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Message added by RustFlash,

Please do not open a discussion on Codefling, unfortunately I do not receive any notifications.
I would be happy if you contact me in my Discord. Just select the FLASH role there and write me a ticket.

Maybe you will also find one or the other free plugin in the Discord that you like.

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About MyTugBoat

Hey friends, welcome to my boat! Today I have something really nice for you: My plugin for the Tug boat offers you numerous additional options. It's perfect for farming, but also for monitoring your own protection! As soon as you start the engine, you have access to the boat radar. If you move away or switch off the engine, the radar is closed.

You can use the radar to move through the world. The position and direction of travel are displayed based on the compass direction. You can also use the radar to scan the underwater world using sound - just like a real boater. Enemy players, sharks and, of course, underwater loot are displayed on your radar based on the position on the radar.

Make the water world more interesting for your players! I hope you have a lot of fun with this plugin. If you want, you are welcome to join our support discord. This plugin works perfectly with our TugFarm plugin!


UI - A real-time radar

Compass - Display of the compass direction

Loot - Detection of underwatercrates

Sharks - Detection of sharks

NPCs - Uncovering NPCs


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load, run, enjoy 💝


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