watch theirs raids and see how many are auth on a TC normal to help manage a type of raid that does a revenge attack however that don't usually help since you'll probably have 1 master builder on a team of 8 so my guess is plugin would need to support team integration. 



If using just the random setting it scans for a base if finds a base it can raid it will go only after that base.. if there is other members authed on the tc they also get put in the cooldown you set so they cant be raided again for x cooldown.

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