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Christmas Tree Presents 1.1.0

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About Christmas Tree Presents

Christmas Tree Presents allows for presents to spawn around players Christmas trees to make the trees come alive!


Plugin properties

- authorization setting
- limit 1 per player or infinite
- add fireworks
- Vip multiplier
- 3 types of gift boxes
- timing in seconds
- chat message when gifts arrived
- added UI when open Christmas Tree




Config file:

"Enable plugin?": true,
"Need permission to use plugin for player?": false,
"Include the accessories when the Christmas tree is created?": true,
"Only 1 Christmas tree presents / player?": true,
"Large present spawn count/time": 1,
"Medium present spawn count/time": 1,
"Small present spawn count/time": 1,
"VIP multiplier": 2,
"Spawn presents time (seconds)": 1200.0,
"Spawn FIREWORK?": true,
"Send chat message to player after gifts spawned? (only if '1 Christmas tree presents / player == true')": true,
"Enable Christmas Tree UI? (for owners)": true,
"Christmas Tree Image": "https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/thumbnails/011/288/221/small/christmas-garland-wreath-png.png"


Lang file:
(31 lang file)





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